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Everything posted by Hartamophone

  1. Happy happy, Edger! Hope you had a stellar day and are looking at an even better year ahead.
  2. I love that the founder of Megaupload had legally changed his last name to Dotcom.
  3. Thanks guys. And you're right, edger, about the fan possibly saving our lives. The cops said it would have been best to pretend to be asleep if we'd woken up, but I doubt that I would have been clear-headed enough to do so.
  4. Sent an e-mail to a buddy of mine who is a die hard Leafs fan. Told him I had just sent him a postcard from Africa, but it looks like I'll have to send him another one from inside the playoff picture. Too easy?
  5. RIP. I hope he's hitch-hiked his way to meet his birth father in that great big Port Hope in the sky.
  6. If you've ever handled a penny, the government has your DNA.
  7. I'm assuming there was some sort of weather-related reason that made this newsworthy?
  8. Yeah, I struggle with that, too, especially since I tend to just want to get things out there. I used to just write and post immediately, often without even re-reading the whole thing. Definitely have more of a balance now, which I think is paying off, and most things still get posted the day I start writing them. Cool that you got that book.
  9. Thanks pal. Definitely taking a little more time with each post these days and doing more editing after the initial barf on the page process, so it's nice to know that it's making a difference. Read your most recent nerolog a couple of times to get me back in the writing state of mind.
  10. A questionable beginning to an epic road trip: The Gates of Johannesburg
  11. A pretty innovative use of web cam technology. Figured some of the music teachers on here would find this interesting. NY Times story
  12. Sweet! It's always a blast to see familiar bands in unlikely destinations. Take good notes.
  13. That's great news. I'm a big Reid Genauer fan, but haven't really enjoyed Assembly of Dust since Nate Wilson left. Looking forward to listening to these shows.
  14. Yeah, that's a bummer. Really enjoyed his harmonies. Interesting, too, the way they worded it. Makes it sound like it was their decision and not his, though I could be reading too much into it.
  15. Losing a pet is the fucking worst. Sorry for your loss, Kev., but it looks like neither your family nor Marley could have been a better fit for each other.
  16. Beat me to it. I should have known.
  17. Beers and beers all night Still don't think I'm drunk enough Have you seen my pants
  18. Heading out of town for a while tomorrow, for what is shaping up to be a rather epic trip. I'll check in with blog posts when I can. First stop after a night in Joburg is the place where this happened:
  19. Today on ESPN.com they had a graphic: most fourth quarter or overtime comebacks by a rookie quarterback in his first eleven starts. Tebow is, of course, #1. I found it funny, though, the extent to which they had to reach to find any quantitative measure by which Tebow is exceptional. Personally, I'm hoping that they nab the wildcard and get trounced in the first round by a team that doesn't collapse for the five minutes a game Tebow decides to show up.
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