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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Birdy


    And from the US Embassy in Ottawa: You're good.
  2. Birdy


    From the US Customs and Border Protection Website:
  3. Birdy


    you're okay with just your driver's license to fly within the US until 2009. We have a whole office full of people who do it all the time.
  4. Birdy


    I guess the new Ontario driver's license is supposedly going to act the same as a passport does when traveling to and fro in the US. Or at least the government's trying to make that happen. Or at least that's what I've heard.
  5. I f'ing hate winter. I'm so sick of white pasty skin and itchy legs. BRING ON THE SPRING! Although, I am heading off to Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday for a week! Sunshine and palm trees.
  6. Birdy

    US recession?

    i just clued in who django is!
  7. finally, a politician who can publically speak and inspire all at the same time. a far cry from George and Billary.
  8. It's downright awesome.
  9. Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense
  10. some tealights are made of soy and vegetable based waxes.
  11. this is a big issue for me too... i LOVE the smell of pine-sol.. sometimes i heat up some eucalyptus oil and it helps... or a mixture of tea tree and lemon oil and i get that 'okay, it's clean' feeling.
  12. vinegar and water on surfaces, lemon oil on wood, and dry dusting all work well for me... instead of washing windows and mirrors with paper towel, use newspaper instead... streak free shine!!
  13. I think it's far more important to focus on what these potential drop out kids are doing during the hours they're NOT in school rather than take these somewhat unconstitutional steps backwards, trampling all over important gains the civil rights movement has made and is still continuing to make over the years. This makes me shudder. It’s really a multi-faceted problem, starting with parents who don’t care, are too busy to parent, may not be ‘fit’ to parent in the first place. Coupled with environment/geographical issues of being inner-city kids, heightened crime levels, etc. Then throw on for icing teachers belonging to a school board who are underpaid, undervalued, with not even 10% of the resources they need to actually make a difference… without having to devote their lives and their money to the cause for free. I think it apathetic and appalling of the school board to come up with such a half hazard plan to think that segregation, or racially focused study is the key to ending their problems. I find it infuriating that our provincial government would accept this and that municipalities aren’t able to step up, interject and come together to create the kind of after school programs, sports leagues and social groups that are geared towards differing demographics-- something to provide some kind of stability in these kids lives, to show them the difference between right and wrong. To be the parents when the parents aren’t there. I *almost* think it’s funny that we think changing curriculum is going to make an ounce of difference. Another f’ing bandaid is what this is and it’s a seriously shitty one at that.
  14. hahaha no! say what you will about umphreys outside of their NYE shows and I'll probably agree... but that party was pure craziness!
  15. Birdy


    On the left hand side at the bottom, you'll see some funky symbols of arrows and x's. Hover over them. One of them that looks like an x made out of arrows is a button to turn shuffle on or off.
  16. I saw Keller for the first time about five or six years ago in Vancouver at Richards on Richards and fack me was it ever a good time. Mind you it could have been the two and half bottles of red wine i consumed up on the balcony, but whatever. I've only seen him once since at the Umphrey's Chicago new years party and could have napped through his entire performance. booooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg.
  17. this has been the talk of the office this morning!
  18. Birdy


    you don't need anything special c-towns. in itunes under the file menu you can either 'add file to library' or 'add folder to library' and select the mp3s you want added into your itunes. once you've done that, create a new playlist and drag whatever songs you want on your ipod into it from your library. plug in your ipod. a new little screen appears asking you what playlists you would like added. click away.
  19. I'd say making a few border runs for beer/liquor from the US is so worth it.
  20. I'd say bring in your own booze as it would be way cheaper than having the hall sell the stuff for you. Then you could make the straight profit from the sale of it, which apart from the ticket sales, will be your biggest cash in at the end of the night. You won't need to get a 'liquor license' if you're having the party in some sort of community hall that is already licensed. If you want to sell your own booze in there you'll need to get a 'special occasion permit' which you can apply for at the liquor store. They normally take about ten days to come in if your event is indoors. *edit* - and you won't have to worry about insurance. The liquor license of the hall will cover you. I'm personally of the opinion that the bride and groom should fork out all the money ahead of time. What happens should the stag and doe be a flop? It's not fair to expect your friends to be on the line just to get you a better honeymoon or a couple of mortgage payments. At my brother's stag and doe this past summer they did a condiment auction. While i think it's sick and nasty having all kinds of shit sprayed all over you and smushed in your face, they raised $2500 on it alone.
  21. Birdy

    Airline Tips

    ooh.. Southwest.com flies from Detroit too... cheap!
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