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Everything posted by meggo

  1. eek! i have to get tickets to this today, i will not be denied another show b/c of my nonchalanteyness!!
  2. holy shmokes! happy birthday cuz.
  3. meggo

    good roti in ottawa?

    we did catch the beginning of the band. what did you think? we left by about 8pm. d_rawk thought he heard them do an eliott smith song which he was very pleased about. yeah the service is crazy slow! but it makes you feel like you're on island-time, and it's so yummy. PS did we see you on CTV awhile back?
  4. happy birthday! i think you should make a nice big kitchen table fort and just chill there for the afternoon.
  5. hey ms. zims - don't we live on the same street? you can borrow our tape if you want, might be easier.
  6. meggo

    good roti in ottawa?

    holy smokes! we went there for the yummy birthday dinner last night and BOY! i think i burned a layer of nerve endings off the inside of my mouth. that is some spicy foodskis! very yummy, though.
  7. thanks all y'all!! you make me feel all warm inside. work was, well, worky. but for dinner we're going to the new caribbean flavours location, roti here i come, yay!
  8. happy birthday pretty mama!
  9. we went to barrymore's to get tix around 9pm and they were sold out. the guy at the door said they sold out "a while ago." bummer! hope the show was good.
  10. my parents are in town and my dad is a big steak aficionado. any restaurant suggestions?
  11. meggo

    good roti in ottawa?

    hurray! thanks for the info.
  12. sorry i was slow on the draw. love you lots lady!!! you rock!
  13. ugh. with four RCMP officers and one apparently unarmed man, this does seem excessive. it is really too bad they didn't have a translator to help. that being said - i am not 100% against tasers being used. this past summer there was an incident with someone that i know who is mentally ill; he was having major paranoid delusions that the police [and everyone] were out to get him. when the police eventually had to be called because it was believed he could be a danger to himself and others, he thought they'd come to kill him, like his fears had been realized. at that point he was fighting, he thought, for his life. the police had to taser him three times to get him under control. although death is a possibility with tasers, i think the risk of death would have been much higher if they only had their guns and no alternative. as an aside, the CBC reported earlier this evening that 17 people have been killed by tasers in canada.
  14. i am bad for saying "a whole nother" example: i have to go buy a whole nother side mirror because some fuckface ripped mine off last night.
  15. hahahah... i'm sure this doggie would LOVE the table fort! and phishtaper, hopefully you are right. but they were going to put their dog to sleep just b/c they were moving... kinda lame-o. apparently the veterinarian convinced them to give it to this golden retriever rescue group. anyway - seems like a new good home is on the horizon.
  16. i agree, i have no idea how you could part with your doggie after 10 years. but, i was just talking to the foster mum and it sounds like there are some promising possibilities among some of the other teachers here. and i really don't think that they're going to get rid of the dog til they find her a home.
  17. when i was a kid i volunteered at the SPCA in chatham and i loved it. this spring i worked with habitat for humanity and i loved that too. they have an ottawa chapter or you can get involved with global village and go somewhere else. as far as other local organizations... i actually have my students do projects on this... depends on what you're interested in, there are so many!
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