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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Oh, that's what you were going for, haha. I guess, ya, it will be national. Which also means that Jays fans in BC and NS etc., who get the odd Bosox and Yankee game instead of jays games, will be able to pay to watch the jays in those instances, I guess.
  2. Same idea as TSN 2, but Rogers' version. Just an extra channel showing nothing special, but you have to pay extra for it.
  3. http://www.thestar.com/sports/tvradio/article/853070--zelkovich-sportsnet-one-battle-turns-into-a-shooting-war I didn't know this until just now, but apparently 21 of the next 35 jays games are going to be on Sportsnet 1. As a bell satelite customer, I can't even watch them if I wanted to pay the extra bucks (I never would), which is even more ridiculous. Boggles my mind how Roger's can be so bold. I've got TSN 2 and its rather pointless as well, and I wouldn't miss it for a second if it were gone. To me, the programming on the reg sports stations is weak enough as it is and the last thing anyone wants to do is pay for another station devoted to 18 hrs of sportscenter (or in this case 'connected') just to see 21 games they thought they had already payed for. Again, hard to believe that this is even a thing.
  4. Booo!! Thought maybe that'd get ya, Schwa, guess not.
  5. Im in, and Im going to crush all of you. Ive got the next two weeks off and nothing better to do with my time than research how to win at fantasy football. But I prolly won't need it. Here's why: POG will play the "its my first time, go gentle on me," approach and finish near the bottom because no guts = no glory! Booche will lose and blame it on the fact that he has another team that is far superior in importance to this one, in some other, far-superior league that none of us know about and probably doesn't even exist. Sloth will finish in the middle of the pack and blame it on THE EXCUSE HE HAS ALREADY MADE! And Low Roller, he'll also blame it on Low Roller. Punk's team will be good, but he will space on the last day and forget to add his starting QB. MoMack will blame his losing on apathy caused by lack of juice. Davey Boy will draft for handsomeness and likely do well. Dinghy will only draft players who's last names are Neil, Phillips, or Fisher and probably do well, too. (dammit.) Ollie will draft Tom Brady (if Daveyboy doesn't get him first) and if he doesn't, will trade the team for him. Last place. Low Roller will be too focused on his team's NFL Europe affiliate to notice he's in ninth place, but he will be pleased that the future of his franchise looks bright. Badams and Dave-O will both have good teams. Choke-Towns. Schwa. is too much of a weenie to even play. That leaves me to win it fags.
  6. I need more notice than this. I just spent 20 minutes trying to log in on the new main page. I get confused easily, geez. Looks good though.
  7. The words "hockey" and "musical" should never be muttered in the same breath.
  8. Figure Atlanta is priming for the pennant run...A-Gon having a better than decent year at the plate and all, prolly nothing more than that. And he can field pretty well too.
  9. He could have said no to the TV special. Valid point, but even if he had, there still would have been a special. Also, I was referring more to the constant talk on the radio and TV about it in the weeks leading up to it. That shit was crazy (and annoying), and out of his control.
  10. Snoop's all talk, check it out: http://indyposted.com/31779/snoop-dogg-wants-to-make-cameo-on-coronation-street/
  11. As usual, Bill Simmons makes sense of it all for me: Link: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/100709
  12. That letter was wicked. Its a weird issue though - is it really poor sportsmanship to do what they did? Would the general public only be happy if both Bosh and Lebron stayed with their teams? What if Boch followed the money to NY and Lebron to Chicago? Not so much of a story then, I'd suppose. To me, I find it odd that that this doesn't happen more often. My guess is that ego (and greed) usually gets in the way and superstars stay away from each other so as to not have to share the spotlight. These guys have done the opposite of that though, which is kinda crazy. In this respect, I kind of like what they have done. As for LeBron leaving Cleveland, in a perfect world we'd all like to see our stars stay for their career, but its no surprise to see them leave either. And I don't think its fair to blame him for how the media covered it. Everyone knows that any story these days gets so incredibly blown out of proportion that its actually kind of sad. Because LeBron is so good his story was covered so ridiculously. As for Bosh, you guys know how I feel about him - its just too bad the Raps couldn't have got someone for him when they had a chance. Out of all this, he's going to be the little blond chick on survivior who makes it to the final three on the coattails of the other contestants. Bosh can eat it, for all I care. Just watched the Dwyane Wade Court Cuts on The Score the other day, and shit, its hard for me to not like that guy. He's incredible. He invited these guys to his team. Who does that? Seriously, who? Not many people, I tells ya. It's fairly unprecedented, IMHO. Even still, after all this, something feels wrong about it - as if they are cheating sport on some cosmic level - but I guess I'll have to go burn one and mull it over to truly decide if i'll cheer for Lebron and D-Wade when they win, or laugh at Bosh when they lose.
  13. Isn't that the guy that jumped off the boat at one of the Caution Cruises a few years ago?
  14. Happy belated man! Hope it was awesome!
  15. Who am I kidding? By "at 11" I mean at 3/4 volume on my laptop. By "cannonball" I mean soak my feet, and by "neghbours pool" I mean my nephew's kiddie pool. The beer part is real though. :chug:
  16. As if Im gonna get sucked into to defending the Doors to you guys. Instead, Im gonna get sucked into cracking a beer on the patio and listening to LA Woman at 11, and when the solo kicks in at the end I'm gonna cannonball into the neighbours pool.
  17. Hey, you don't gotta like 'em, just gotta respect 'em.
  18. Call me old fashioned, but if you include "The Doors" in your list of top 50 worst bands of all time, doesn't that make you clinically retarded?
  19. Im sure there are better, but my son (and I) thought it was pretty awesome. His mom found it at the Super Store...
  20. Chatham-Kent lands on Boardwalk in new Monopoly. Southern Ontario city beat out big shots – Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal – for pride of place on new Monopoly Canada board game. No, seriously, its true. C- towns must have voted like a billion times.
  21. Dear work, I know it's temporary, but I freaking love having you out of my life. Hal.
  22. It is now wholly evident that the Habs Brass stop watching after game 82.
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