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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. yuck, what a horribly invasive experience. the bigger question, though, is what did y'all do once the theft was discovered and you were all standing around half nude? conciliatory orgy?
  2. what the hell does that mean? perhaps you shuld have a prostate exam?
  3. hey, put in a warning about that one goalie pic ... not for the faint of heart.
  4. yeah, i'd say it real. her boobs are clearly real edit to add: As Howard would say ... Buttahface ... although, im sure she's a sweet person.
  5. and not coincidentally, 100 years ago is when the Stones released their first album ... hehe
  6. i keep hoping, but she never falls off that fancy rubic's cube. (and fwiw, I like dave matthews. i just generally dont like people who like dave matthews.)
  7. I agree. Pootie Tang is one of the funniest movies ever made!
  8. phishtaper


    I would be careful with that stuff. Also known as wheat gluten, it was the contaminated ingredient in pet food that caused the massive recall a year ago. Human grade would probably differ from pet grade, but personally, if it was made in China, I wouldn't eat it. Call me an over-reactionist.
  9. ... abortion became "legal" in Canada. On January 28, 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in favour of Dr. Henry Mortgentaler (R. v. Morgentaler) that laws prohibiting a woman's right to an abortion were unconstitutional, opening the door to widespread access to the procedure.
  10. so, the bank has held funds that you legitimately deposited and now wont release them for you to use this weekend because someone illegally accessed your account in the past?
  11. well, if you truly believe that you are in the right, i think you are justified in a "take no prisoners" attitude. i wouldnt apologize. too many times, banks and other institutions simply do what they want and screw the customer. they count on you backing down. if you are right, dont back down.
  12. sometimes service people are "trained to say no" even though they know something can be done. i wouldnt be so quick to say he has to aplogize. what are the specifics of the situation, rd?
  13. this was at a new Food Basic in the south end of Guelph. if the price at the cash is different than the posted price in the store, the item is free (up to $10). I know it sounds too good to be true, but all grocery stores in Guelph honour this policy (some you have to let them know, others like this Food Basic, just did it when I pointed out the discrepancy - expecting only to get the posted price, not a free item). The policy was posted right at the check-out. I do not know if its a Guelph thing or an Ontario-wide thing, but I've seen letters to the editor about it in the Guelph Mercury, so I know its been going on for a while. this was my first free food experience. great stories. yes, peeling them is almost as fun as eating them. I enjoy peeling a full 1/2" strip around the equator and then two small "peel cups" for whatever few seeds may be inside. and they are great to share too! even our dog loves them! ive always thought that oranges are as close to "the perfect food" as it gets. and these little babies are even more perfecter.
  14. LOL. Once tasted, we cannot control the red sauce. The red sauce controls us! I swear that place makes more out of that after hours set-up than they do all day inside the restaurant - even though its so (addictively) cheap. And our dog couldn't figure out why the streets in our new neighbourhood didnt come lined with half eaten chicken wings too.
  15. you know, normally im impressed by your wealth of knowledge, AD. but this is disturbing
  16. hmmmmmm, why do I have that cheesy porn music in my head now?
  17. I'm not eating it. It was deposited by drunk UG students who would stumble past our old house downtown every Thursday night. Ever try to chip frozen candied noodles from around your wipers on a -20C morning in February when you are already running late? We've since moved to a much better neighbourhood, LOL.
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