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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. BOOOOOOOOO to you mischevious rascals! Just when we get some momemtum again. I think it would be better if we went with "12 Songs with a vowel in the title" or "12 Songs".
  2. probably closer to 9 to 1. most shows in TO are recorded. its just a matter of it getting out and how good it is.
  3. yes, it's fun to have this train back on the tracks.
  4. phishtaper


    but that would be like watching Ringo Star's All Star band when John, Paul and George were there sitting sidestage. Im a huge fan and love both Love & Rockets and Bauhaus and have seen both a few times as well as Tones on Tail and solo Murphy. For me, you have to have Peter Murphy there especially since, as Irie Guy points out, they are releasing their first studio album in 25 years in March!
  5. 336. Pre-war blues songs about death, without repeating an artist or song. 1. Leadbelly - Death Letter Blues 2. Blind Lemon Jefferson - See That My Grave Is Kept Clean 3. Robert Johnson - Dead Shrimp Blues 4. Tommy Johnson - Big Road Blues 5. Blind Willie Johnson - Jesus Make Up My Dyin' Bed (later remade by Dylan and Zeppelin going by a different name, In My Time of Dying) 6. Skip James - Hard Time Killing Floor Blues 7. Bessie Smith - Graveyard Dream Blues 8. Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit 9. 10. 11. 12.
  6. well if anyone can pull off an objective, unbiased film, it's Oliver Stone ... hehe
  7. it was like that a few years ago when we wandered down on spec. and we also didnt go in (but weren't all that upset since we had just seen them a few days earlier in New Orleans). these tix were going for between $100 - $125 each on Ebay. this is an example as to why TB shouldnt be allowed to sell 50 tix in one order. they all ended up on Ebay and in the hands of scalpers outside. i wonder how the show was.
  8. phishtaper


    wow. troubling to say the least. thanks for posting, Davey Boy. so, would y'all just stop eating tilapia altogether? ive never heard of basa either. but we've been eating some tilapia lately.
  9. i didnt even know he had a son ... (not that I really care, im much too busy trying to dominate this board)
  10. now why do I get the feeling that you are not necessarily just breathing heavy
  11. why do I get the feeling that these three pics will one day be posted on Wikipedia in the "Before the Shootings: The High School Years" section ...
  12. i agree too Community Center has a nice feeling of inclusion and Sanctuary is a place to escape the horrors of the cruel cruel world - and its also an amazing record label too.
  13. phishtaper

    Sushi Shop

    looks like a cool place. some neat things on the menu, and not all that expensive for most of it. we need a good sushi spot in guelph. have been making it ourselves lately.
  14. oh well, my plan didnt work. better luck next time.
  15. phishtaper


    bouche, do you have stocks in some sprout company or something?
  16. oh well now Ron might be into that
  17. well, Ron's a friendly guy, but not that friendly ...
  18. Ding ding ding ... no more bets. We have a winner.
  19. i had my best shows at Soldier Field, including the last ever Grateful Dead show. a strange vibe in the air that night - the last show of the tour from hell. the nicest thing is that our Chitown pals, Julie, Jeanne, Jen and Jason (the J-sisters) were lucky to have convinced their mom to come to the show the night before. so, she was able to see the fatman before he died.
  20. nominated for cute phrase of the day
  21. you used to sit in the front row, didnt you?
  22. Ive always like Other Songs, mostly because Strawberry Blonde and Clown in Broad Daylight are my two favourite Ron songs.
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