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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. "I will follow you into the dark" almost makes me want to jump off a cliff too. It's perfect when you're seeking out depression like it's your job!
  2. I'll come out and say it...... I LOVE this album from start to finish. Total guilty pleasure. I cannot get enough either. I tried the Postal Service (side project) but its not as good. Soul Meets Body is the perfect pop song. S ps. I love beer too! oh god.. i've had that song on individual repeat for almost two days and i can't stop. maybe i should start drinking heavily.
  3. Yo la Tengo - I can hear the heart beating as One My Morning Jacket - Okonokos Death Cab for Cutie - Plans Umphreys Mcgee - Anchor Drops Ryan Adams - Bedhead Volumes
  4. chatham's finest yes! they ARE definately a really good band.. saw them at the nest not too long ago.. and at the phog lounge in windsor most recently. check out their myspace! Square Root of Margaret and add them as your friend!
  5. Birdy

    this is lovely

    yes, they are. i'm with you ollie.
  6. yes it is.. i went for a big long walk last night, ipod strapped on, and gave it a listen.
  7. really, really nuts. completely unfathomable. considering that's what our troops are up against, scares me to no end.
  8. yes i have. normally if i hit refresh it will pop up and all will be well... but definately.. logo and banner and NOTHING!
  9. i'd be interested in hearing how this is... i just picked up "I can hear the heart beating as one" yesterday!
  10. So you've admitted your opinion has changed from the beginning of this discussion. This is progress. I think you have to recognize the way you came out swinging at the beginning of this discussion, defending the killing of this program saying first it threatened the legitimacy of the Supreme Court (?), then this very dubious statement: This statement (seemed!) to speak to a certain view about equality in our society, and seemed to indicate your view that no groups deserve the special treament that this program provided - which set off a few alarm bells, not just from me. Hard to argue such a view is not right wing (libertarianism and conservativism share a lot) The CPC may say they cut the program as it wasn’t transparent enough, and you seem to agree, but it’s been widely reported that this cut was generally about principle/morals, namely that the CPC leadership is opposed to many of the legal changes this program has enabled, ie. Advancement of minority rights such as the fight for same-sex equality, language issues, first nations, etc. You may not be socially conservative, but you’re giving these guys a free pass if you think it was truly done because of lack of transparency. The Prime Minister and most of his Cabinet are social conservatives (Ref-oooorm!), each of them has a public record and it’s clear where a vast majority of them stand on these kind of issues. This is probably the first real conservative government this country has ever had. Mulroney….not even close. hux just to get it out there, a dissenting view point is not necessarily 'coming out swinging'. i'm sorry my posts seemed to imply that i didn't think anyone deserving of the money.. this is NOT the case, nor could it ever be the case if it were coming from me. These groups are given the money because another group is not, and all I really want to know is who is getting the money and who isn't. It very well could speak volumes about the true social nature of the program itself and our government, something I am DEFINATELY interested in knowing. I can clearly identify that the PM is a social conservative, but i'm not the PM. how i feel about this particular program is how i feel, and whether that opens the door for evil and corruption to come, i really can't say. but I'm not the type to let some half-ass act or program slide by because i fear what happens if it didn't.
  11. no! bad, bad ollie! no time for settling.
  12. i would if there was a candidate in my riding!
  13. hamilton, i will say cancelling it wasn't the best idea.... but leaving things as they are, isn't either. change is needed. had no idea about that case, btw!
  14. Um...you should scroll back through the archives of this forum, for months you have laid out a great deal of your "point of view" on a wide range of issues, (safe injection sites, social programs, taxes, and now legal aid for minority interests) that have definitely been noticed by people who post and many who don't. They're generally pretty strong views. I'd say we have a pretty good idea of where you're coming from. Seriously, read back a little. I'd really like to hear your response to hamilton as well. Also, can you explain what would attract a staunch libertarian to the NDP? That's one I've never heard. It would honestly be great to meet you and discuss this stuff, it would be less frustrating for both of us, as you could toss a drink at me if you think I'm being a dick, and I could maybe pry answers where you would otherwise go off on a tangent or ignore a counter-point, that often happens in here. hux, for someone who can dig up my past posts, why do you paint me as a republican? re-read that safe injection site thread and take a good look at where i go off saying that i'm all for drug legalization. do you really think a HARD RIGHT WINGER/ REPUBLICAN would say such a thing? legalize hard drugs? c'mon! for someone such as myself who fucking despises George Bush it's a little hard for me to swallow that shit without saying something to you. a lot of the time i don't respond to what you consider counter-points, because i really don't consider them 'points' at all. if there is ever really something you feel like needs to be adressed, call me out on it and i'll respond. i don't ever intentionally evade anything that i think belongs in an argument. more than ever i'd appreciate an attempt at understanding what being socially liberal, yet economically conservative is really all about. typing out that i am unable to indentify inequality is crap and assuming that i'm against social assistance is crap too. i honestly have no doubt as to your intelligence, and a lot of the time i think your posts are intended to get a rise out of people (you are a politician), but sometimes i just tire of being painted as the person that you tend to paint me as. I'm soooooo far from that person. maybe we can cough this up to the boundaries of internet forums. as for libertarians voting NDP it's about two things mainly and a third kind of: 1. social liberalism 2. accountability and 3. fear of social conservatism you will never meet a self-professed libertarian who favours legislation against same-sex marriage or abortion or what have you. and FYI - up until this election i have cast votes the NDP way and the Liberal way. How very "republican" of me. But really thanks for this response. It would be much easier to debate this stuff in person as points of view can be explained and inconsistencies cleared up. Plus it would be fucking awesome to throw a drink in your face at some point! haha. cheers.
  15. i've chilled. i left for lunch and subsequently my blood pressure has dropped back down to more normal-like levels. DEM - i was only merely using the terminology handed down to me from above and therefore, a more appropriate quote for your post would be this thanks. hamilton - in light of those peoples who have applied and don't receive grants or monetary aid and do desperately need it, i think it's far time the government took a good solid look at this program. perhaps cancelling it was the wrong thing, but a serious rejigging was needed. i have no idea why it is shrouded in a cloak of secrecy, but if it weren't, i'd be all for it. i want to know the criteria that is used to say NO to someone who needs help and YES to someone else in the same boat. why any of you would not want to know this kind of mind boggles me.
  16. i think my blood pressure just went up. wrong, my ASS! hux i've sat through this forum and have taken your personal insults with a grain of salt and shaken them off and really, ignored them. but fuck me... those days are over. for someone who has never met me you certainly have a lot to say about who I am and what I believe in. Calling me "un-Canadian"? WTF is that! what a fucking insult. but wait! VOTE FOR HUX!! i'm sorry if i wasn't as politically correct as others in my thread above, but don't for one second paint me as some right wing shmuck.. that's bullshit. "my point of view", you have no idea as to my point of view! I REPEAT, i would have no problem with this program if the particular "MINORITY COMMUNITIES" were identified, but they are not. How the hell does me asking what groups the federal government is assisting with tax payer money make ME unable to "identify inequality". What a fucking slap in the face. SERIOUSLY. Obviously you have no idea that MOST libertarian thinkers actually vote for the FUCKING NDP in this country.
  17. i'm not saying these groups should not receive funding, AT ALL. i'm arguing the fact that our government grants interest groups of it's choice money to challenge the top ranking court of our country without telling the citizens of Canada which particular interest groups it is helping. i, for one, would like to KNOW!
  18. ooh yes.. the Boudin Bakery/Museum is down there.. fantastic!!
  19. hux if you think i should be in the republican party you obviously have NO IDEA as to my politics. never, in a trillion years, would i vote Republican in the USA. EVER. I am socially liberal, but economically conservative. ollie (no offense ollie ) is not bang on. not all of Africa is Uganda, nor does all humanitarian aid by way of money come into the hands of corrupt dictators. edit to add: i could never possess such a bleak outlook. and as for the justication that i gave in killing this particular program, i only see it fit that the federal government discloses to it's citizens any and every group that is threatening the legitimacy of the Supreme Court of Canada and what their case may be. i would have absolutely NO PROBLEM at all if the spending of the court challenges program was disclosed. The fact that it is NOT only leaves me and a lot of Canadians to raise eyebrows and question whether specific interest groups were or are receiving preferential treatment at the expense of other interest groups. This is ONLY FAIR. DEM - i respect what you are saying, but i'm arguing for accountability as I'm sure (even though most of you in this forum are picturing Mr. Harper with horns coming out of his head and will undoubtedly tie this into some sort of warped and backwards family values initiative) the CPC is as well. Not all of the CPC is socially conservative!!!
  20. considering that it's a publicly funded program that neither lets the public know where the money is being spent or allows the public to know what criteria is used to select groups that it funds, i say it's ABOUT TIME. social darwinism i don't think has anything to do with it. and just to make an international comparison for good measure, imagine what $2.75 million could do in most parts of Africa. how high and mighty of you Carol Goar.
  21. Birdy

    Built to Spill

    so......... how were they?
  22. i think he's been there for like... ever. he's kind of a legend out there now.. i think. on weekends tons of people line up on the other side of the street and watch as unknown passers get the shit scared out of them.. haha. it is funny. yah the sealions are cool too. squawkers!
  23. do the whole pier 39 walk too.. try to avoid it though on a weekend as it's super touristy.. but the street vendors down there are something else. the bushman is hilarious. he's just a guy who hangs out behind a bush and jumps out at people walking by.. it's pretty funny, actually! carmel is absolutely beautiful.. probably one of the most beautiful spots i've ever seen in the US. you'll love it. take the coastal highway 1 down instead of the 101... it's much more scenic. if you're in Carmel go to Monterey and stop at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It's the largest aquarium in the USA (i believe) and has a spectacular (no, really) jelly fish exhibit.. i could stand in there for hours and watch those things. Also in the area is 17 mile drive (the richest real estate zip code in America) cruise down it to head to Pebble Beach or just to check out some crazily beautiful houses. Clint Eastwood lives down there. the best though is BIG SUR.. if you've got a chance to do some camping.. hit this spot up.. it's absolutely lovely!! and get ready to drink some smoothies.. for every tim horton's in ontario, there's 10 smoothie bars in california! have fun!
  24. magic! i saw him in chatham a few years ago now.. awesome time!
  25. What are you talking about? She very well could be a libertarian. And I don't normally "stretch" anything, moreso the exact bloody opposite. now this, is what i would call "stretching it": or how about this:
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