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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. I know for a fact that the team the Thrashers are most interested in isn't the team Ecklund says it is, and that it is also not Chicago, LA, NY, NJ or Boston. There is a chance that the team I'm talking about can not be a team Atlanta isn't talking to either, but the chances of that are slim to likely (maybe).
  2. Burke: "Hey Lou, Im collecting on that bet." Lou: "Fine, Brodeur sits tonight."
  3. I only watched this show for the first time very recently, as it follows re-runs of the office. Never knew the three guys on the left (right in the picture) were in anything else before they started appearing in every comedy produced in the past 5 years.
  4. Heard someone else say that Burke isn't in a position to build exclusively through the draft because of the market he's in, which we kind of all have to accept as the truth (personally, I wouldn't mind it). Instead, he has to go young through spending. When you cant afford to wait for your team to develop, and you aren't able to buy high priced talent, you have to go in the middle and sign Phil Kessel and Dion Phaneuf and a bunch of college players. He's trying to "buy through the draft", which is the way the guy put it, I think.
  5. When Quebec separates that should be their official motto. hahaha!
  6. That reminds me - I forgot to mention that "Riders On the Storm" on repeat worked for me many, many times. Seriously!
  7. haha, remember when the Leafs got Finger? There was that story that they traded for the wrong guy on Colorado? Of course it was denied, but...kinda makes you wonder...
  8. Phaneuf and Kessel offer more potential for the future than anyone the Leafs have had in years. I'd say its a start.
  9. Hey POG, we went through the same thing. It's really annoying when the "experts" say to just let them cry it out, when your kid is losing their voice (literally) after 45 min to an hour worth of screaming at the top of their lungs. Not to mention what the neighbours must think...but anyway, catphish is right, read the discussion boards, they offer really good advice (for the most part)and I think the routine idea works very well. Honestly though, it's not fun and its just something you have to really work at, but it does get easier! Trust me, and good luck!
  10. I can understand Kaberle, but White?
  11. That's pretty cool, and you never know, it might have a better chance of surviving than the last few efforts did. And, like Jaimoe said, it's fairly decent ball.
  12. How do you know everyone is happy to watch a band until 2am on a weeknight? I am not, and I skip those shows, as I have done for most of my adult-life. There are bigger priorities than seeing live music. On the other hand, I know that if a show is at a huge venue it starts and ends earlier. Given that knowledge, I may choose to go out on a weeknight. If that deal is broken by the artist or venue, I have a right to be annoyed. While I applaud your willingness to skip school, some of us have careers and clients. Our lives do not lend themselves to flagrant irresponsibility, for the sake of seeing some people play music. I really didn't think this was that complex of an idea, but apparently it is. (Jaimoe seems to get it.) With that post you managed to take every remaining ounce of rock n roll out of being a guns n roses fan But really, your right, only slackers, low-lifes, and people who are not adults would ever go to a rock concert that ends past 11:00 on a weeknight. I don't even want to know the word for the person who would, (gasp), ever use a vacation day for the friday after a GNR concert. Ollie and Jaimoe - I get you on the consessions closing - that would suck.
  13. Personally, if I go to a GNR concert on a "school night", there's no way I'm going to school the next day anyway.
  14. I can't believe YT did that to C-town's couch!
  15. This is what I don't get. You go to a show at a bar and it starts at around 11:00 and no one complains. You get your drink on and then rock out until 2:00am. Everyone is happy. GNR starts at 11:00 and everyone complains, why? Its not like it should be a surprise to anyone. No offense Ollie, but if you went to the show for 8 and stood there for 3 hours complaining, I'd have to say you kind of asked for it. If anyone read the news or followed it even slightly they'd know not to bother showing up until 10:00. It's not rocket appliances people!!!
  16. True story: I read "The Catcher in the Rye" when I was in grade 8 because I thought it would be about baseball. It was a fairly profound moment in my life. Can't wait to re-read it.
  17. Haha, nice. Have one for me, im off to bed!
  18. Shoulda listened to ol' Hal.
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