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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. fat chicks are like mopeds. fun to ride, but ya dont want your friends to see you on one. thanks folks. here every night. try the veal.
  2. phishtaper


    nothing sez winter in southern ontario better than a wooden box full of miniature, easy-to-peel oranges. and the bonus last night was that the price charged was more than the price on display, so they were free!
  3. fucking lieberals and their statistics! george is doing a fine job. the world is much safer now .... .... buahahahahahahahahaha .... thump (sorry, fell off my chair)
  4. ... but it always looks like so much fun from street level at 1:30am with tub of Sun Sun in hand ...
  5. I would love to be on CSI Miami. My life would be filled with wonderful opaque colours and I'd always have adult contemporary dance music playing whenever I load up the nanospectographoscope.
  6. agreed, that's really tacky.
  7. Congrats, PoG (although, I sense you'll have to change your nick ) I've had a couple of friends quit with the help of AA and it really seemed to work for them. Especially helpful were their sponsors - people who had lived thru the same experiences, good and bad, and been encouraging and supportive. And double negative karma points to any of your friends who give you guff or offer you "just one beer, man, it's only one beer." Sounds like 2008 will be an important year for you. Congrats!
  8. phishtaper

    Crock Pot

    in a martha stewart kinda way, yes i do believe he is
  9. as i was reading this i thot it was gonna say the croc shot him, like those hunting dogs in oklahoma. ironic that a guy who plays with crocs was flown to darwin to be saved.
  10. as a matter of fact, yes, he had done ... ... Lindsay Lohan.
  11. intervention, anyone? Ringo, the world has been doing you a horrible disservice for 40 years now ...
  12. how many of them have talent? sean is often listed on top 10 disappointing offspring lists. although, julian consistently tops those lists.
  13. hey, what sells in IOWA, sells.
  14. i didnt know much of his work. larry king live had a big show all about him last night and some guy said he'd be remembered on par with James Dean. hey, ever think that it's possible that people could fake their deaths? (for whatever reasons, who knows.) that was a rumour when JFK Jr. died.
  15. OSAP: Ontario Stereo Acquisition Program
  16. phishtaper

    Crock Pot

    yeah, strange. I always thot that if you followed two simple rules, nothing could go wrong. 1) cover it all in liquid, and 2) dont peek. if after 9hr potatos are still hard it makes me thing the crockpot aint working. now, spicing and flavour is a whole 'nother issue ...
  17. Hey Tim I was just joking that your orginal line sounded like it was written by a PR guy hyping the album. I probably last listened to it sometime last fall. Is it a "masterpiece"? Debatable. It's an incredible album, no doubt, but among his recent albums, I think Driving Rain is better. I look at McCartney's Flaming Pie and Driving Rain as being similar to Dylan's Time Out of Mind (which took the Grammy over Flaming Pie) and Love and Theft. Both pairs of albums marked a re-emergence of each artist as legendary stars (not that there should have been any doubt) and re-introduced each to waves of fans who'd only heard them on their parents' turntables. But maybe Im just an old fuck who likes Wings at the Speed of Sound, Venus and Mars, and Band on the Run a bit better than most of his newer stuff. Bottom line though, with the exception of McCartney falling into the musical abiss of the mid-1980s that also swallowed superstars like Elton John and David Bowie, most of his work is among the best music ever made.
  18. Hwy 6 from hamilton to guelph was brutal last night. some sideroads were closed as well. it was as if they had simply forgotten to salt the roads. it was actually a relief to pull into the driveway and only have to shovel the 15 - 20cm that had fallen. this morning's drive was much better.
  19. i'd like to figure out how to get Eric-the-WriterAsshole's live feed going picture in picture.
  20. ok, admit it. you watch it!!
  21. Undoubtedly, it will also be a "masterpiece" ... who the hell wrote those inflated blurbs?
  22. does the law of diminishing returns apply? im not sure i'd be too comfortable having you do mine after you'd done a difficult one or a couple of medium ones
  23. I notice there are no porn categories.
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