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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. I was also shut down! Agghh I have to do the Ticketmaster dance when I am in Rochester in Hotel as I a seeing Little Feat that day... This is gonna be rough...
  2. Yes that is a bummer. But beggars can't be choosers.
  3. Thanks D-Jango appreciated. I got it now.,
  4. Do you have to be a member to download this? I can't seem to figure out how. What is the ZFK?
  5. I like classic AC/Dc and saw them on the ballbreaker tour but this album (the cuts I've heard) bores me to tears. I suppose I shouldn't expect anything different but it is very standard and unexciting. Maybe it's just me but I doubt anyone will be listening to "Black ice" in 3 years time.
  6. I'm gonna call my new band the "A.I.G. and sub primed all-stars"
  7. Thank god or whatever higher power you worship.....
  8. "foreplay" by Boston... Long shot but it would be appropriate. They have played it before and features the lyrics 'It's been such a long time...long time...' If not that... Chalkdust.
  9. I just booked at the Ramada for $69 a night with Priceline through their "price chop" option which means I can cancel! I'm covered now crossing my fingers and toes that I can get a ticket via pre-order or tickebastard!
  10. Just requested my tickets! I have a feeling this is going to be the most difficult hotel to book ever. Summer tour 'o8! Who's got my flashback!
  11. I don't deny that Canadian health care is slower due tot he fact it is egalitirian and isured all so the volume is much higher. The problem with the US system is the rich get coverage while the rest get sick and die. Have you ever looked at how much health coverage costs in the US?@!! It's a fortune even companies that provide it for their workers are scaling it back more and more. If you lived in the US I am not so sure you'd be covered. Or if you are lucky you may be able to be one of the health care elite.
  12. I just heard that home ownership in the US is now lower than it was in the Great Depression. WOW!
  13. I have to call you on this on Bridy. I travel to the US all the time and have gone on many tours through the heartland. Everytime I go I always buy health coverage here just in case something happens to me. A couple times I got real sick and had to use my health insurance and go to private health care providers to get treated. In my experience the wait times were longer and the care was worse. I have had to go to private care 3 times in the US and only once would I say it measure up to Canadian standards.. When was the last time you were seen by a private health care professional in the US? In extreme cases of surgery you are right, if you have the money you can skip tot eh front of the line in the US but that doesn't mean the care is any better..only faster.
  14. Hillarious! Another rumour. At this point even Plant's statement could be a rumour!
  15. Could be if Yellowman was actually on it, it would make it worth buying. So it has taken them like 10yrs+ to record this one!! I think they recorded a bar a day and the pro-tooled it together. That's living on the edge. I guess its hard making an album stoned on crack. Things can get so confusing.
  16. This show will go until at least 3am. If there is enough people still there it could go until 4am. See ya on the dancelfoor.
  17. Sad truly one of the greats! They don't make actors like that anymore.. R.I.P.
  18. I'll believe this when I see tickets for sale. This could all be more bullshit. I mean just last week Page was in Toronto for the Film Fest. and when asked if they would tour he said no, they did their reunion. Also as much as I love Zeppelin to death and as good as the o2 show was I am not sure plant can do it night after night. He has the toughest job and can only hit maybe one or 2 high shrieks a night. The rest of them can still play but he can't nail that range. Not sure if he can do it night in night out. and for the record the new Queen is ridiculous. Imagine if Page brought in this guy to sing again...uughh
  19. here is a video from the last time we played with the New deal. Pullin' teeth (live) @ Opera House The music is a dance based hybrid of drum & bass, techno, jazz and dub played live. Hope to see you there Check the following sites for music samples: chameleonproject.com myspace link
  20. Lohan also came out of the closet. Finally.
  21. Midnight at the Oasis is a classic by her. Great voice!
  22. I disagree with this article. I think Bill Clinton (especially on the daily show last night) has really put his sway behind Obama. I hope he continues to do so. I also don't think his blowjobs made any difference in getting Bush elected. The Republicans literally rigged both elections and stole them. Thievery pure and simple.
  23. C'mon you know those polls mean very little in the long rn and we're only 2 weeks into the election process. And did you here about the recent conservative debacle by a 28 year old member Chris Reid Toronto??!! He is advocating people carrying concealed handguns and bascially calls the people on the Grey Hound (where that guy was beheaded a while a go) cowards.. Birday, there is lots of time for the Cons to fuck this up and they thankfully look like they are. And c'mon Harper is so pro gun and pro oil. And if he could he's let Bush mount him.
  24. This is a non-starter. There is no new format, there can't be. Now that everything is so easily digitized, music can be put onto an off of any device. The only possible new formats will be different file types and really now with memory so cheap, pretty soon everyone will juts buy .wav files and we'll be done with those terrible sounding .mp3s. End of the road I'd say.
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