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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Ah basher, you are in my old stomping grounds. Unfortunately, Etobicoke is crap - there is no downtown to speak of. However, there are quite a few pubs near the airport, and I suggest: Arizona's Bar and Grill - 215 Carlingview Nothing too spectacular, but last Time I was there (7 yrs ago) there were numerous gigantic screens set-up throughout the place, and it looks like it hasn't changed. Its your best bet as its super close to the airport. If you want something different, maybe smaller, more low key, let me know - like i said, I grew up around there, I know most places all to well.
  2. ya, fack, I dunno, Im bitter. Thought game 3 was an indication of things to come. The run was really fun to watch though. I guess, in retrospect, a healthy Flyers team SHOULD be this good, and they've definitely proved that they are no 8th seed. I'll be surprised if the Hawks take it in anything less than 6, and I won't be surprised if Philly pulls it off and wins the whole thing - they have a lot of talent.
  3. Yup, flatter than piss on a plate, as my old coach would say. They didn't even make Leighton look good...that's how bad they were. Anyway, I blame Roller.
  4. Happy Birthday you burning hunk of man love. All the best buddy!
  5. I just watched it and Im astounded that you didn't find it compelling. I though it was great. Oh well, different strokes I guess.
  6. They need to make a line with Cammelari, Subban and Lapierre and bench the tits.
  7. hahaha, I heard that last night. If only...
  8. Shit, i don't know. Let's say Philly in 6, Sharks in 7.
  9. Haha, not the Jays, but I'm watching the Rays-MAriners game and fan just ran on the field. There is something hilarious about 5 out of shape security guards chasing a shirtless man around the outfield. They caught him eventually, but the security guard with the taser dropped it when making the tackle. Im glad he didn't get to taser the guy.
  10. I completely spaced on this game. Fuck. On the bright side, i weent out to an actual bar and got kinda drunk tonight, so at least I participated in something. I kinda felt a Philly win coming too, so im not surprised by the outcome, but the manner in which it was acheived...looks good on Boston (sorry Esau!). The Celts look really good in for the NBA title, and the Pats are a bunch of jerkfaces, and we all know how fucking terrible the Bosox are...the last thing we need is the Bruins doing anything worthwhile. I love lamp.
  11. Ah ha, I was wondering if this thread would pop up again! I have much to add to his, as they have "tales from the cruiser," in a weekly newspaper out here. It's a full page of snippets, like, "Drunk women arrested in Berwick at 11:30 am tuesday morning. She was returned home to her husband," or ,"4 cows found wandering highway 101 at 3 am friday night," or "Number of pallets stolen from Fulton's Lumber, later on illegal pit fire reported where large number of palletts were being burned." The articles aren't available online, so I'll have to wait for the next paper to give you guys some word-for-word stories.
  12. I tell ya this much. Those history will be made folks are gonna have a tough time choosing just one play for their next commercial. You got Cammilari finishing the tic-tac-toe, Moen with the short handed snipe, Halak with the kick save on malkin, and, oh ya, Brian fucking Gianta's one timer out of mid air to seal the fucking thing!
  13. Hey...I was just listening to that too and was thinking the same thing...what's the story Rev?
  14. I caught a blurb on Court TV about violence in sports while flipping through the channels one night. Basically, they said that it's hard to prosecute because the victim has already accepted certain actions to be a result of playing the game, and charges can only be laid if the perpetrator goes above and beyond what the normal "violence" levels of the game are - ie, Todd Bertuzzi on Moore. I guess the courts have decided that Cormier's hit was outside of the realm of body contact usually found in hockey. If this is the case, I am going to say that they don't have much of a case. And if they do, then your right, a dangerous precedent will have been set.
  15. Just wanna say that in the NBA a couple of years ago there was a playoff series that had the WORST CALLS OF ALL TIME and the Lakers made it to the finals (and eventually won) because of it. Turned out that one of the refs was betting on the games. I'd reckon that a small percentage of the people watching those games said, "what the fuck is up with this officiating, are they TRYING to make sure the Lakers get through?" and that a rather large percentage of people called those people nuts. Just sayin.
  16. What the crap?!?! New playoff commercial: What if Franzen's 4 goals mattered? haha, I kill me.
  17. Where I am it's "single single," "double single" or "triple single," etc, which I refuse to play along with. I'm doing my part to get the "regular" thing to catch on though, as I always order like so: "Can I please have a regular- oh, I mean 1 milk, one sugar?" The place that I go to is starting to get it too. You'll thank me once it's in PEI, Punk; its a much easier and more efficient way of ordering.
  18. I was never really a jersey guy. They do have a bunch of Iverson Piston jersey's on sale at Winners right now though, might change that.
  19. To me, that's nuts. Some people can take it too personally or seriously sometimes, I guess. I'd like to think that all the regulars around here are cool about that stuff. At least, I haven't had any experience with it, and I guarantee I've said a lot of stuff (dumb stuff too - a lot of it) that hasn't been taken that personally. Whatever you said, it must have been good.
  20. I forgot my picks too.
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