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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. I have one extra lawn for each night, June 20 and 21 60 US or 70 CDN (face) per
  2. yes! would love to meet at GW, we have lawns also. we have a few pre-parties to go to nearby, you are welcome to join, i can PM info if you want. unless you have other plans, in that case we'll look out for ya
  3. sure...as velvet said, flying is best. do NOT take a bus or minivan. the middle of the country has some interesting spots like hue (which might interest you for food, but i think saigon should satisfy those needs!) and the DMZ, but the beaches weren't too great and i think it's skippable unless you want to see the DMZ for history reasons... i would do mekong delta + saigon for a week and then hanoi+halong+sapa for a week the floating markets are awesome in the south
  4. turns out you can print your own tix with no fees on LN. i just upgraded our alpine tix to pavs
  5. i have wanted to go for awhile too...please post about it after you do!
  6. happy birthday! let's party this weekend!
  7. velvet and i are going to mansfield and jones beach. i am so excited!!!!!!
  9. yep! definitely spend some time in the mekong delta and saigon. i would skip the beaches, head into the mountains up north (sapa) but halong bay is worth visiting for sure.
  10. First Set opener - Take me out to the ball game First Set closer - Rock and Roll Second Set opener - ACDC Bag Second Set closer - Harry Hood Encore (or last song in encore, if 1+ songs) - Frankenstein Wildcard - Time turns elastic
  11. congrats http://deadspin.com/5251547/a-special-balls-deep-message-to-the-class-of-2009
  12. Burma: Shock but Not Surprise May 27th, 2009 OTTAWA -- The Green Party of Canada expresses its shock and outrage with the re-arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese leader and Nobel Peace Laureate. Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party urges the Government of Canada to use all diplomatic avenues – both bilateral and international – to obtain the immediate release of Aung and other political detainees. Ms. May stated, “The world recognizes this as another outrageous action of the Burmese dictatorship in Burma and asks that pressure be put on the military regime to release Aung immediately.†Aung San Suu Kyi, was arrested, accused of breaching her house arrest and locked up on May 14, just days before her 13 years of detention was due to expire. She is the greatest threat to the Junta's hold on power. Her moral leadership of the democracy movement and the legacy of her landslide victory in 1990 elections means that she is the only figure who could face down the military in elections. Joe Foster, Human Rights critic noted, “It is well understood by everyone that this is a pretext to keep her detained until after elections which are set for 2010.†The successive military dominated regimes, including the ruling SPDC, see Burma as an existing unified nation. As such, Burmese minorities such as the Shan, Kachin, Chin, Mon, Karen and Karenni are seen as groups that must be controlled and suppressed rather than building a country as a federation of states that embraces these differences. Thousands are in jail in inhumane conditions and denied any medical care, there are ongoing abuses of human rights, there is violent repression of ethnic groups, and over a million have been forced into refuge across the border. Mr. Foster urges Burma to live up to its obligations as a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the ASEAN Charter which emphasizes the promotion of democracy, human rights and its UN obligations. ASEAN has called for the expediting of both its political reform efforts and its release of political detainees. The Green Party calls on Canada to use its influence with ASEAN leaders and the UN Secretary General to secure Aung’s and all political prisoners' release immediately. It is believed that Aung is seriously ill and needs medical attention which is being denied.
  13. so stone mtn, you did not post the article (subject says it all) with righteous indignation? riiiiight.
  14. i know people with extras if help is needed. is anyone driving to boston from ottawa way? good places to sit are sections A B C
  15. http://www.sendspace.com/file/hyne0s
  16. phorbesie


    flour and butter baby mmmm
  17. you're so nice i'll wish you happy birthday twice!
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