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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. I read a rumour about the last weekend in August, something about volunteer signs at Loring having been posted.
  2. i have a pair of lawns for each night available...
  3. phorbesie


    Anyone driving down to ohio and hershey from ottawa? :whistle:
  4. Speaking of... I could use some *healthy* vibes at 3 pm today. thanks skanks!
  5. sounds great. please do report back
  6. i dunno. it was realistically probably 7 songs but as you can see we were all anxious for the spades to finally play!
  7. there should be a law against saying "i'm just gonna play a couple songs and the spades will be right up" and then playing 10 songs.
  8. well i did the "laying around all day" quite well. rough morning indeed. Thanks Spades!
  9. i got 5 vintage pyrex dishes (3 bowls, a butter dish and a gravy boat), a coin purse from nepal and an embroidered bag from india, and a coffee grinder Total: 9$
  10. JOIN US IN PROTEST OF THE ILLEGITIMATE BURMESE GOVERNMENT: SATURDAY, MAY 29, 2010 12- 1 pm 85 Range Road, Ottawa, ON 20 years ago today, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy were elected in a landslide by the people of Burma. The military dictatorship never allowed the democratically elected party to take power. They continue to run the country against the will of their people, and perpetrate some of the worst human rights abuses in the world. Please join us in protest of this criminal regime. We call on them to step down from power, allow democratic elections to take place, and free Daw Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest. Burma deserves peace, power, and freedom! ‘Please use your liberty to help promote ours’ –Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
  11. boooo wish i had known or i would have gone next week (am there this week) and i have a convertible
  12. very jealous! it's gonna be awesome!
  13. i like how he wore a bathrobe camping i am going to try that!
  14. here are a few pics of familiar sights from the weekend...didn't get any of the bands unfortunately! me=stupid our campsite and neighbours fire - the 2nd one i think the top of the flame looks like a man velvet swing
  15. well the sisters euclid smoked! the new keyboard/accordion player was great. they played a really long set on sunday night, which included (not in order) tumbleweed tea, faith cola, southern man, helpless, lawyers guns and money, a cousin of martin scorsese. i can't believe i was too lazy to walk back the 100m to get my camera. i also really enjoyed diesel dog in the saloon friday night, the dirk quinn band on sunday, and mark wilson on friday. the idlers were good but it didn't blow me away. was so tired i couldn't make it to the saloon on sunday night! the drive down from ottawa was lovely and so green and lush. i loved the festival site and camping area and the weather was really nice, cool and misty on saturday allowing for a little sleep/quiet time in the morning, and super hot on sunday. saturday night, there was a huge bonfire. everyboday had a campfire too and the Halfway camp peeps had their giant beer can flaming and other cool fiery designs. i had a great time! but it was nice to come home to a shower and bed yesterday
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