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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. I think I am the only person who does not find this movie hysterical. All m friends, who generally have he same tastes in comedy as me loved it. I thought it was average at best and a bit boring. Haven't seen the Hotfuzz though.
  2. This chick is on Crack! i have too visited many large Us and world cities and Ottawa is in good shape and certainly no worse than Toronto.... And for the record I saw no crackheads when I was just there for the Bluesfest.
  3. Shortest moe. set ever! Whaaa Happen? 1 hour?!
  4. It's all about Steve Miller baby! I'm amped!!
  5. I agree Bouche tough call I love Lobos too, but I've seen them 3 times in 2 years in T.O. and it's been a while since Clinton. I think I will sneak a song or two in by them for sure. "Mas y Mas"
  6. They have a few good tracks (horse with no name, sister golden hair surprise and Ventura highway) but in the later 70's they went all Christian and they lost me... Some of it is smooth and that goes a long way.
  7. You are correct Steve Miller has been suffering from bone spurs on his spine for a while and has made his touring days rare. This is the first one in years and is the main reason I am making it to the Bluesfest this year. I need to see this living legend before he stops touring...
  8. No worries Brad, we are coming up on Tuesday so you'll see us in the crowd for moe.and P-Funk.
  9. Hi y'all,, Me, Magnum and my buddy Steve are headed in from the T-dot for this and I wanna know who else on the board is up for this?...
  10. The Chameleon Project wishes you a wonderful B-day and many more.....
  11. Pretty much all of them....surprise surprise....
  12. I was there and it was adecent show but I liked this one better when it happened... Tuesday, July 20, 1999 Molson Amphitheatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Check: My Soul, How Long, Dream Weaver Set I: Chalk Dust Torture, Sample in a Jar > Cars Trucks Buses, The Sloth, Divided Sky, Waste > Ghost, Wilson > You Enjoy Myself Set II: Twist > The Moma Dance, What's the Use, Train Song, Also Sprach Zarathustra > Misty Mountain Hop Encore: Guyute, Hello My Baby Show Notes: Misty Mountain Hop debuted at this show, although it had previously been heard at soundchecks.
  13. Nice one Velvet, I'm gonna print a few out for when I come in from the T-Dot on Tuesday... Bitchin'
  14. Agreed. Los Lobos is so much more than La Bamba. It's thier funkified hard ass mexicali bluez I love. How far is the River stage from the moe./P-Funk stage? They are on at the same time...
  15. Uggh. So it's liek that a the blues fest. That sucks, I am coming for my first time to the event on Tuesday and Wednesday to see moe., p-funk and Steve Miller.. I will be pissed if there is no dancing space... That is the one thin I like about American shows everybody young and old is on their feet and into it..why is Canada so stereotypically reserved? Either way I'll be there and will join in your fight against the lawnchair evildoers!
  16. Now that's a heavyweight bassist! Jackie Mitoo's bassist! That's killer... Mittoo was the king of the B3
  17. When did Trey stop doing junk?? Maybe now but Shine was earlier...
  18. You mean he spins exclusively Argent? Whaaa?? that's badass.
  19. even worse there is a show in Toronto that makes me ill just thinking about it... Collective Soul and Live @ the Koolhaus... Yikes....
  20. I would not trust vista until it has gone through 2-3 generations. It takes that long for Microsoft to work out the kinks/bugs.
  21. Pentagon Confirms It Sought To Build A 'Gay Bomb' Hank Plante Reporting CBS5 (CBS 5) BERKELEY A Berkeley watchdog organization that tracks military spending said it uncovered a strange U.S. military proposal to create a hormone bomb that could purportedly turn enemy soldiers into homosexuals and make them more interested in sex than fighting. Pentagon officials on Friday confirmed to CBS 5 that military leaders had considered, and then subsquently rejected, building the so-called "Gay Bomb." Edward Hammond, of Berkeley's Sunshine Project, had used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain a copy of the proposal from the Air Force's Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio. As part of a military effort to develop non-lethal weapons, the proposal suggested, "One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior." The documents show the Air Force lab asked for $7.5 million to develop such a chemical weapon. "The Ohio Air Force lab proposed that a bomb be developed that contained a chemical that would cause enemy soliders to become gay, and to have their units break down because all their soldiers became irresistably attractive to one another," Hammond said after reviwing the documents. "The notion was that a chemical that would probably be pleasant in the human body in low quantities could be identified, and by virtue of either breathing or having their skin exposed to this chemical, the notion was that soliders would become gay," explained Hammond. The Pentagon told CBS 5 that the proposal was made by the Air Force in 1994. "The Department of Defense is committed to identifying, researching and developing non-lethal weapons that will support our men and women in uniform," said a DOD spokesperson, who indicated that the "gay bomb" idea was quickly dismissed. However, Hammond said the government records he obtained suggest the military gave the plan much stronger consideration than it has acknowledged. "The truth of the matter is it would have never come to my attention if it was dismissed at the time it was proposed," he said. "In fact, the Pentagon has used it repeatedly and subsequently in an effort to promote non-lethal weapons, and in fact they submitted it to the highest scientific review body in the country for them to consider." Military officials insisted Friday to CBS 5 that they are not currently working on any such idea and that the past plan was abandoned. Gay community leaders in California said Friday that they found the notion of a "gay bomb" both offensive and almost laughable at the same time. "Throughout history we have had so many brave men and women who are gay and lesbian serving the military with distinction," said Geoff Kors of Equality California. "So, it's just offensive that they think by turning people gay that the other military would be incapable of doing their job. And its absurd because there's so much medical data that shows that sexual orientation is immutable and cannot be changed." Story link NBC story
  22. Just wait until the day before Bush leaves office and you'll see how many cronies he pardons. This is just the beginning. brutal.
  23. I have been told that a Facebook group has also been started for this event. I am not Facebook savy, but my partner in crime DJ CutHowYaLike has spearheaded it. Search for "Sweetback" and you should find it..
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