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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Add this to that, it was reprted (heard it on the radio) that Sutter wasn't interested in Kovalchuk because he wants "two way players," and Kovulchuk isn't one. For a team that can use any type of secondary scoring, you'd think they'd maybe have a different philosophy. Calgary = sinking ship.
  2. Haha, awesome C-towns. I, ontheotherhand, had the luxury of watching the game with my mom and aunt. I wish I had a tape recorder too, b/c their commentary was absolutely priceless at times. Mostly though, they just yelled "shoot!," or, "pass!," or, "kill him!" at the top of their lungs, which was pretty good too. Anyone else question the 1 man in, 4 man back strategy by Canada for the entire 3rd period? Drove me nuts!
  3. I think they could have played much better for those three goals they gave up.
  4. I guess my point is that they couldn't have played a better game. They're only fucking human. It is rather impossible to dominate every facet of a game against a team like the states. Sure, they gave up a FEW chances (which tends to happen in sports), but that's where the best goalie in history is supposed to come through for them. He didn't and they lost. Their goalie won the game for them. Therefore, looking ahead, Im rather optimistic. If the team plays like they did against the states, they can still win it all.
  5. So this is the first time either of you have ever seen a hot goalie steal a hockey game? This concept, it's new?
  6. Were you guys even watching the same game as me? Heatley scored a goal and Marleau seemed to be in every play.
  7. Perry looked dumb, but the rest of the team? They outshot the states 2-1 and had them on the run for 95% of the game. Canada dominated the fuck out of them. Miller (obviously) won the game and Brodeur let in some weak goals. Im more happy about this loss than I was about the win against the Swiss. They've shown how good they can be now. Doughty is fucking unbelievable!! And who would have thought Brodeur would play like he did?
  8. I give no love to the Swiss. They had their moment in the sun last Olympics. They played hard, but honestly Canada should have been ready for it. I blame Ken Hitchcock now, for he has negative goal scoring vibes permeating from his mustache. But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, and losing a bit of perspective...it is only game two after all.
  9. Funny thing about Thornton is that I never see him play, and only catch the odd highlight here or there. I just know he makes pretty plays and puts up a thousand points a season. But, whenever I see him play for Canada, I feel the exact same way as you do, Dave-o.
  10. I dont know how long the Swiss have been playing as a team, to tell you the truth. Id guess that it wouldn't be too long though. And I'd agree if by "big" you mean kinda slow. As I said on FB, Sid needs to make this team his. Looked like he was trying towards the end there, which was cool. I'm glad were getting this out of the way nice and early Ollie, because by 10:00am tomorrow morning Im not gonna want to hear another word,
  11. hahaha...ya, where's Wade Redden when you need him? Im afraid of the States for the same reasons though. Shit. What I find so interesting, is all it takes is guys like fucking Hnat Domenichelli, Jonas Hiller and Mark Streit to tangle with a bunch of superstars. Momentum is a whacky thing. Sports Science should try to figure that shit out instead of wasting their time kicking guys in the balls. No wait, they should do both.
  12. Ollie! Im going to have to pretend I didn't see that...we NEED all hands on deck dammit! Okay, so observations, and let me be the first to say, cuz the game just ended, Getzlaf makes a lot of stupid passes. And Morrow and Richards are the only guys who hit and need to play a whole lot more. That is all. Were fucked.
  13. So, is this our Olympic hockey thread then? Well, jesuschrist Weber, keep your shot down!!
  14. While I think its amazing that that guy can take a shot like that and barely even grimmace, I am glad that I haven't been kicked in the nuts enough in my own life to be able to do it myself.
  15. Hey Ctowns, Russia opened against Latvia, so they're kind of in the same boat, but I hear ya. To look at it more positively, at least its a steady progression from really weak to really strong, which might help the team gel.
  16. I was impressed by Norge's spunk, and the first goalie. They really did fight hard, gotta give em credit. Oh, and good start for the boys, obviously.
  17. C, Corey Perry gets 2 of them. I don't know why, just a hunch.
  18. Hey, did you watch the making of Team Canada doc? I love the part when Yzerman goes, "He's 6'4 and can fly, he's 6'4 and can fly and score, he's 6'4 and can fly and score...I mean, this has gotta work, right?"
  19. That's what I was really referring to. Man, was he strong on the puck. It's so much fun to watch kids a kid who is actively trying be the difference on the ice, rather than just trying not to fuck up. And I completely agree with letting him develop in the minors, but not for *too* long...he looks hungry and you want to be careful not to starve the poor boy. But I totally get where your coming from.
  20. Booo!! Ah well, good job on the silver.
  21. If you didn't think that that would be exactly how it would play out from the minute the Olympics were awarded to Vancouver, then you haven't been paying close enough attention.
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