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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. You could fit a hundred songs on one of those CD's... yet they put 3... and jack the price. Who the hell is driving the ship?
  2. I've noticed Ultimate Wrestling and Pride Wrestling taking over some of the poker slots on the sports stations... If you want to get with the times... maybe you should throw an octagon in the middle.
  3. Get em to play Quarters. THEN Get them to play Keno
  4. This is kind of tangent. But ever since free trade ("when all our jobs went to Mexico"), we've as a society, really slowed down on paying money to people for the arts... we have to have 'things'. Just look at the old business of music. It was run on album sales and teamsters running the lines of distribution. The music fan was held hostage to what the majors would allow them to be sent to their local record store. In comes the internet, and poof... bye bye distribution cartel... and all the choice (both contempory and historical) that the listen/consumer had at their finger tips. Well it's done many things. Shrink the revenue pool available to the industry as a whole, increasing the number of musicians in the game, and tempting the groomed consumer (along with my freetrade argument) to stop supporting what was once the biggest reliable revenue stream in the biz. It has also allowed a bit of a renaissance in the industry in terms of the quality and innovation in the art IMO, and in time this should lead to a new dynamic in the touring/live performance somtime soon. But who is REALLY going to pay for it... to me it should be only one person... the one walking through the door to see the band. It's almost laughable at this point the hand over fist money that is coming in for those artist who have transcended this transition. Pink Floyd, Neil Young, Zepp, The police, all made a killing when CD's were in vogue, and now in the twilight of their careers are raking in huge amounts from the total live revenue stream. It's getting a little tougher to appreciate THESE artists for me because of what they DO charge vs. what they Can charge to make it modestly sustainable. But when the Cartels were running CD distributions... they were also running the tours. They were subsidizing the tours to showcase their acts so they could sell more CD's (or whatever)... so the tours would always lose money, meant to be made up with CD sales. Now that that's almost gone (even fewer big name acts are tapping this system)... artists are left to find another way. It gets discouraging dealing with the audience of grassroots shows when they get upset with having to pay $10 or $15 to get in, when more than likely this band doesn't have the distribution... or CD's to sell at the show, paid their own way to the show for the audiences benefit... more often than not they do a really good job... and usually walk out of the place poorer than when they decided to take the job in the first place. All because they don't have things... Now if music could be used to sell music, and Car companies didn't have to come in to make it all better by trumping all of say Wilco's tour money with one big lump sum payment... it would be a better world. As it stands... it's a hustle... and I bet you Wilco's doing okay... but they certainly haven't cashed in yet... cept of course for the standing ovations which probably feel pretty good.
  5. Good for you two! Have (hope you had) a wonderful day!
  6. Except for the inside of it.
  7. I think it looks like a giant mushroom. I also think the Freemasons had a go at the grounds and they have secret ceremonies there all the time... but don't mind me.. I'm slowly losing my mind.
  8. I've seen my fair share of Chara vs. Blake live at the Corel centre... Kinda funny to see. And yes he's a tiny little bugger who was probably the fastest skater on the ice (atleast he could get up to speed the fastest). I think roller's waiting for the Habs Jersey with the pink accents if you know what I mean. And there's nothing wrong with that roller.
  9. Oh I'm sure. I don't even know how these pools work. They sound really complicated. I guess I'm just an old Packer fan, and I like seeing these old Vikings get booted around... and hard to believe that any of them could be any good! Don't even get me started about Darren Sharper... it gets even harder with Randy Moss as I was thinking of changing allegences and becoming a Patriots fan.
  10. Good work Monkey Man!!! You going to be pumping live music around town too?!
  11. Nice trip T + H! Thanks for sharing! Love the beaches on the Madeleine Islands! I gotta do that Cabot Trail one day for sure!
  12. I doing the only sane thing. Leaving this province.
  13. It wasn't for you as much as the others who don't know about Tribe Called Quest. The world doesn't revolve around you, hippie.
  14. What colour is the sky in your world?
  15. I left my wallet in El Segundo. Aloha, Bradn
  16. Looks like a good flick... I just flew through all the Survivorman and Man Vs. Wild episodes... Thoreau and Tolstoy are two of my favorite authors too... I don't think it'll take much for me to identify with the main character! Edit: Oh yeah... Millennium rocked!
  17. Maybe you can find a new favorite team out of those two Ollie. I hear the Colts need some new fans too! Oh to be young and single again!
  18. Seems like we have a mutual friend. Perhaps we've even met Jonyak. I still haven't been able to make it to one of these... and won't be able to again this year... One of these days!!!
  19. Sure there's alot of negative with this case... But I must say it's impressive just how quickly the word can spread now in cases like this. Perhaps this war against authority figures who bend/break the rules in their favour isn't over... only just begun.
  20. Hehe... enjoy. I know the demand for this is going to be through the roof... so I'm going to make a decision to pass. I love Neil... but I've got to see him a couple times over the years. I suppose this is more for myself, than the others though... I don't want to get hyped for tickets, and then disappointed. Also... I was hoping Massey Hall would pay $80 to be friends with me... but no such luck.
  21. Wow. When it rains... it pours. Take care DEM.
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