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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. I also am looking for Gorge tickets for friends...need 2 for each night. Thanks.
  2. thanks folks. velvet thinks i'm nuts now though....oh well... whew!
  3. kev i have done the note thing before, and it worked. with enough planning it should. i am so nervous, and the onsale is still 3 hours away. i hope my nerves aren't totally shot by then.
  4. well that sucks a bag of dicks mr slip hehe maybe you could hit the hartford show instead?
  5. i would never stay in a hotel at the gorge, i love the campground. it gets really WINDY and cold at night (and blazing in day), but it's one of my favourite "wandering late night" campgrounds on tour. i'm looking forward to it BRING SHADE fyi i haven't been to gorge since 99 but it used to be 20$ per night to camp. so it might be like 30 now, who knows.
  6. i believe that is a SPAC members only pre-sale, you have to donate to get a password for that.
  7. hadn't seen jerry douglas on the list before. damn even more
  8. i had not heard this....awesome!!
  9. offer eh? obvs dickey would love to play with those guys, i just can't see them making any such offer to him. is this real info or just from hopeful blurbs in articles?
  10. they will require some sort of course you need for this job and even if you're well educated and want to work if you don't have that course you will get screened out of the application process. then they are understaffed but keep posting the same jobs over and over and over and yet not hiring people. (that's just been my experience)
  11. basher, i said that because it happened to friends of mine with Oasis tix last year. they were able to purchase fan pre-sale tix before the email went out. 2 days later TM emailed them and refunded them but kept the service charges. so it's not that it hasn't happened before...
  12. TM will probably refund the orders, keep the fees, resell them = more profit.
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