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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. We tried the Caribbean Flavours last night. The jerk chicken was very good, but the beef roti - where's the beef?! The service was quite friendly, but very slow. For their prices, I'd expect better.
  2. I bet the guy's ashes taste better than Pringles.
  3. One older movie that I saw recently was "The Converstion" with Gene Hackman and a young Harrison Ford. Highly recommended if you've not seen it yet.
  4. Well that's it. I'm going back to smoke signals.
  5. Hollywood's coming out with their own version of "Das Experiment" next year. I predict it won't be as good as the German version.
  6. Neil Young summed up how I feel about this 20 years ago, in his song "This Note's For You".
  7. Screw this. I'm going back to cassettes.
  8. Mmmm ribs... starts on June 18th!
  9. If you're talking about Rideau River Provincial Park, I've camped there and it was very good. It's a provincial park so the facilities are top-notch.
  10. I may be old, but I've got a mind like a steel trap. I remember this exchange on the sanctuary from last October: Cleveland is an area outside Middlesbrough in the UK. AD - FTW x 2
  11. That banana bread was amazing. Why doesn't anyone ever make steak bread?
  12. Thanks folks! I'm older, but not necessarily wiser.
  13. Happy Belated Hal! You're birthday is the same day as mine - I remember that from last year! At least you got a heady Happy Birthday thread. I got nothin'!
  14. I wish I had a job that required drug testing. I'd be incredibly good at it.
  15. Nope. It's a guy's name, quite popular in Quebec. e.g. Maxime Talbot (plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins).
  16. I said the exact same thing to FreakByNight while in line at German Town yesterday. I seem to remember your comment including the word "rack", although I thought you were referring to the shelves of lunchy goodness at German Town - the best soup & sandwich takeout joint in downtown Ottawa for those of you not from the Capital.
  17. Doesn't anyone remember DJED? He put these rumours to rest on this board over 2 years ago:
  18. Getting tires installed at Canadian Tire is great if you enjoy having a wheel fall off your car as you drive away!
  19. Bouche isn't talking about going to the movie tonight, instead, he figures he'd better hide his life-size cutout of Indiana Jones so that the people coming to see his house don't trip over it.
  20. Ha! No one litter box in my house is enough. My co-worker who gave me this coffee, didn't realize it was instant. He also has some beans (which he bought for $50 for 200g) and is going to give me some tomorrow, so I can have a "proper" cup of cat-shit coffee. I'll let you guys know how it goes!
  21. I tried the Kopi Luwak this morning. It had a good roasted flavour and was strong. However I can't believe people would pay $120/lb. or more for this stuff. It wasn't that special. Though to be fair, the sample I tried was instant - just add boiling water. I imagine a proper coffee shop would prepare it espresso style and it would have been better.
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