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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. Man the Celtics could be really killer this year. Nice to see some changes for KG he needs a shot...
  2. This is quite the loaded statement for someone who 'will never personally be on facebook'. How so? Just because I don't personally use Facebook does not mean I have not seen it in action and know many people that do use it. I am aware of it's basic premise and operation. Either case it's creepy and not for me. But if you love it, keep on it.
  3. Much of this has been said but... 1. you must be invited to play 2. Listen, listen , listen and do not step on other players toes. 3. Wait for your turn to solo as directed by a band member in the band you are "sittin in with". 4. Play stylistically "in line" with the song, do not attempt to force a technique or style that is not appropriate. 5. If you are not sure of a part in the tune...lay out until you are confident. 6. Keep it simple, clean, and poignant.
  4. I will never personally be on Facebook. It is waaay to narcissistic for me. In Facebook the entire currency is people and their gossip or stories and how they know people... I need no part of that... I'd rather meet people in th real world. Not to mention if I were a girl it would be a huge liability as Facebook is basically a stalkers best friend.
  5. Photo gallery of classic soul artists
  6. Mike Hennamen deserves a mention too....
  7. The Chameleon Project is happy to be a part of Come Together again.... Looks like a eclectic line up, look forward to hearing Circuit Breaker..I hear they rock...
  8. Insane.. I am glad no one got hurt. So sad to see the instruments and the old VW go down like that.... Good vides to the Jaydawg.
  9. #254. Songs About Unions 1. Old Crow Medicine Show - Union Maid 2. United Steel Workers Of Montreal - Union Man 3. Billy Bragg & Wilco - I Guess I Planted 4. Drive-By Truckers - Uncle Frank 5. Uncle Tupelo - Coalminers 6. The Band- King Harvest 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  10. Every year cooperstown gives out the "Fireman" award. This is the award for the best closer in the AL and NL... I ask you who you like as the best all-time"Firemen". My picks right off the bat are..... and In a related matter see this myspace for a laugh.. [url= http://www.myspace.com/beardedreliefpitchers ]
  11. cool stuff Absolutely and jazz harmony is in a large way based on this concept. Jazz guitar and piano players play with those relationships to provide different textures and tone colours to illicit specific moods or feels. Often as a guitarist, when playing a chord, I will not play the 1st note (or root) or the 5th. In a four note chord all you need is the 3rd and the 7th. The third delineates if the chord is major or minor and the 7th adds colour and establishes what parent scale the chord originates from. You don't have to play the 5th as you ear will automatically "fill it in" in your mind. This happens because of the overtones (ghost notes that can be heard around the target pitch as a string vibrates when plucked) heard from the root note up. Basically if you know how to manipulate these relationships you can play any chord almost anywhere with the proper substitutions... Instead I can substitute other notes like the 6th, 4th, flat13 Bill Evans is largely credited for this type of playing,,,
  12. Good for you guys. We played with KJ Sawka in Toronto and he's a great cat and a killer drummer! All the best in the US....
  13. As I said I was confused by your post. I now understand that you were also confused by my response. I understand how you may have thought I was being critical of Trey, in comparing him to Jerry's bad diet, lack of excersize etc... That is not what I meant. Sorry if that was badly worded, my fault. I was being critical of Trey's (and really anyone's) self destructive heroin use. I will also submit there is a huge difference between physically addictive drugs and ones that are not. I think a massive line in the sand can be made there, regardless of if you "party" (whatever that exactly means?) or not. As for blaming heroin for all Trey's problems, I don't. Frankly I don't care about his other problems, they are his, just like I have mine and you yours. They are for us to deal with individually. The difference my problems, and I assume yours, is that they won't kill us if we take too much. The heroin is the only thing I care about in this scenario, as it is the only lethal factor. I agree that Trey seems to be doing the right, thing, as you say, but only time will tell. We have no clue what he is doing in private, all we know is that he is not touring. The bottom line is it is too early to tell. It hasn't even been a year yet. Jerry seemed to be doing the right thing too after his coma in 1986, but we know how that turned out. Only time can be the judge. Either way I wish Trey well, great musician.
  14. Story link Big Brothers, Big Facebook: Your Orwellian Community A few days ago I stumbled across a couple articles mentioning TheFacebook, and a little start-up capital they happened to get in the sum of $13 million. The number intrigued me, so I did a little more research, a little more stumbling, and found something that even I still have a hard time accepting. So, here's what I came up with: (p.s. - I'm hoping that someone from EFF or people concerned with privacy rights will take notice. This really worries me and a lot of my friends.) TheFacebook.com, created in February of 2004 by 21 year old Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg, is a student social network now active at more than 800 campuses, with more than 2.8 million registered users. [1] Among its features, TheFacebook allows a user to upload a picture of themselves and can include information about their favorite music, books, movies, their address, phone number, e-mail, clubs, jobs, educational history, and even political affiliations. Facebook is extremely popular, attracting on average 80 percent of a school's undergraduate population. However, there are some questions raised regarding privacy concerns on the site, and when some digging is done to find out who is really behind the site's management, there are more questions than answers. The first venture capital money to come into TheFacebook, $500,000 worth, came from venture capitalist Peter Thiel, founder and former CEO of Paypal. [1] A Stanford graduate and former columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Thiel is author of the book "The Diversity Myth," [2] which received praises from notable neo-conservatives such as William Kristol. [3] In fact, Thiel is on the board of the radical conservative group VanguardPAC. [4] Further funding came in the form of $12.7 million from venture capital firm Accel Partners. Accel's manager James Breyer was former chair of the National Venture Capital Association (NVAC). [1] Breyer served on NVAC's board with Gilman Louie, CEO of In-Q-Tel, [5] a venture capital firm established by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1999. [6] This firm works in various aspects of information technology and intelligence, including most notably "nurturing data mining technologies." Breyer has also served on the board of BBN Technologies, a research and development firm known for spearheading the ARPANET, or what we know today as the Internet. [7] In October of 2004, Dr. Anita Jones climbed on board, becoming a part of a firm packed with leaders from other areas of Silicon Valley's venture capital community, including none other than Gilman Louie. But what is most interesting is Dr. Jones' experience prior to joining BBN. Jones herself served on the Board of Directors for In-Q-Tel, and was previously the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for the U.S. Department of Defense. Her responsibilities included serving as an advisor to the Secretary of Defense and overseeing the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). While the nearly $13 million that came from Accel to fund The Facebook certainly looks suspicious and unfortunately disturbing after reviewing all of this information, the only problem on the surface seems to be the appearance of some incestuous relationships between the Pentagon, the CIA, and these venture capital firms. But this goes further than just the initial appearances. DARPA shot to national fame in 2002 when John Markoff of the New York Times announced the existence of the "Information Awareness Office" (IAO). [8] According to Wikipedia, "the IAO has the stated mission to gather as much information as possible about everyone, in a centralized location, for easy perusal by the United States government, including (though not limited to) Internet activity, credit card purchase histories, airline ticket purchases, car rentals, medical records, educational transcripts, driver's licenses, utility bills, tax returns, and any other available data." [9] Protests came from civil libertarians on both the right and the left who saw the IAO as a new Orwellian arm of the United States government. After Congress investigated DARPA's project, funding was cut off and IAO was essentially dead in the water. The Information Awareness Office seems to have survived some of its original purposes in a mutated form, found in today's Facebook. In fact, one of IAO's original example technologies included "human network analysis and behavior model building engines," [10] a surprising echo of the social networking mapping that Facebook does using SVG visualizations. [11] Add that to the information that Facebook collects and compare it to the startlingly similar goal of the IAO. It appears at first glance that DoD, along with the CIA, has managed to circumvent its previous Congressionally established limitations and find corporate sponsorship for its programs, under the thin veil of a useful social network for unwitting college students. And those college students continue to log on to TheFacebook, completely unaware of the massive affronts to their privacy. The so-called "Privacy Policy" [12] of Facebook includes a statement saying that they "may share your information with third parties, including responsible companies with which we have a relationship." It goes on to say that, "We may be required to disclose customer information pursuant to lawful requests, such as subpoenas or court orders, or in compliance with applicable laws. Additionally, we may share account or other information when we believe it is necessary to comply with law or to protect our interests or property. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, agents or government agencies." Some of the aspects of the privacy policy are downright creepy and confusing. This particular gem is especially disturbing: "Thefacebook also collects information about you from other sources, such as newspapers and instant messaging services. This information is gathered regardless of your use of the Web Site." And there's no telling when the privacy policy may change. As of when this was written (July 1, 2005), the policy was effective as of June 28, 2005. Who knows where the information they collect about these three million college students, alumni, and professors is going, or what they intend to do with it. The fact that these companies and agencies are all so closely related, and that The Facebook has almost no organizational transparency are all cause for concern. Hopefully we can soon uncover the truth.
  15. really not any of my business as I don't know the guy personally... out of respect for his music I wish him the best good to hear you've stopped getting high I'm confused by your comment? I love Trey and his music too and I wish him the best. But, unlike Trey I have never done heroin and I never went on TV denoucing it only to get busted later for possessing heroin and driving while high. What I am saying is that the jury is out on weather or not he will take the hint and clean up. We simply do not know yet. Only time will tell either way... ...and as such the jury is still out on how Trey will proceed with his rehab and the rest of his life...
  16. I think he has learned from Jerry's mistakes. He did' date=' after all, choose to break the band up before it got so big that he couldn't (which was one of Jerry's big problems) and he thanked his arresting officer and readily sought treatment when he got busted.[/quote'] The jury is still out on that one.
  17. I have the Biography channel and it was on TV last night at around 10pm.
  18. So last night I was lucky enough to catch the Jerry Garcia Biography. Well done! With great interviews from Steve Parish, John Perry Barlow and others... ...then theres Trey. Trey was in the Bio glowing about how important and influential Garcia was and then goes on to talk about the dangers of Heroin and how sad it was to see the Dead in their final years when Garcia had withered away and was dying. He then goes on to talk about how Heroin puts you in a comfortable bubble, but it is a selfish and destructive thing. What a hypocrite! Why can't this guy learn from Jerry's faults. I hope Trey wises up before he follows the same road Jerry did right to the grave.. All in all everyone said more than the heroin it was the lack of excersize, smoking and eating nothing but junk food for his whole life that killed him.... The whole thing made me sad..sad that Jerry is gone and sad that Trey has fallen so hard...
  19. ..So I just saw this special on dating in Canada on CP24 and surprise, surprise Toronto was rated the worst city to date in Canada. The funny thing was the person being interviewed had no response as to why?...other than the fast pace of life.... Yikes... Oh well I still love the city for it's entertainment and beautiful skyline...but socially it's got issues...
  20. Are you serious? You say sorry for bumping into people in the city? Just keep walking. People bump into oneanother. Expect it to happen. Are you serious brother? Its just this thinking that I find our young people today believe and thats why we have such negative unfriendly remarks of our city... don't just keep walking ... say ur fucking sorry! I back this up 100% I have lived and in very near by Toronto my entire life and regardless of how cold a city is basic manners and decency are expected. If you bump into someone a quick "sorry" is manditory.
  21. What I don't get is this: I have traveled and spent time in many large US cities and while they are certainly more violent and there is the treat of real danger, people in general are more outgoing and friendly. In bars there, I find people will actually approach you to talk or whatever. In Toronto which is waaaay safer than any US city, large or small, people are totally standoffish and strictly interact with people they know or came with to the bar etc... Makes no sense....and I can't really explain why to my friends from outta town.
  22. Question: Is Toronto one of the worst places to meet new people, especially for dating? I ask as I have a couple friends from out of town (one from the US and one from Europe) who both were shocked at how cold, standoffish and generally rude people were when they socialized in this town. They both remarked to me how confused they were that Toronto is a beautiful and safe city but the people were so cold. They both related to me that they thought it would be very difficult to get to know people that were not "friends of friends" here. I kinda knew this all along being a life long Torontonian, and having traveled a lot, but I guess I forgot and just accepted it. I also just accept that you don't talk to people (especially of the opposite sex) in Toronto, that you7 don't know unless they talk to you first or you are introduced, as you will be looked at like you are serial rapist or a complete sleaze bag player. What are your views? Agree or disagree? And why do you think Toronto had this reputation of being a socially cold place and a terrible place to meet people in general? Take into account the size of the city has no impact as I have been to many equally large cities in the US that are not like T.O. What is the deal in this town? This is not the first time friends of mine from out of town have commented on this.
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