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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. I used to work in this field so maybe I can shed some light. In the case of co-witing i.e. Jagger/richards, Tuapin/Elton John etc... Both parties had a hand in the creation and therefore get a split. What the split is, is determined by a contract that is on file. Writing credits also called publishing are paid to the writers at a standardized rate (in Canada I think it's 7cents a minute per song, per copy pressed.) for every time the song is reproduced. These royalties are collected by a private agency like the Canadian Rights and Reproduction Association or by the record compnay themselves and then paid to the writer. As for who gets paid when the song is played, that is different. That is called performance rights and are collected by SOCAN and distributed to the writers/holders of publishing. The players on the recordings themselves do not get paid beyond the original session payment unless they had some tyoe of special contract. Basically studio playes get paid large one time sums, or a % of sales if the negotiate well, or can negotiate for a % of the writing credit but unless they do this in advance in writing they do not get paid beyond the original session unless they wrote it. It pays to be the writer.
  2. I'm a huge fan. Never seen them but have many albums and live recordings. Great players.
  3. I bought the delux double album release a month ago at Rotate This, killer! A forgotten masterpiece. Especially the song "Holy Man"
  4. One of the greatest trumpets players to ever play. Easily in the top 3. His records on blue note are classics but I love his funky 70's output too... This one's super funky...
  5. Not gonna happen. But he is right J.P. id not holding up his end of the bargain to provide Halladay with a competitive squad.
  6. Not exactly sure of the capacity, but I know there will be 2 rooms and we are on from 12:15 to 1:15am.
  7. All I could get at 10:00am this morning was $80 tickets plus service charge which made them over $90 for 300's!! Not even 200's!! I love Fleetwood mac but for that price I have to be closer. And $150 for Floors and 200's is crazy! I have a feeling this is not going to sell out in this economy. Who is running this tour?! The Eagles tour manager?! FAK!
  8. Yeah we had Icons at my elementary school in grade 4. I guess we were ahead of the curve.
  9. Priceless. Soon all reporters will have to surrender their shoes before entering the press room.
  10. I just got off the phone with ticketmaster and they told me that the $79 tickets are only in the 300's! which means the floors, 100's, 200's are all $149eac! That is crazy! For that price I am out. I will try Monday though.
  11. They played Toronto once at Lee's Palace in 2001, I was there it was a decent show. About 70% full.
  12. SO the Mac is back and coming to the ACC Monday March 26th. Anyone know of a fan club or pre-sale on this one?
  13. Anyone think Bosh is on his way out? I mean recently in interviews after a few of thier losses he seems at the end of his rope. Usually he is a very composed guy but recently he has seemed totally pissed. Can't blame him but I have a sinking feeling this could be the beginning of the end and another rebuild (were on rebuild number 7 I think) if we don't make the playoffs this year. Ugggh.
  14. Can we get a Coalition countdown clock here? Something like the McCain "no talk" express clock? Can't wait, it's like having two x-mas's! Yippie!
  15. Agreed Massey hall woudl be great but they have no business calling it the Grateful Dead without Garcia. It wouldn't be right. Glad to see them play but don't use that name.
  16. Here's a kickass clip of the Dub trio killin' it! Played with them in Buffalo a couple years back and it was insane.
  17. Ahh that's a bummer. I always loved Merl and sw him twice over the years with One Step Beyond at the Comfort Zone. Great shows and a great man with a big heart. He will be missed.
  18. Can't wait to play with Garaj Mahal next Thursday at Lula Lounge. I really did their Indian-Jazz-Fusion sounds, great technique. A real treat. I love Fareed Haque's guitar lines, very fluid and engaging check this vid... ----
  19. Good to hear. I agree with you. I have seen the Grateful Dead about 25 times and probably 7 of them were questionable. But I always realized the Dead were not about perfection but rather improvisation and taking chances in the moment. And even at those questionable shows I had a great time. Glad to hear it from someone who was there.
  20. Great snaps! I was in buffalo yesterday coming back from the Little Feat show in Rochester and I overheard many disgruntled fans saying that the show was very poorly played and disappointing and seemed badly rehearsed. Any thoughts on that?
  21. Thanks Brad you rock. :thumbup: This is the board feed from Bisco 7. We played a solid set even if the drums are flat in the mix. a fun listen. more to come....
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