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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. I like to rock. April Wine is playing for free in Kanata tomorrow.
  2. One restaurant I always enjoy in that area is The Village Café, on Richmond just west of Kirkwood. It falls into the "nice but not too fancy or expensive" category for sure. The food and service are always excellent. I've not tried the Gastropub yet but it's next on my list.
  3. The helicopter is security for the big terrorism trial going on in Ottawa. Tissue man - get back to me the next time you book a flight and have to pay the fuel surcharge. There's no electricity surcharge on concert tickets (yet).
  4. In my not so humble opinion, air shows are a colossal waste of fuel that would be better used in passenger aircraft.
  5. I thought RTF was awesome and I totally enjoyed it. I've never had a better time at a jazz festival.
  6. Forget Monoprice. Go to Future Shop or Best Buy and get some "Monster" brand cable. Monster is the most expensive, so it totally must be the best.
  7. You're right, I did make that assumption. What I did not assume was that you would set me up with complimentary passes. Awesome buddy!
  8. I would imagine that rocket science is also rocket science.
  9. For the 2nd time in as many weeks, Bouche has provided me with a new quote.
  10. HBD! Hope you had a great day.
  11. In. Rain or shine. Had pulled the pork sammy yesterday, probably go for the full rack today.
  12. Freak By Night

    Gas Range

    My hand is raised. I never use the silverware. It's stashed away and needs polishing.
  13. I've watched every game in the finals. Nothing like high-def and surround sound. Go Celtics!
  14. We were there Friday evening. Arrived at about 8:30pm, served our food at about 9:30 pm. There was some beef in the roti, but not $17.99 worth.
  15. What time were you there on Friday Hux? Didn't see ya! Slow service is agonizing when you're really, really hungry (which is most of the time for me).
  16. You're right about that song having magic powers, but ESPN (owned by Disney) has no part in TSN. TSN is owned by CTV/Bell/The Globe & Mail
  17. Personally I watch HNIC for Satellite Hotstove. Seriously though, you guys (badams and booche) are right. If you want a good laugh, check out the user comments about this issue on the cbc website. The stupidity of the masses just astounds me.
  18. There were too many 12-year olds putting swear words in the shout box to see what would happen. Anyone remember Mike Hunt?
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