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Calamity Jane

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Everything posted by Calamity Jane

  1. separated at birth?? oh, we'll get along just fine, methinks! We can up the heckling ante to a level not yet heard or seen in the jamband world! thank god! I thought this saving the world thing was going to fall to us regular, enviro-minded folks. Wow...that's a load of my plate!!!
  2. allison...I've thought this many times before...and this last post of yours just sealed it! will you be my friend? you're awfully clever and well-spoken (written), kind, compassionate, fair-minded, and passionate. To sum up...I think you ROCK!
  3. oh, btw Ari...if you can, get to the small town nearby called Solo..rent a bike and tour around the countryside, keeping your ears open for the sound of gamelan....there's a raft of small fabrication shops (basically the back rooms of family homes) where you can watch traditional artisans making the various sizes of gamelan gongs(?) which are then sold all over Indonesia..... oh yeah...eat plates and plates of gado-gado for me!
  4. Awesome to hear from you Ari!! So glad you made it to borobudur...such a marvel...especially when you consider it was rebuilt from a tumble of ruins much like those 3-D puzzles you can now buy. yogakarta was one of my fav places in indonesia for sure. hope the good times continue!
  5. but you should be fine as long as you've had a recent tetanus shot!!
  6. right back atcha, Lex...it's been waaaaayyy too long, sister!
  7. sooo...a lurker out of the forest, eh? guess that means you know more about us than we (yet) do of you.... get drunk, post weird, possibly regrettable shite, run naked through threads and we'll call it even! WELCOME!
  8. awesome! I always thought this would be so cool (or an old school house) where? give the details (and date and time of the housewarming )
  9. and don't forget to check out/subscribe to freecycle: E-mail FreecycleTO-owner@yahoogroups.com for questions
  10. Well YATS, for all my widget, whatsamacallit and thingamajiggy needs, I usually go to any Value Village (there's a big one right at Landsdowne and Bloor) Once upon a time, there was a big Goodwill store at Adelaide and Parliament (maybe??) that had a whole floor of furniture. I think that location is gone, but surely there's another one that has taken its place. I remember they even had affordable delivery for those sofas that just won't fit on your back
  11. who's going? really excited for Thursday's show in Ottawa...in an United Church! Apparently it's also a fundraiser for eye disease. blind boys of alabama
  12. well I certainly like 'option B' as the easiest and laziest on my part Plus, we trust your taste in music and movies, impeccably. we really do need an in-house computer-tutor though...last time a friend tried to help us with bit torrent, things in the system went all wonky-legged and sea-sick, so being the faux-pirates (yaarrr!) that we are, we just gave up. I'm coming to terms, though, with getting a little bit less tech-savvy each year. I'll be happy as long as I can keep all my own teeth for ahile yet.....
  13. sweet jesus, KK! that Eric Schwartz tune is sacrilious (or sacrilarious)
  14. hey meggo...you guys wanna meet a little earlier for a bite (there or elsewhere)?
  15. ummm...I'm really not the techie nerd I want to be...can you teach me how to do this?
  16. we be meeting the J & Kaytesters round 'bout 9! anyone else going come for a drinkie-poo?
  17. it's acceptable then? okay: New Theme.... Given the reason for our long weekend, the new theme is to list songs which reference crucifixion, persecution, or saviours. If there is a direct reference, quote the line after the song. 1. Grateful Dead - Unbroken Chain ("Roll you down the line boy, drop you for a loss, Ride you out on a cold railroad and nail you to a cross.") 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  18. rationale: ~~people often do their best to 'play nicely' here ~~when people do speak harshly of others, there is often a quick backlash "Why can't we be friends?", followed by alternate lashes of "we don't all HAVE to be friends and like each other" sorta thing ~~and finally there seems to be lines of grandiosity and illusion/delusion in the lyrics as well
  19. Theme: Songs About The Sanctuary (This theme is very loosely defined, and very much open to interpretation; but if any players don't understand why the song is about The Sanctuary, they can ask you about it, meaning that your song-choice may be open to challenge, so be prepared to defend it...) 1. The Circle Jerks - I Just Want Some Skank 2. The Doors - People are Strange 3. The Slip - Sorry 4. Diesel Dog - Chico 5. Bob Dylan - Disease Of Conceit 6. The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary 7. J. Geils Band - Sanctuary 8. Cracker - Don't fuÇk Me Up (With Peace and Love) 9. Beatles - Come Together 10. Friendship - Tenacious D 11.Join Together - The Who 12. War - Why Can't We Be Friends?
  20. wow booche, you continue to impress me with your creative insults..."drinking ass-milk through a straw"...that's a new one for me! Clearly I'm not as good as I thought I was when it comes to crude, creative language. can you be my tutor?
  21. Hartamophone, you crack me up!
  22. hey this is a great idea! I am so looking forward to this night...it'll be the first time the whole lot of us have been together since Marcel's passing. I can't think of a more suitable way to honour Marcel than grooving the night away to some of his favourite players! can anyone re-link the marvelous slide-show ArtMaster did for Marcel's memorial to this thread here? btw, ArtMaster...love this flyer, as well as all the awesome DD artwork!!
  23. 'round here it's only darts at the legion....I suspect those would be more lethal in his hands though than a 10 lb. ball would be..... poor bloke feels like that 10 lb. ball is around his own leg right now, and not enough chain to strangle either of us to set us free.....
  24. good to hear all these great reviews....Children of men has been on my need-to-see list since hearing the CBC review awhile back! Have you read any John Brunner? The Sheep Look Up is one of the original environmental disaster novels (as well as being written in a non-linear fashion; see also his Stand On Zanzibar for another non-linear story); it's fairly depressing' date=' though. Aloha, Brad[/quote'] KK...keep an eye on your mailbox, friend. (and I agree with your Wyndham assessment...he's written some freaky short stories too) brad...we've touched on the topic of Brunner before, haven't we? I'm trying to remember if you've offered to loan me a recommended Brunner from your collection. I became a fan by reading "The Sheep Look Up" many moons ago but that's all I've read from him. And that was damn hard to find at that time...I don't know how much of his stuff is still in print....?
  25. and thanks for sharing those leftovers, btw! Next time round I'll aim to get invited for the creation part of the meal...heck, I'll even offer to wash all the dishes and clean up!!!
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