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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. i dare you to make that fart sound with your armpit ...
  2. hmmmmmm, too many itchy fingers out there. my plan may be harder than i thot ... look out the window everyone! it's jerry!! ......
  3. you must have dined at Papagayo before the shows ...
  4. i love seeing other people's pics posted here. groovefetish always has great pics.
  5. key when crossing the border. nothing so scary as overhearing a rider mutter "uh oh" as you inch towards the booth.
  6. i didnt know bob marley died of cancer. hell, i dont think i ever knew what he died of.
  7. Take a Step Back ... especially when right at the back of the philzone
  8. an old prof of mine recounted a story of when the Dead played montreal in 1967. he was a student at the time and somehow ended up muling the band's stash through backroads along the vermont border. the band was so appreciative they invited him out to the farm the next summer for a couple of weeks.
  9. phishtaper


    That's a sin where I come from! yeah, as much as they are huge and all, they really do put on one of the best shows out there. ive seen them a bunch of times and never been disappointed.
  10. phishtaper

    my plan

    ... is to control this entire board today!!!!!
  11. you spelt boobs wrong fwiw, the reporter drank a full bottle in only an hour. i dont think many people would be unaffected. was an amusingly technicoloured article, but im not really sure what the point of it was, other than to show us how hot and sexy she gets after a bottle of shiraz ...
  12. i have a feeling that in the years to come, Marc Emory will be thought of like Henry Morgentaler and Paul Magder who were both viewed as wingnuts at the times of their very public fights on behalf of all of us against the "system" but who have now come to be seen as brave pioneers by most. regardless of his antics, I have a great deal of respect for Emory's fight to legalize something that many people agree should not be illegal. like Morgentaler and Magder, he's an easy target. what is happening to him now is patently unjust. the Canadian justice system has failed him.
  13. i can see that happening. i'd be smashed on one glass.
  14. well, shouldnt that 2002 Ford Escort be worth $120,500 in black market parts? the criminal valuation of pot plants, seedlings, seeds, etc has always been a great source of amusement for me. it makes no sense at all. but hey, if you can buy a pound for $1000, i say go for it. fwiw, i thintk they just use $1000 because its easier to add and multiply
  15. no no. sorry, i didnt mean to suggest your post was muddled at all ... i was just asking "in general" and used your post as a jump. ok, so if the "crime" is that he sold to people in the US, then shouldn't CanadaPost and RevCan be liable since they knew what he was doing, and presumably they should have stopped him? instead, Canada Post actually facilitated this "illegal activity", so shouldnt the CEO of Canada Post also be extradited?
  16. you are all going to be put in jail when she becomes president. :susel:
  17. is his "crime" that he was selling seeds to people in the US (and not trivially, with the full cooperation of CanadaPost - a Crown Corporation)? does selling seeds inside Canada constitute a crime in Canada? if not, I dont see how it's at all justifiable to hand him over to the US. that would be just like us handing over every canadian woman who dares to show her exposed ankles to the saudi's.
  18. Ive lost count of how many times Ive seen him. One of the GREATEST singer-songwriters in Canadian history!! No overstatement. Very low-key performer, but you and the old lady will love him.
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