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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Sweet, thanks man. So in, say, the EPL, would you say it gets called a lot less than it does in the NHL?
  2. Hal Johnson

    Tiger Woods

    haha...Radisson...room 313... I'll be under the name "Titliest".
  3. Technically speaking, is there a rule against diving in soccer? If there is, how often is it called? very rarely, all the time, or kind of?
  4. Hal Johnson

    Tiger Woods

    Personally, Im astounded at how quickly he's getting back at it. I assumed he would stay out of the spot light for a really long time (lord knows I would), especially after his text messages leaked where he asked the girl if he could pee on her (assuming they're legit, which I kinda half to/want to).
  5. I refuse to acknowledge this thread because we completely spaced on a "Joe Sakic Retires" thread, and that aint right.
  6. Why, is he dating an Ottawa Senator too?
  7. Shit, I'd imagine that would hurt quite a bit.
  8. Oh, and Booche, I just happened to notice that Craig Anderson has more points than Brodeur this year, so so much for your theory that I can't see into the future.
  9. Holy crap, I'm astounded by how close this race is. Good job guys!!
  10. Pancakes...all exciting at first, but by the end your fucking sick of 'em.
  11. Hmm, that's a tough one. I didnt notice you had B Molina before...I'd stick with him. He probably has a better upside that Pierzinski (with HR's and RBI), but if you see he's not playing much, AJP is a good option if he's available. Granderson is a left handed bat (who hit 30 HR's last year) playing half his games at the new yankee stadium. In that line up, with who he's got hitting around him...he'll likely hit a bunch of HR's. He doesn't hit for as much average though, so if you need base hits remember that too.
  12. McCann is one of the top guys, so your good there. If AJ Pierzinski is still around though, grab him as a back up. Unfortunately, I really don't know of any prospect catchers except for Weiters, but he's likely gone already. RP is a crapshoot too, IMO. Guys are great one year, horrible the next, and vice versa. You have a decent team though, especially if Sizemore gets back to form.
  13. Im in two. Sleepers, I never know, as they never seem to work out for me. As for tips, I find that hitting is generally easier to come by, except for in the Catcher position. I always try to get one of the top catchers because there's a HUGE drop from top of the league to, like, the fourth best guy. But firstly, I go after SP's as they can make or break you. You definately need a good closer too. So I guess my strategy is to get at least two awesome SP's, one of the top catchers, and a good closer, then Im happy.
  14. I'll take the blame for the jinxing the no-no...tried to explain to my son what was happening so he'd watch it with me, then, well, you know what happened next...
  15. Haha, nice try dave-O, but St louis sucks ass with those three guys and Calgary isn't exactly putting the fear of god into anyone with newly aquired Stajan and White. The only guy in your list who matters at all is Rask and he's JFJ's fault.
  16. Anyone notice how many freaking goals Stempniak has scored for Pheonix since he's been traded?!
  17. Fuck I hate sportsnet. You know all the leaf games are blacked out in NS in favour of the Senators? What did I do to deserve this??? Don't answer please.
  18. Haha, that's really cool man! Great idea.
  19. See that's what is so fucked up. Danton still defends the guy, but every other account of him is that he is a complete asshole. I don't know what to believe. It's sad, really.
  20. Ollie, I see your point, but from everything i've read about David Frost, I have to feel sorry for Danton. Frost totally controlled and abused the guy. Frost is an evil man. I consider Danton a victim.
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