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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Ack! Im on the edge of my seat for women's moguls!!
  2. That is really sad...and probably terrifying for the rest of the lugers. Not to make light of the poor luger, but I did originally pop in here to see what the hell you guys thought of Arnie running with the torch. That's weird, right?
  3. It says I can take on 26 of em. I think I could do better though.
  4. A) No worries! I've noticed the negativity too and its sad that people feel that way about something that really promotes a lot of good. So Im sorry, didn't mean to come off that way. I'm very excited about the Olympics, and very jealous that you get to go! I watched a show (Olympic propaganda to some people) about how ecologically friendly these games are, and it made me happy because some people like to equate the olympics with killing puppies. When your there, if you get a chance, you should check out the skating facilities - they're pretty awesome, and built with a conscience.
  5. Of course I did, I was just making a joke. They are importing snow to the winter Olympics. Thats funny dammit.
  6. I lived on Vancouver Island for a couple of years. I freaking loved the winters there, and in Vancouver because , well, to be honest, THE WINTERS DON'T EXIST. When they gave the Olympics to Vancouver I immediately said it would be problematic considering WINTER DOESN'T EXIST IN VANCOUVER. Now they have to import snow. To the winter Olympics. Think about that for a second. Sometimes I feel like Im the only one who ever gives a shit about anything.
  7. Everyone is ripping on Manning but I don't get it. Why does a guy HAVE to win X amount of superbowls to be considered "one of the greats" and moreso, why do people feel soooooo compelled to make that distinction? Marcel Dionne is something like 4th all time in NHL scoring but he never won a cup. Therefore, he is not in the discussion of best of all time?? What if, just maybe he wasn't LUCKY enough to have all the other pieces fall into place to win the championship once, let alone 3 or 4 times? Maybe Peyton is so amazingly unbelievably good that the colts would be a sub 500 team with anyone else at the helm. Before any of you get all bent out of shape, I gotta say that personally I don't care, I just find it odd that its such an issue. Ive been listening to Sirius sports radio for the past two weeks and the hosts of various stations made such a big deal about this. I can only imagine how low on the totem pole he has dropped now.
  8. Ah crap, I didnt make picks for the SB. Wouldn't have mattered much anyhow. I liked the set up of this pool though - hopefully it becomes an anuual type thing.
  9. Brng back Miami Sound Machine!
  10. haha, how about that song too...man, just makes me wanna get out there and luge my frickin face off.
  11. How does Pat Quinn still have a job? I know the answer - old boys club - but still...The Oilers are a young team and they all probably hate his guts with his "the key to success in this league is dumping the puck!" drivel. I feel sorry for them.
  12. Googling "attractive horses" again C-Towns?
  13. Sometimes you take your kid to see the "Toothfairy" and you get rewarded for your efforts. Derek Thompson'd.
  14. Wow. I stopped watching it for 3 min to watch the Daily Show clip from the main page and when I was done the Leafs had lost. That is amazing.
  15. Crap, I wish I had talked to you before buying my Dell. It's been crapping out on me fairly consistenlty since I got it in September. It's brand freaking new!!
  16. I just read an essay called "Myths of Optimization in Golf", in which the authors attack the idea that working out will improve your golf game. They make a bunch of points having to do with the fact that a good drive isn't based on power, rather, technique, and adding power to your technique doesn't really improve your drive at all. But more importantly, they make the point that you only need strength for your tee shots and an average drive takes about 1.2 seconds to execute. Added up this equals abou 20 seconds worth of physical exertion per match. Even if you add in all your other shots, your looking at just over 1 mintue of physically playing golf. Throw in the fact that tour pros don't even carry their clubs, and you see that working out is for suckers!
  17. You guys are just lucky I couldn't find a pic of Barrasso in an Ottawa jersy
  18. They won't know what your talking about; they've only ever had STELLAR goaltending in the playoffs.
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