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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Hows aboot that QB from Michigan? Making Notre Dame look silly.
  2. ...and thank goodness for public health care!
  3. Dang! Got an email today that said I wasn't chosen in the first round of picks (it was a pool, so I'm not taking it personally, although I am a little bit), but I still have a chance as a "wild card" so to speak - just have to submit a video of me "wiping out" and then let people vote on how good it is. Two problems with this: 1. I don't have any videos of me wiping out and 2. I have a feeling a lot of the applicants will now be compelled to go film a video of themselves wiping out, which is prolly fairly dangerous...especially that it has to be "authentic" according to the rules. There goes that dream. ::Sigh::
  4. I've got NO defense and Favre riding the bench tonight, so it will probably be Min 43 - NO 42, and Favre will throw 5 TD's.
  5. The Only Season Preview You Need
  6. Oh shit, that's tonight! Sweet!
  7. Nice one Dave-o! Any plans to play Wolfville this year? edit to add: Also voted for Nick Cobham...
  8. Hey y'all, Im hoping someone out there can help me...Im successfully importing video from my video camera on to my lap top, but the sound doesn't seem to want to come with it. Makes for a kind of boring video of my daughter laughing hysterically, know what i mean? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Hal PS - Im using Vista if that means anything.
  9. Is it just me, or does badams seem to get the No 1 draft spot in every one of our pools? C-O-N-spiracy.
  10. You'll have to make up for it with hockey.
  11. bwahahaha...don't mess! (It is a crime against the good folks of rich stadium that you and Dave O aren't in this league though)
  12. The whole landscape of the music industry has changed, so, to me, its hard to see how something like Phish could ever happen again. But who really knows, I guess.
  13. I've taken to watching Fox News in the morning for the sheer feelings of bewilderment that it bestows upon me. That diagram couldn't be more accurate. I've seen the clips and read the stories and heard the criticisms, but never spent that much quality time with it on my own, like I have these past few days. It is truly something, I must admit. Wow.
  14. He looks pretty good! I remember watching him during the WBC. Nice pick up for the Reds, and to think , they were critisized for it. Funny how he gets so little fanfare, compared to Strasburg. Not to take anything away from Strasburg, but its just weird.
  15. What the hell is this supposed to mean? Do you approach every sport that's not hockey the same way? Me: "Hey C-Towns, wanna play some tennis?" C-Towns: "Depends, can you explain to me how it is more physical than hockey? No? Forget it then." lol
  16. Badams makes a strong point. I'll send him the info!
  17. Anyone here object to a buddy of mine entering the pool? Low numbers in another one we tried to start....
  18. ^^^That's the same article I posted at the beginning of the thread.
  19. Here's the line-up for TSN 2 vs TSN 1: (ATL time zone) TSN 2: 9:00 - Best of OTR 9:30 - Fins and Skins 10:00 - Classic Poker TSN 1: 9:00 - poker 10:00 - poker ESPN is reporting 7 MLB games, 2 NFL games, 2 Soccer games, Golf, and Tennis all being played at the moment.
  20. If this is the case, and its offered for free, then honestly, it isn't so bad. Nowhere did I hear though that it would be.
  21. Free, or just a free preview? Article I posted says 'preview'... Even so, I don't understand the need for an extra station...the current ones have mostly useless crap on them anyway (which I still watch). All this means is that the reg stations will show even more poker, right?
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