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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. It would be interesting to see a follow-up story after the Indiana primary showing how many of those 3000 bothered to put down the beer bong and go vote.
  2. EASTERN CONFERENCE (1) Montreal vs (8) Boston [color:green]Boston in 4 (2) Pittsburgh vs (7) Ottawa [color:green]Ottawa in 4 (3) Washington vs (6) Philadelphia [color:green]Washington in 4 (4) New Jersey vs (5) NY Rangers [color:green]New Jersey in 4 WESTERN CONFERENCE (1) Detroit vs (8) Nashville [color:green]Detroit in 4 (2) San Jose vs (7) Calgary [color:green]Calgary in 4 (3) Minnesota vs (6) Colorado [color:green]Minnesota in 4 (4) Anaheim vs (5) Dallas [color:green]Anaheim in 4
  3. Here's an interesting article about why Fleury is going to blank the Sens I can't believe Fleury and the Penguins couldn't figure this out on their own. I could have told him that before the gold medal game in the World Junior championship game of 2004.
  4. Awww, we coulda had some brown acid.
  5. Yes indeed Birdy, that shoe throwing took place in Barrie.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I think Oasis rock. I might even go to this show after all. They have some great songs. When I saw them back in 96 I thought they were jerks, because they spat at the crowd, insulted them, and kicked running shoes at them. Now, to be fair, these were running shoes that some idiots had thrown at the band earlier. I got my first exposure Ryan Adams on PBS just this past Saturday. Very impressed with him and his band. I've listened to some of his songs before but now I've seen what he does in concert. Too bad he's the opener in this double bill.
  7. Not to mention the "legion of assholes" that are the band Oasis!
  8. NHL sets attendance mark I did my part by attending 24 games this season!
  9. I wonder if Lipps still does his schtik with the dildo. I saw Anvil open up for Iron Maiden way back in 1982. Awesome show!
  10. Sounds like a very distinguished name. As in "Robert J. Havinbeers, esq."
  11. Must be nice! Yeah, I think this is winter's last hurrah. The weather calls for nice and sunny this weekend, with a high of 15 on Sunday, and warmth well into next week.
  12. I'll try it out Mike. Let me know when you make it!
  13. It's Too Bad people hate Nickelback. Someday, people will see Chad Kroeger for the Rockstar he is. The guy can fellate himself? That may make him a Leader of Men, a Hero, but I don't want to see a Photograph.
  14. I'm with you Matt. I've been ranting about this for a couple of years now. Air pollution is the more immediate threat - if we take care of air pollution, global warming will take care of itself.
  15. I don't even know what Zima is. Here's a handy tip for those of you going to the game tonight. They sell tall boys of Canadian at the game for $8.50 each. You can buy them at the LCBO for $2.50 each. Stick 'em in the freezer at home for an hour before you go to the game, and stuff them in your coat pockets. I've been doing this since the days when a love-tap to Kovalev's wrist meant playoff elimination.
  16. Let's hope he's managed to stay away from the "snow" too.
  17. You know what I think would go a long way toward saving a lot of energy? Something I saw in my travels in Europe 4 years ago: - escalators that don't move until somebody steps on. - hotel rooms where the electricity won't come on unless you're actually in the room, and if you open the door or window the air conditioning shuts off automatically. If more hotels and businesses implemented these simple measures in North America, it would be like taking thousands of cars off the road. Not to put down Earth Hour, every "drop in the bucket helps", and I will participate. I'm going to be in Philadelphia this weekend, it will be interesting to see if Earth Hour is observed.
  18. Congratulations! It's a great feeling eh? Now it's time for a mortgage and line of credit.
  19. I wasn't planning to go anyway, but that's a bummer! Hopefully he fully recovers, just in time for the summer tour!
  20. I can't wait to watch television, crank the heat, and roast a turkey in the dark.
  21. I know where I'm going for lunch! Just so happens I've got Mcdonald's coupons with me today. I have friends who used to work at McDonald's, and you wouldn't believe how true that is! Brilliant!
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