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Calamity Jane

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Everything posted by Calamity Jane

  1. breathe deeply and feel confident in what you know.....and remember the trick of staring off knowingly into space to "collect your thoughts" whilst inside panicking to remember bugger-whatsisname-author-dude..... Let us know how it goes!
  2. --tiful!!!! where is that from? I'm so outta the pop-culture loop for the most part!!
  3. WoW...a little saddened by all the meanness and mud-slinging. Music sure does embiggen and empassion the soul, non? Anyway, fwiw, I whole heartedly agree with Doug: and amen to this truth Pais.... To improvise, jam, and CREATE a live music-conversation takes incredible focus and listening skills....which is why the vast majority of Top 40 and Easy Listening supporters prefer music to be a kind of background "aural wallpaper"....lots of people don't have the patience to listen (and this applies to every facet of life, btw, not just music)....but I have reached places through this type of music that can only be called spiritual and "whole" and I have been made to feel a PART of it, rather than having a performance played FOR me. it's magic and people who feel it/have felt it will be passionate about describing it.
  4. (((((((((best thoughts and wishes that Luke stays safe and gets healthy and can feel & draw upon the love around him)))))))))
  5. and seeing that you failed to fully carry out & discharge your duties, you are now demoted/promoted (really, it could go either way) to the role of enabler
  6. if you promise to get me "drunbk" (not just ONE round), I'll take you up on the offer!!!
  7. wonderful, AB...thanks for sharing that! Music is such a powerful connector. Prine is the only show I've ever seen front row centre (thanks Basherman!) and it was lovely, awesome, fun, good times. He's such a good storyteller, too!
  8. y'know, maybe this is the case. I, for one, have indeed been a loud, persistent voice beseeching these bands to come to O-Town (since having moved here from SoOn), and I was disappointed for them that there wasn't a bigger turnout. But everyone who was there had a blast...we really appreciated the caliber of the muisc....THROUGH THE ROOF, seriously.....and I'm just glad to hear that y'all had a good time Ian, Mark, et al! So, next weekend, then?
  9. bradm...love the thorough setlist ~~soundcheck banter ~~more soundcheck banter ~~even more soundcheck banter ~~yet more soundcheck banter ~~return of the son of soundcheck banter ~~just a little bit more soundcheck banter thanks so much for taping yet again!!!
  10. yeah, I guess that was a lot of what was going on. I can't believe Mavericks slacked off on the promo...maybe they just thought, "book a jamband and they will come" because, usually, we do! it was odd seeing the venue so empty when my other lasting memories involved nero and NYE...both uber-packed. but hey, when does a gal get the chance to buy a round of shooters for everyone in the bar??? BIG UPS to you, Heather, you awesome and generous soul...that warming shot went down smoooooth (-ish) lol!!!
  11. Calamity Jane


    Tricky....I wish guys lots of success in this endeavour!!! I just googled CISV...what a cool organization!! thanks for the info...we may just have found the thing for our elder daughter who is starting to show an interest in the travels we ourselves did before she was born!
  12. really an embarrassing turnout! Still, both bands tore it up for those of us in attendance. I'm sure Brad will have the recording up soon....probably after his 'second breakfast' and 'elevensies' I agree that Ottawa can't moan about the lack of good bands when so few come out to support them. BIG THANKS to DD and Caution Jam for making the trek and showing us a good time! The band/musician mash-ups were great!!
  13. oh, I DO hope to see you Caroline! I know what you mean about the love for gardening!!! I spent all yesterday aft/evening and today in my gardens. We inherited 4 ornamental beds with this house, plus the veg garden we put in last year....so LOTS of work, but getting the beds ready, clearing the winter detritus, watching the early perennials bloom, planting the seedlings and seeds, definitely is my favourite time (before the weeding begins! :crazy: ) We should trade seeds! I have a ton of purple cornflower (echinacea) seeds, and lots of tiger lily seedlings if you want. my big project this year is designing and planting a butterfly garden! YAY SPRING indeed!!!
  14. yeah, Greg, we've seen that, too. Absolute hilarity. Franken has a sidekick....(or it's a duo)...what is the other guy's name?
  15. I'm by my lonesome this weekend (trying to convince my_mouse to hot foot it back here from the K-Dub but he may not make it :thumbdown: ) Still, I'd love to get out to this....who's coming out for the night?
  16. now how'd I miss this??? happy belated Steve and may you be touched by His Noodly Appendage!
  17. awesome news Margaret! I'm psyched for you!! ....will you also be my personal trainer?
  18. wondering the same thing, d hopefully if not, the anti-cary will convey our very good wishes!!! happy BD Duane...40 eh? Geez, hope I look that good in, ummmm, 4 years. and I second the motion for more trippy visual fun dripped from your brain through your fingers into my eyes and ears.....
  19. I'll be a fourth Brian for the day. happy day, dude "Which one of you is Brian?" "I'm Brian!" "No, I'm Brian!" "My wife is Brian and so am I!"
  20. Happy Birthday G! miss hearing you sing Chocolate Town in our basement!!!
  21. wow...whatabuncha good feelings....thanks for sharing your love and appreciation, folks!! StoneMtn & Lassie: 'twas a pleasure to finally spend at least a little bit of real-time with you...let's indeed do it again soon, only this time, MORE tequila is in order.
  22. I really feel that this kind of 'green-wash' does more harm than good in the end, though. I'm glad to hear that WM is trying to be a good corporate citizen and leader in new technologies, but to alot of folks, these feel-good sayings are just a conscience-balm (in Dupont's minty-flavour gel form ) "hey, the problem is already taken care of...I don't have to change my consumption and waste habits...in fact, by pitching my garbage, I'm creating protected habitat for wildlife....wow, what a win-win situation, think I'll go to MalWart and do my part for the turtles...."
  23. today I drove beside a behemoth of a garbage truck (owned by the company "WM", or "WasteManagement") and I was struck dumb by the huge proclamation painted on its side: WM’S LANDFILLS PROVIDE MORE THAN 17 000 ACRES OF PROTECTED HABITAT FOR WILDLIFE my brain actually still hurts. what other 'gems' of euphemism, obfuscation, or generally tortured logic have you endured recently???
  24. o.m.g and all this time, I thought it was just a vicious rumour!
  25. nope, you could always locate them currently residing under the "where are they now file?" I have goose bumps! goose bumps! I've had inappropriate heavy metal biker chick fantasies about Nigel for too, too many years "Nigel thought it [global warming] was just because he was wearing too much clothing - that if he just took his jacket off it would be cooler."
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