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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Well...my mom thinks its cool.
  2. ...and that he did this to prove to us that he has not grown "soft" on us Maclean helps person in River "MacLean was having lunch on a patio by the Delaware River with Don Cherry when a woman with a “heavy French accent†came in and said “help, help there’s someone in the water.†“There was four or five of us around,†said MacLean, who was taking a break from filming segments for one of Cherry’s Rock ‘em Sock ‘em videos. “We jump up and I grabbed a velvet rope off one of the dividers they have in the restaurant,†he said. “I thought that’d be useful to help pull the guy out of the water.â€"
  3. It's fucked up when I see a player begin his career and retire in my life time. Im getting old dammit. All the best Griffey, you were one of a kind.
  4. I'm taking a summer course at my school (issues in developing nations) and there's like 10 people in the class. One of them, whom I just met today, and is a really cool guy, is none other than: How funny is that? "Im the guy that dropped the Mem Cup," he says to me.
  5. ...more seconds! Giroux was my next pick. Night ladies.
  6. Im telling you, it's gonna go 3.
  7. BTW, I'll go Hartnell and Boland. But that may change before I go to bed.
  8. tell me about it! Atlantic time zone disfunction.
  9. Speaking of getting soft, Im not sure I can last a full period of OT. Someone had better score quickly. Huh, that sounds dirty. I think I just guaranteed a triple OT thriller. Im gonna leave that up there.
  10. Man, that sucks. On the other hand, it would have been the 3rd perfect game this season, 4th no-hitter. Guess steroids CAN help you hit a baseball, afterall. Excuse me while I post that on FB.
  11. Nah, but I should probably use that for my entrance exam..."I've been Hal Johnson on the internet for like 6 years now"
  12. Haven't been yet, but it is on the to-do list for sure. So far this year we've been to the Kingsport beach, which is beautiful, but mostly the weather has been kinda bad. CAn't wait to get to the river though.
  13. Saw that yesterday, its crazy indeed.
  14. Joni - that's so awesome - thanks! Freaker - No, I don't teach here, I actually go to Acadia full time. I run a rec sports program in New Minas though, so Im at EMS or NME all the time.
  15. I'm half Arab - my eyebrows need constant attention and you shouldn't make fun of me for it either. I've always said that if I was ever on survivor my biggest worry wouldn't be the challenges, it would be my uni-brow growing in infront of a national audience.
  16. Ah, thanks guys. Y'know what, Edger's post made me realize that I haven't really kept y'all properly informed about Hal's new life on the East Coast. So Im gonna take a moment to talk about myself. Please stop reading now if that aint your type of thing. But it is, afterall, the day after my birthday....(I'll try to keep it short)...Im entitled to some indulgences, am i not? Anyway, Being back at school is great and weird all at the same time. I love the program Im taking (kinesiology) and Im even going to finish it someday. Turns out I had less credits than I thought going in so I have an extra three classes to take after next year, which blows, but whatchagonnado? I hope to get into the B.ed program when Im done, but apparently being a new teacher sucks right now...not sure if that will stop me from trying though. The kids (yes, they are kids) are strange and from a different planet generation than me, but we seem to get along well despite our differences. My favorite story goes like this: Kid in my clas to another kid: ``Ya, I like `How I met your mother`, its funny.` Me (interupting): IS that the show with Doogie Howser? Kid: Who? So you see, I haven't much to work with when it comes to making new friends But all in all, things are good on the school front. I have a summer course right now, then it's back in Ontario for a month. Will be really nice to be back in the city for a bit. Wow, there's so many more things to write about...but my daughter just woke up from her nap...I'll tell y'all about the crazy drivers, and show you a picture that will knock your socks off later on....thanks for the birthday wishes! Hal
  17. haha, thanks Ollie!! I hear ya about the main threads too. Cheers boys! :drinks: :chug:
  18. Can you believe the nerve of some people? Reacting all agressively to a bunch of commandos dropping on to their boat from helicopters? From the Star: The footage filmed from Israeli aircraft and released by the military showed activists swarming around commandos after they descended from a helicopter by rope onto a boat carrying 600 passengers. Activists scuffled with the commandos and are seen throwing an object the military identified as a firebomb. A commando who spoke to reporters on a naval vessel off the coast, identified only as "A," said he and his comrades were taken off guard by a group of Arabic-speaking men when they rappelled onto the deck. He said some of the soldiers were stripped of their helmets and equipment and thrown from the top deck to the lower deck, and that some had even jumped overboard to save themselves. At one point one of the activists seized one of the soldiers' weapons and opened fire, the commando said. A high-ranking naval official displayed a box confiscated from the boat containing switchblades, slingshots, metal balls and metal bats. "We prepared (the soldiers) to deal with peace activists, not to fight," he said. Most of the dead were Turkish, he added.
  19. Rays tonight? It'd be nice if the Jays layed a beating down on 'em!
  20. Apparently Adidas' new ball for the World Cup sucks ass.. "I think it's supernatural"
  21. There's a strip of goodness near Kipling station - and I know this sounds like an oxymoron when describing Etobicoke. Where's that? The only thing near Kipling station is Dundas St which is filled with fast food restaraunts. No bars or anything, except for a really ghetto donut shop.
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