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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. well then! don't heal up quick! the assgrabber strikes again....
  2. oh my ouch. heal up quick schwa!
  3. that sounds great sharon, nice plan!! looking forward to seeing you 2
  4. yes. were you at work when it happened?
  5. er....no you don't have to listen, but you WILL have to listen to snarky, rude people swearing at you for the whole show and possibly even pouring a beer all over you. FUN!
  6. i get emails from "Neil" every week telling me about the great deals on shit to buy at the Neil store....but haven't received a peep about this from him....WTF?
  7. not your text i guess? it was not a surprise show, it was a billed concert
  8. phorbesie


    hmm...we always enjoy going to the works. but valid complaints all...except that all these things are told to you in advance by the menu... yes the burgs are well done but you are warned of that right on the menu. if you want yours medium, you just have to ask! the menu also states that you will wait up to 30 minutes for this reason (because they are going to well-do your burger). if you ask for medium, well you're not gonna wait so long are ya? i like the onion rings too, the milkshakes, the die cut chips, the choice of toppings. i know i could buy crazy toppings but i don't so it's a treat for me to go there and order crazy stuff on my burger!! then i only eat half of it and take the other half home for a snack later. i'm a fan....except i will say there are way better burgers out there like you all say... VELVET burgers are the BEST!!!
  9. Stolen Dimensions - You Had To Be There
  10. you have the fridays? i have a friend who would be interested!
  11. fun times i'm ever impressed by the westboro crew's getting into the spirit and making sure everything was fun and went just right! thanks for the party. happy bucking and doeing sunshine & gateaux!
  12. what, not enough innards in there for ya?
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