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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. this is what y'all heard ... just a sonic boom, some fighter pilot probably just had a heavy thumb, or was trying to impress a girl he met in a bar last night ... "hey, I'll give you a wake-up call at 4:15am" ... it had NOTHING to do with aliens. Nothing at all. ps. this is supposedly an actual photo of a sonic boom from NASA. cool, eh?
  2. oh, but surely there are some political systems / structures that do have the potential to be successfully imposed from above. (as to how well they would function or how much strife would result, well, that's another question.) but, democracy isnt one of the ones that could ever be successfully imposed from above.
  3. Democracy cannot be imposed from above. It has to grow from below. The US is absolutely wrong in its Spreading Democracy Tour and if the world is still around in a hundred years, it will be clearly seen as a huge failure. What was the number in the Globe this morning? 650,000 dead Iraqis? Nice.
  4. the Slip is still a relatively small band, but when booking them, you are wandering into the big leagues here. you'd have to book them through their agent and that happens to be The Agency Group - one of the biggest agencies in the world. they handle hundreds of other acts like Matisyahu, Bruce Cockburn, New Deal, String Cheese, Feist, Yes, Roxy Music and my favourite, David Sylvian. oh, a little band called the Tragically Hip ...
  5. ive always bought into the school of thought that fascism also included a distinct element of unity based on difference with, or superiority to, others, usually outside the state. cool cool, i wont argue the definition of it with ya because I agree with what you say.
  6. true, nothing like a little bit of common hatred and bigotry to bring people together, eh :crazy: and here I thot that was the definition of fascism
  7. 3 days, but you can just sign up again on another email account. it becomes a major hassle after a few rounds, so best to just ante up and get Sirius. its WELL worth it. 4 out of 5 dentists recommend it.
  8. its all such wasteful political pandering to the ultra right wing element of their base of support. the proposed defense of religion act would be shot down by the supreme court eventually, like every other legislation designed to limit, or worse - retract, rights (and they know that, but they get a few years of 'benefit'), and/or; create a huge legal quagmire as to what constitutes 'religious expression' in the workplace. messy messy it is indeed quite sad that they would consider this very hurtful approach. i just figured they simply would have held the vote to re-open debate (it wont pass) and then say to their conservative base "well, we tried" and move on, into the 21st century. oh well. such is politics, and one can never underestimate the resoursefulness of nutbars.
  9. listening now - this is some really cool stuff. some 'first ever' recordings during various writing sessions, unreleased songs, all along with a narrative by trey and tom. even if ya dont like phish, this is really interesting.
  10. Kim Campbell - the best 47 days in this country's history.
  11. we went to the Raconteurs show in Montreal on Saturday and saw the YLT crowd coming out just down the street at the same time. we would have liked to have gone to see them. they are played on Sirius a lot. fun stuff.
  12. hmmm, i guess his trick didnt "Wake me up before you go go" ... poor, sex-crazed, misunderstood george.
  13. some great suggestions, people here know that city. for sure, Fisherman's Wharf (pier 39) - have lobster bisque in a bread bowl or salt water taffy while you watch the crazy guy. lombard street (the twisty windy road). the Presidio, drive around a bit. GG Bridge (you can see from the pier) and/or the Bay Bridge - good backdrops for pics. Muir Woods is spectacular and worth the drive. So is Carmel / Monterrey - but these drives will take up a big portion of your day, so choose carefully. if this is your first trip to SF, yeah, wander up to Haight-Ashbury - but dont expect much, its not all that impressive now other than the history and a few shops. the Castro is the very colourful gay area, and is worth wandering down to as well. LOTS to do in SF, so you will not be bored. just wandering around looking at buildings is fun. be sure to take your camera. and its absolutely imperative that you bring rain gear. just assume that it will rain and be cool. oh, and maps are very deceiving - they dont take into account the brutal hills. the public transit system there is world class, use it.
  14. we have a dog, and she barks a mean bark. i think having a dog is the second most effective deterrent, after an alarm (and of course locked doors, not to beat that dead horse anymore). this must have been very very frightening.
  15. damn, I crouch in my darkened living room each night, glock cocked, the red embers of my chained menthols glowing, and she walks into YOUR house. just my luck. glad that it's just a "story" and not a "headline". creepy, indeed. someone walked into our neighbour's house a few weeks ago. scary stuff.
  16. weird ... PLAY - A Video Game Symphony who's going?
  17. Ive been to a couple of SCI NYE's in SanFran. Always a blast, and this should be no exception. Just remember to bring your rain gear, and be sure to check out who else is in town at the time. LOTS of bands end up there then. Kimock, Claypool, Bobby, etc. in the past.
  18. John Frusciante performed some wonderful solo stuff in Toronto - Carol King's Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (also performed by John Lennon and the Shirelles) - during which the teen foursome in the row behind queried "Is this their song?", and For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her by Glenn Yarbrough (performed by Simon & Garfunkel). Frusciante has a really beautiful, Garfunkel-like voice. Some at the shows may have thought his solo was jarringly slow, others incredibly beautiful. He's managed to fly under the radar with his solo stuff, despite actually releasing SEVEN albums in 2004/05. And they also teased "London Calling" by The Clash and "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvava. Nice pics, questcequecest?
  19. indeed, Mac is situating itself to become the pre-eminent health science university in the country, and is already established as a world leader in many areas of health research. Cool thread, Groove
  20. It was incredible! The Mars Volta put on a fantastic opening set. You either like them or you dont, and I like them - a lot. I want them to come back and play a small club again. And the Chili Peppers proved that they still have it after more than 20 years. John Frusciante is one of the most under-rated guitarists out there. He's REALLY good. Anthony Kiedis can still kick it into surfer punk overdrive, and if the crowd had a tenth of his energy, we would have leveled the building (but we didnt ... Hello Toronto?). And what can you say about Flea - the man IS the Chili Peppers. His distinctive bass drives every song and his boyish clown look (he was dressed in a pink patterned leotard) and frantic jumping is just so much fun to behold. An assortment of hits (Under the Bridge, Give it Away) but a lot of new songs from Stadium Arcadium, which was cool by me. That album stands on its own as a solid representation of all of their various styles over the years. The lights were very impressive, filling the backdrop as well as the entire ceiling over top the floor. When ya pay a hundred bucks to see a show nowadays, you kinda begin to expect a spectacular, and they delivered. Overall, a very solid A. What did others think?
  21. I believe that at one time Rogers actually sent people $1000 invoices for exceeding their "unlimited" access (or was that Bell?). Rogers is the anti-christ, and is one of the worst "throttlers" in the world.
  22. and Pierre Trudeau's B-day too (but he's dead, so I dont think he'll be there celebrating) Libra's rule! :laugh:
  23. been there, still there, will be there again. yep. grant ap's are a real bitch. I feel for ya. but, all worth it when the panel comes back and says yep. good luck, and dont forget to staple $100 bills to each of the eight! hard copies
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