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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Must be. And dammit, I hate being this wrong about something!
  2. FUCK! I meant to switch Thomas for Vokoun in one of my hockey pools.
  3. Ya, I think what happens there is that he's effected by his lack of curve, and trying to spot his fastball, to which there's a greater pressure to do so, resulting in decreased performance. When his curve is working, his fastball can miss and have less of an impact.
  4. lol, couldn't tell you why it wasn't working, but it left him with just a fastball/change and the Giants took advantage of it. Doubt it was nerves though, he's been there before. Im thinking he was just over due for a shitty performance, to be honest.
  5. His curveball wasn't working properly, from what I saw.
  6. What's going on?!? Glad I didn't lay any money down on this game. Geesh.
  7. I hope SF makes a series of it, I really do. But Im sticking to my guns and saying Texas in 4, 5 max.
  8. Well, Ive probably jinxed it now, but I was thinking that. I'm hoping Im wrong too, but SF had to rely on a lot of luck to get to where they are, and Texas just demolished the two top teams in the league. Classic 'just happy to be there' scenario for SF. Shades of Colorado 2007. Yup, thinking Rangers in 4.
  9. Rangers take it easily. Lee throws a perfect game in gm 1.
  10. I agree, and remember our conversation this summer? I said my favorite pitcher in the league was Lincicum and you said Halladay? Well shit, they tied. Good series! But the Yanks-Rangers was (as of a couple of minutes ago) a great series too. Just watching Lee pitch...man oh man...makes the whole Philly trading for Halladay thing seem kinda pointless. Lee is just as good IMO. Also, Texes picked up Vladdy when everyone else thought his best years were through. They weren't and now the Rangers are going to the show...just sayin', they deserve the respect too.
  11. Anyone watch Lee last night?!? Holy shit, it rivaled Halladay's no hitter, performance wise. If you missed it, this sums it up: He struck out Gardner looking on three straight pitches. All fastballs. In the 8th inning. It made me laugh maniacally, I tells ya.
  12. Thanks man. Admittedly, I don't know as much about football as I do about baseball or hockey, but I do know that the odds are in the publics favor during the first couple weeks of the season. Picked a Philly-Det tie, a few favorites to lose, and Stlouis to beat Oakland. Man, it was crazy to watch the games unfold. I think Det needed a two point conversion to make it a tie, or something like that, and they did it. It was almost epic. Almost. Ah well.
  13. week three I had a $5 ticket that paid $1700!! Facking Raiders blew it for me though by beating the Rams. I have hated Booche ever since.
  14. I do believe that means Booche likes Leaf fans now more than ever!
  15. I did say: And I more than understand the issues with factory farms, I'm not for them at all. Just read something somewhere once that made a good point about it being really close to impossible to feed everyone off locally produced food. The fact that I cant reference it though prolly makes the point null and void, so I retract it. Still, its neat to talk about.
  16. Ya, but Ottawa played pretty shitty too, that adds to it.
  17. I switched back to the Habs game, guess they counted it? Whew! Good thing I got my joke in there when I did then, lol. They really will be planning a parade in Toronto now.
  18. Any of you guys interested in Fisher for your fantasy team? Im giving him away FOUR NOTHING. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  19. Fair enough. I guess Im just really intrigued by the whole issue. For example, I've lived with a vegetarian for almost 10 years now and I've observed her struggles during that time. My family (mostly extended, but to a certain extent the immediate as well) seems to be in denial of it. They will serve her dishes with meat all the time and when she reminds them that she's a vegetarian they all seem to act like she's a teenager who's just going through a phase. I guess this has lead me to learn an awful lot about it on my own and formally in school and I find that the main arguments people have for eating meat are largely based on myth and really have no ground. "We need meat to survive" "We need meat to evolve" "Vegetables have feelings too" etc., etc., So, I've learned about something that, when done properly, leades to longer life spans, lower obesity rates, lower heart disease rates, and lower high blood pressure rates, and decreases digestive problems. The idea of everyone eating meat that is free range and raised locally is nice enough in theory, but in practice it can't work. I forget the exact stats, but it's impossible to feed the world on local farms ( if you need me to dig up the source I will) - so we do need factory farming. The problem is that we're using it to produce meat. And even if we could go local it would require everyone in the developed world to eat considerably less meat than what is currently consumed and just looking around, that aint gonna happen any time soon. So, ya, Im not trying to convince anyone either, but an argument was thrown out there for us to discuss and Im discussing it. No harm in that, I think.
  20. Not sure what you mean by that. What I meant was that you have to, for instance, combine different plant products to get the 9 essential amino acids that you would normally get from meat.
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