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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. 1) a really nice cool breeze coming in the window, especially welcome after a long muggy week 2) h) when people mess up communication/ideas on the interweb r) a rim job 3) cold beer(and a joint) on a hot afternoon of outdoor working. 4) simple acts of kindness; one man/woman's garbage is another's gold 5) campfires in your own backyard 6) sunday afternoons with steve kimock & pete sears â–¼) Mojito (rum, mint, lime, ice and club soda) 8) Losing a really close game of Cribbage :thumbup:
  2. That was fun. Not the kind of music that I would normally listen to on CD, but seeing it all constructed and performed live... it was really impressive... Chameleon is probably right... I bet Kid Beyond is related to Robin Williams somehow someway. Just a feeling... Funky crowd too... I'm happy. Good night.
  3. Yeah, UNfortunately, too many in Toronto see money as an ends and not a means... so the only way to get people to respond (outside of enforcing a communist manifesto) is the hit them in their wallets. Fortunately, it may actually work a little. In terms of environmentalism, getting people to change in Toronto is the equivilant of firing at the thick of the crowd in terms of getting results and accelerating them towards sustainable practice.
  4. I should mention that I really liked the new songs!
  5. 1) a really nice cool breeze coming in the window, especially welcome after a long muggy week 2) h) when people mess up communication/ideas on the interweb
  6. Creepy. Can I interest you in some Chameleon Project?
  7. My Jewish friend said during the post-game that it was strange to see a Rabbi win the Conn Smythe.
  8. That's pretty embarassing. I didn't realize I had my web cam on... or that I spoke German. I actually had to go out and get a new Keyboard today.
  9. I had a feeling the hippies would approve!
  10. That threw a wrench in my plans... but I'll still be there for a bit. Just like CMW all over again. Yar.
  11. Done and done. I'll be there with bells on. That is if it's creepy enough. Bells that is.
  12. Here's lyrics born with U2: U2 vs. Lyrics Born
  13. bwahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahbwhwahahahahahhahahhahhbwahahhahahahahhahahah Leafs Suck.
  14. Congrats. That's one cute kid. edit to all the Ducks that come here to read sports! Please introduce yourself to Kanada Kev and DJmelbatost... they are your number 1 fans! Thanks to the huge layover, they've been following your team closely and with great passion for the past 3 WEEKS!!! [color:purple]I'm so jelous of them Perhaps, I should get rid of my integrity too... seems like you can always pick a w(h)inner that way.
  15. I think Davey Boy has a new quote to put in his Hall of Fame.
  16. You throw enough crap at the wall, somethings going to stick.
  17. Hey Jared. This really speaks alot about you. You must like kicking people when they are down. Still, as probably the biggest Sens flag waver around here... I'm actually quite proud of the team and the city. It was an incredible ride, and with the youngest team in the league, I'm looking forward to another opportunity. fwiw Toronto is most morally bankrupt city in this country. And don't even get me started about Thornhill.
  18. It's over. In a way I'm glad. Go Sens Go.
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