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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Haha, that's great Freaker...glad to know that the locals see the humor in it too! I work in NM for the rec department, so Im there all the time. If your ever back this way, let me know, go for beers or something.
  2. tragically' date=' the gang suddenly realized the beer was [i']beside the cooler ... Haha, good one PT.
  3. Not ESPN, but HBO has been hyping a Magic vs Bird doc they've made. Can't wait for it either.
  4. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a picture of the water tower for this place, but it has this logo on it, for the world to see: Always makes me laugh. New Minas, it's kind of allright! FWIW, Vancouver is probably my favorite Canadian City...New Minas a close second though.
  5. Pitt in 6 Boston in 7 Det in 6 'Nucks in 7
  6. Ah, I see. Im glad he stunk it up for the series. It did look good on him.
  7. Why do you hate Semin so much? Anyway, what a fucking series!!! They better show that shit once a week on ESPN classic series for the next ten years, at the very least. Hands Lapierre, anyone?
  8. Cool, I'll check it out for sure. I've seen the Jimmy the Greek and Len Bias one's so far and I've liked them both.
  9. WAS in 4 (but I changed it from Habs in 6 at the last second) - not over Philly in 7 - Win, but in 5 Buf in 6 - LOSE Pitt in 6 - HEY-O! SJ in 6 - IM AWESOME Chi in 6 - WICKED-AWESOME LA in 7- DOH PHX in 4 - Game tonight, but way off in games
  10. Hey, some of these hippies worked for a mortgage company for a couple of years...whose job it was to give advice...LR, like Bouche said, you want your name on there, and likewise, so does your fiance. The benefits far outweigh the liabilities.
  11. While I don't know anything about any tax benefits, there are probably more benefits to co-signing than there are to going solo. The biggest thing is that refinancing is much easier to do if you have both names on the loan. Adding a name later can be a pain in the butt, especially if your pressed for time (like if your moving and you want to upgrade your house, but need your fiance's income to get approved). Also, though its not commonly regarded as a big thing, having both names makes it a lot easier to maintain the loans. I would get into soooooo many arguments with people whose names weren't on their mortgaeg but still wanted to make changes to it. I don't know, hope it helps man.
  12. Welcome to the double dippers club.
  13. Hal Johnson


    Yup. Steve Zahn's character is great, too.
  14. The Rickey Gervais show is pretty good. Im assuming you guys have all seen "Funny or Die," then, too? I freaking love that show. I also just watched an episode of the Life and Times of Tim (the one where he insults the Elephant trainer) and it was hilarious as well. But Funny or die, that's definitiely my favorite.
  15. Roll call: Didn't see the Beaners standing a chance. Also, methinks Rask is the bigger loss to the Leafs than their 1st rounder this year.
  16. A simple google search found this: http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/mar2009/tc2009035_000194.htm "Overall music sales have continued their years-long slide. Total industry sales were about $10 billion last year, down from $14 billion in 2000, according to the Recording Industry Association of America. Revenues from digital download services like Apple iTunes (AAPL) and Amazon MP3 (AMZN) are still growing strong, but they're not generating enough revenue to make up for the sharp decline in CD sales. Overall spending on music is forecast to shrink 4% through 2013, according to a recent report by Forrester Research (FORR). " And what do you mean, "who ami talking about when I refer to the music industry?" Are you serious?
  17. Well, we've been reading different newspapers then.
  18. I gambled and picked a couple of Shoarks knowing that nobody else would. Figure if I keep doing this then one year it will pay-off. Guess this year wasn't it though, heh, heh, heh.
  19. They still have to record the tracks, Hal. Ummmm...let's see. Suppose you produced eggs and people used to buy entire cartons for $3.00. Now, people only buy single eggs at a time, and from a wide variety of different egg producers. Your business will die because, A) you are not selling enough single eggs to maintain a profit, and it costs too much to produce an entire carton. Your argument might have a little pull if people were still buying all the tracks from an album, as seperate singles, but their not. They're buying one song from this group and one song from that group, and another song from this group. Therefore it doesn't make any business sense for Geffen to sign a band to huge record deal and go in and record 16 songs when only one of them is going to be bought. You used to have to buy the album and get stuck with the crappy filler tracks, but you don't anymore. Im not against it, I'm just pointing out that the graph is misleading in a huge way. Damn it, I don't know how to use multiple quotes... I can't remember what you said exactly about the internet thing, but to me it's crazy that Bell (I use them because it's simple) gets paid a monthly access fee while the people spending the money to produce our entertainment lose out. Don't ya think, just a little?
  20. Haha, pretty awesome that they all flocked to the one guy closest to the play (or who touched the puck last). Hilarious.
  21. Looking at the graph again, while "units sold" is up quite a bit, the majority of those "units" are downloaded singles, which cost, what a buck or two? Obviously this hurts the music industry that used to sell entire albums for $14-$20 a pop. Why spend a bunch of money getting a band into the studio when people are just going to buy a single and download the album for free? The way I see it is that the music, television and movie industry needs to be providing the internet connection so they can actually capitalise off of their productions. If you think about it, we pay $50 a month for cable and we have a schedule of TV shows to choose from. We pay 40-70$ a month for an internet connection that provides us with any movie, show, or song we can possibly imagine. BEll and Roger's make all the money (in Canada, they're the biggest right?) while the people actually producing those movies, television shows and music are losing out. Something aint right in that equation.
  22. Holy shit, just saw the higlight of Boyle scoring on his own net in OT....how'd I miss that?! That has got to be one of the shittiest ways to lose.
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