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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Holy fuck, nice throw by Manning. He aint gonna give up that easily....and...TD Colts.
  2. I just switched my QB from Favre to Brees. Pretty much sealed a victory for the Vikes, I guess, lol!
  3. Hal Johnson

    Waldo found!

    Oh man, i wish i knew when they were taking pics of my place.
  4. :grin: Glad you sorted it out. Pretty funny.
  5. haha, 1 chug whenever Jaimoe claims something to be the "best" of any particular era/genre. 1 chug whenever I show my lack of enthusiasm for new music or celebrity deaths.
  6. Hal Johnson

    Big Fan

    I want to see it, I've heard good things about it.
  7. Hahaha, that's an interesting article. I remember reading something onece that said a wide receiver has the best job in the world. They run for a total of two minutes per game, on average, or something along those lines.
  8. The thing that gets me is that the ONE MAJOR ISSUE in hockey right now is head shots, so how stupid do you have to be to pull off something this flagrant?
  9. Colt McCoy was destined to be the greatest quarterback of all time but then...
  10. Captain of Team Canada juniors puts him in some type of superstar status. Head Shot flow chart would dictate 5 game max, wouldn't it? Dirty, dirty play. He did something similar in the junior tourney too, but Eh Oh Canada Go!
  11. Two nights in a row Dinghy. I'm stealing that one and sending it out over the Facebook.
  12. Thanks, that was a good review. Im bored by the set list though, and re-thinking my desire to go to the show. There's not one song that isn't incredibly safe in the whole thing (aside form the democracy tracks). Would it kill them to throw in a Dust n Bones or Bad Obsession?
  13. Dinghy, Technoviking just made my day. Thank you sir.
  14. Set List for lat show in Dec in Japan... I don`t see how they can be starting all that late if they`re playing this many songs. Looks like tonight is the first Canadian gig in Winnipeg though, so hopefully that will give us an idea of how stable Axel is after his christmas break. Oh, and if you click on "14. DJ Ashba Guitar Solo" you get youtube footage of their new guitarist, and he seems aaight I guess. Little too much of a Slash wannabe though. I still would like to go to the show in halifax. Last time they came through Toronto I went to Primus instead and it turns out I could have made both shows as GNR didn`t go on stage untill after 11:00 as well (or so I heard).
  15. Haha, good on ya Schwa. Now, keep those videos coming!
  16. Ah fuck, it went into a shootout too? Curse you.
  17. Fuck, I was watching that game, and it was GOOD. Then Krista's friend from Toronto shows up and we have to watch American Idol. It's all about picking your battles boys, picking your battles.
  18. Sucks that Conan gets the shitty end of the stick, he's always been my favourite late night guy. BTW, shouldn't this be in the juniors thread?
  19. I kind of agree with Mack's POV. "In theory, a referee should be above evening the score or settling personal vendettas, but hockey is anything but a theoretical exercise." Methinks this kind of stuff goes on all the time (Anyone see the YouTube I posted a while back with the ump calling a guy out and then telling him it was for chirping at him the game before?) and the unwritten code is that you don't talk about it and it get's policed by the players and the ref's(umps) themselves. I also think that, as wrong or unethical as it is, Burrows did indeed open a "can of worms," by going directly to the media with it, rather than keeping it in-house. Now the NHL, the Refs and Nucks have to play the PR game that Im sure they would rather avoid.
  20. ::Waits for Don Cherry to say this kind of stuff only happens in other sports::
  21. ...and if Staal was recently on waivers...Zajak is the next best guy available? Hmmmm....
  22. That's a scary fuggin thought. I hope like hell it doesn't happen, but I really wouldn't be surprised if it did...ugh.
  23. btw, anyone know why the points I got yesterday decreased?
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