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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Thank you SG and C-Towns. To settle the controversy, I'm gonna drop the blocked shots stat, but keep the hits stat. I already changed the goalie stats back to normal a few days ago. This way, everyone's fun is ruined just slightly. Oh, and i just realized something else... wait for it... wait for it... a little longer... Yahoo now offers auction drafts! For those that don't know what it is, you basically nominate a player to be bid on. Every team then bids and highest bid gets the player (there is a salary cap). But relax, we couldn't possibly do it, b/c it would require everyone in the league to be there for the on-line draft. Oh well.
  2. That's cool - I'm still holding out for Jakis (he owes me one ), Ollie, Dinghy, and a slew of others to get my back and make this an even fight!
  3. Nice review C-Towns, got a feel for how he pitched. Anyone see Bautista's 48th? Man, that's how you set a record!
  4. I just want to thank the rest of the league for the overwhelming amount of support.
  5. haha, now your talking, Booche. Mike Comrie is all of a sudden decent again! Anyway, I`ve said my piece, you guys and NW have voted no, badams (i think?) and i have voted yes. Its 3-2 so far.
  6. Robidas would be an outlier in this case. He's 269 hits and 177 blocked shots. Put that with 19 pp points and 199 SOG, 41 points - he's in a complete league of his own. Apparently, he's fucking awesome. Billy Beane'd. He's actually a perfect example of why the stats should be there. With these stats in place he's in the top 10 for D, but only owned in 81% of the leagues. In real life they would definitely value his hits and blocked shots and he would be highly sought after. Without these stats, he's just a d-man who gets 40 points and an average amount of penalty minutes. Anyway, I've got to sign off for a bit, Im interested to hear what others think though... Booche and Dave-o, I do appreciate your comments, and I'll leave it up to the rest of the league to decide. Also, we should figure out how trades will work this year, even though arguing about them was fun last year.
  7. Well, looking at the scoring I have in place now, there's no way someone with a lot of hits will beat someone who scores. A hit is only worth 1/10th of a goal. You can look at the standings by clicking on 2009-2010 - it will show the way they would have looked under the current scoring system (for anyone who didn't know). What I find interesting, is that someone like Stephane Robidas ends up getting roughly the same score as Jonathan Teows. Most will say this is ridiculous, but really, how so? A defensemen who stops a billion shots and lays out a billion guys is arguably just as useful to a team as a Centre who puts up better than average numbers. No one here can tell me its not because I know how much everyone here follows sports. Theres a value to blocking shots and laying guys out. Not as much as getting points, but for some guys it is. Elementary really, don't know how anyone can argue with it.
  8. The problem isnt drafting low. The problem is said draftee. I love getting a low draft position and getting 2 picks either back to back or almost back to back. I'm with DaveO. Bunch of fucking noobs in here. Dude, I've been doing these things for years too. Maybe not as long as grampa Booche and grampy Dave-O, but long enough. It makes it harder to choose when you have to consider more stats - does that get scary with old age? I still love you too.
  9. Then why do you hurt me so much?? You guys (not just Booche) are no fun. How on earth can blocked shots and hits be disasterous? And shut-outs are awesome and hard to come by, therefore they should be worth more. I don't know, guess Im alone on this one, but I find stuff like this makes it more fun. 3 people against the scoring changes. Do I have any FOR the changes?
  10. Sure am. But before you write it off, figure this: I've added "hits" and "blocked shots" to the scoring categories to add depth. This way, when all the Crosby's and Datsyuk's of the world are drafted, a little more thought can be put into who you pick to fill out your roster. I may have also messed with the goalies only slightly, just so the best goalies are ranked up there with the best players...again, it makes it so you have to use some judgement when drafting...not just go for goals and assists. Reason for this: yr one there was a huge emphasis on goalies, and it was almost too much Yr two: not much of an emphasis on goalies, and scoring goals and piling up assists were all that seemed to matter Yr 3 (this yr): The most perfectly weighted fantasy scoring system ever... Basically what I'm trying to do is make it so whoever drafts low still has a chance to compete by utilising the added scoring options. Should make it more fun.
  11. Hey Jakis, sure man. I just realized its also my daughters first birthday, and while I imagine she'll be asleep, we may have guests and I've tried it before - Im not allowed to duck out for fantasy drafts. I'll change it to the next night.
  12. ^haha Go to Yahoo Fantasy Hockey and click "Join League". The legaue name is "Jambands 11" and I believe the pw is "hockey".
  13. NW, were you not in it last year? I just hit the "Send to all participants" button. Maybe check your junk mail? let me know if you've got a new email address or something.
  14. NOTE: To sign up go to join league, "Jambands 11" and then enter pw "hockey". Sorry for any confusion guys. Check your inboxes boys, were back! Draft set up for thurs, Sept 30, 8:00pm est (9 atl), 6 days before reg season play begins. Just to keep things fresh: Does anybody want to do head to head (you play one manager all week) style this year? It's kinda cool because I believe it adds playoffs...just a thought.
  15. Really? I mean, I understand what your saying, but...really? A) the text for this class was definitely NOT written by the prof. The Prof herself was adamant that the course was not there to preach "vegetarianism" (it just did a pretty good job of it anyway) C) If I'm gonna have to choose a side in this debate, I'm going to choose the side of the peer-reviewed scholarly articles, over anything that's not peer-reviewed and scholarly. Anyway, Daveyboy is right.
  16. Free preview of the NFL channels for me this weekend - was really sweet (I probably should have boycotted them out of protest, haha). Too many games happening at once though, could hardly stay on any one game for more than a few minutes. Did watch Vick though, and his performance was pretty awesome.
  17. That call wasn't wrong, and if you think about why the rule is there, it was the right call. When i first saw the replay I was shocked, then I researched the rule and it makes perfect sense. Guy should have come up with the ball - its in the rules.
  18. Im not saying eating meat will kill you, but experts say that we eat too much meat and that too much meat is bad for you. Because we eat too much meat we cram all our livestock into small boxes and treat them as inhumanely as possible. The run-off is bad for the environment, and harms us socially. Again, these are experts that say this - not just Hal who the fuck is he? Johnson on the interwebs. Its my understanding, from what i've learned at least, that we'd all be better off eating less meat. Also, we can survive very easily without meat. So why not spare the chickens and cows their miserable lives and get on with it then? Also, I did study it...over the summer...that exact thing...in university...and was taught the opposite of what you say. I'm no expert on the topic really, I hardly paid attention in class (as you can tell by my stellar debating skills), but we did cover every argument you have made and they've all been shot down. I'll scrounge up the text book, send it to you and you and the authors can have at her.
  19. Well, Im no expert on Co2, but even if I were to give you that article, there are a plethora of other environmental, social, and health issues involved with consuming meat. And, of course, the ethical ones. I eat meat myself, but I have learned too much about it over the years to deny that there's a problem. To me, the beef lobby today is as dangerous as the cigarette lobby was years ago.
  20. The mass production of meat in minority countries is an environmental and ethical disaster. Also, we're pretty damn smart when we want to be, we could survive without meat.
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