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Everything posted by mattm

  1. sweet, you just pointed out for me how you can get good speeds, just not at peak times which is fine, you could have downloaded my 2.5 gigs from 2am to 4pm easily and I'm sorry but no one will be able to convince me that it isn't fast enough. Unfortunately the seeders weren't there for me so I could only get 30, not from rogers throttle (you didn't even read the post I put up or you have a hard time understanding computers) but from torrent upload throttle. Oh, tracker = demonoid, ratio 1.5 (200 gigs uploaded, 136 downloaded) means I don't get throttled by demonoid (the worse your ratio, the more they will throttle your speed as well to punish the leechers). Edit: Demonoid does not punish for low ratio, good to know.
  2. Lure's awesome, John Henry's are really fun. Haven't been out in a while so don't know much more.
  3. Now you've hit on the real problem, false advertisement and that's what gets me. Your other comment, you get what you paid for, is true, I have no problem downloading constantly right at the cap when using non-p2p protocols. Here's the other thing that no one wants to mention. Yesterday I started downloading, through rogers, a torrent of osx leopard. I was able to connect to a good 10 seeders and many peers and sat at 30kbps all night netting me 50% of 2.5gigs in one night. I watched it for a bit and at the start it would go up to 150 or so and then back down to average out at 30kbps. That's 2 nights to get 2.5 gigs. Doesn't seem too bad to me. It would be nice if it was faster, yes, but since most people restrict their upload speeds to around 26 (the average point at which your internet stops working due to upload bandwidth over-use) and lots even less than this, and the fact that if you look at the pieces in utorrent, you'll notice that there are a lot of very dark blue lines, some light blue and fewer even lighter blue. This means that all most people have the same pieces as others. This means that if you've downloaded those pieces, and only a few other people have the other pieces, it will be very slow trying to get those other pieces. Now back to the mac osx story. I get to school. My computer is on the DMZ, I don't have restrictions and the connection is insanely fast. I got the same exact speeds as with rogers last night. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, looks like at 30 some odd download through rogers I still wasn't hitting their cap, I was hitting the inherent problem in torrents -> They just aren't all that fast and that's the reason I don't use them. My upload, on the other hand, increased to 600kbps, woooo, that's fun to watch and lucky bastards leeching off me. I tried to get another thing the other day. Took 4 days on a 180mbps connection, which trust me, you don't have at home. It was 750mb.
  4. This is fun, I knew it was a good idea to plant that spark of macs suck, nothing like a good old mac/pc argument. For the record: I used XP for the past many years (since beta) and the switched to Vista last year for the hell of it. I usually have a virus scanner on my computer but I never run it (I think I may have done 3 scans in the past decade), it's mostly for show because people believe that you need one. I have never had spy/adware and the only time my computer ever crashes is if there is a hardware failure or I do something stupid (I'm a programmer, I sometimes do things I shouldn't). Drivers aren't a problem because they are almost all geared to windows (try setting anything up in linux, now that's fun). When it comes to USB, most USB devices have the drivers loaded on the device itself, or at least the basic drivers, and what's on the CD is the extra programs that 90% of the time you don't need. This is the case for both Mac and Windows. In other words, part of the discovery of a USB device is to ask the device to supply you some drivers, especially with things like USB sticks and cameras which need to work on any computers. Windows has more virus and spy/adware attacks becuase more people use it. If you want to make a virus to steal info, you don't make it attack mac or linux because not that many people use them, you'll have way better luck hitting up a windows box. People make the assumption that this means that Mac is more secure, same with linux but that isn't actually the case. When the macbook air came out there was a contest to hack it. The winners did it in 2 minutes, now that's pretty good. http://www.news.com/8301-13579_3-9905095-37.html So far, two years in a row at this contest the guys were able to hack the mac but as of yet no one has been able to hack the ubuntu or vista boxes during these competitions. This sucks because it lends itself to a false sense of security running anything not windows but once the mac is popular enough, there will be exploits and the first ones will hit hard, harder for the fact of this sense of security. The key to computer security is just to avoid being dumb. People get "hacked" because they go to the wrong sites, click randomly on links without checking them, etc, etc. Same with adware. Most p2p programs come with adware and that's how they get onto most pc's but you can avoid that by not using them. Basically, if you know nothing then until macs are mainstream, you are safer using one but if you feel like being a tiny bit cautious then you'll be fine and don't really need a virus scanner or some such. Don't open email attachments, general rule, things like that. Now, I've never used Mac, although leopard just finished being mine, all nice and prepatched to run on a PC so we shall see.
  5. mattm


    lol that was good
  6. mattm


    That's just toohard
  7. Yeah but there was no emotional embellishments, no arguments that don't make sense (can't get laid if you have a PC, hehehehehe), etc. What I'm really curious about is how much can be done with the mac, more in the background. I'll have leopard up and running on this dell laptop by the end of the weekend and I'll be hitting the terminal straight away. My job involves lots of linux and not so much in the way of flashy gui's but since leopard is unix certified and is the cheapest unix box I can get then it's the test platform. I just didn't want to admit to so much nerdiness
  8. Any time I say the word "you", I don't necessarily mean you the reader, I am using it as a general term. It only applies to those that the text applies to. Without incriminating myself, I've been "doing things" since before windows and when the internet was still in bbs form. I remember the days of waiting multiple days to get the 3mb program. The internet got faster, more people started "doing things" but that was still ok, it was kept on the down low. Then p2p came in and tonnes and tonnes more people starting "doing things" but you know what, it was still somewhat ok, the ISP's still mostly ignored it. Then came torrents and everyone started "doing things". Now, people are going so far as to complain about the fact that they can no longer "do things" because the ISP's have finally clued in or at least it's gotten so out of hand that the ISP's have had to react, be it from pressure due to other organizations or plainly being sick of people doing things on their networks. The next step is to start banning/suing people for "doing things" and I don't want to be banned or sued so quite frankly I'm sick of all the people that can't shut up and enjoy a good thing, or ruin a good thing for those that really like and enjoy said good thing. Now, if you look above, I put up a link. That link and $10/20gig will get you almost all the "things" you want if you take a couple minutes to learn how, and through http at full speed. If you need the music, you are stuck with BT's. Do it at night. Do it in the morning. Don't do it at 5pm, the ISP's will start blocking that sort of thing or throttling. Have some patience and wait that extra bit instead of complaining and ruining it completely. Bell, Rogers, they will win when it comes to throttling and that is a good thing, the topic should then be dropped or ignored and not brought up again. On another note, I pay Rogers $250/month for services. HD cable, faster internet, phone service, cell phones, the whole shabang. I'm a good customer and they will ignore some things. For this reason, I also don't like hearing people complain that their free or next to free phone service that sucks away my bandwidth is not working properly. You want tv, pay for tv, don't steal my bandwidth downloading tv and then complain when it's not working out for you. You want phone, pay for phone, don't steal my bandwidth with cheap or free phone. I'm not rich, hell, not even close, just about to move above the poverty line. I do work hard and I earn the right to my services that I pay for and the reason I pay for them is that it provides a level of security. My voip won't go down, even if the network does, they'll direct what's left to mine cause I pay them to do that. Do companies like Vonage pay rogers and bell and whatnot to have that security or do they piggy back on customers like me that do pay and then complain? Rogers and Bell are evil monsters. I don't agree with their policies. I don't like throttling, deep packet inspection and all the new technology. I know why it's there though and the more people talk, the worse it will get. There, I said it.
  9. Do what I do, I stuck the desktop in a bookshelf. Gets hot in there but the thing is very loud and it muffle almost all the annoying sound. Or just clean it out (outside) with a can of air, that usually shuts them up.
  10. Thanks bouche, that's the type of answer I was looking for. That's so lucky about the external being left behind, was it hidden? I saw a mac keyboard the other day at the computer store at school and it was almost like a sheet of paper you type on, pretty nifty, I thought about buying one but I would probably break it. Thing was wireless too, nice. Yeah, once I read that leopard was Unix 3 certified then my outlook changes. I got tiger running in vmware as mentioned but that's the only experience I have with osx other than setting up wireless and such on laptops students and staff bring in which is easy but hard, easy if it works, hard if it doesn't I'm really curious about trying to get it to run on this dell laptop. I know leopard will run on it just fine, I have a firewire and everything so it won't be mad if that's still an option that must be there. All I have to do is find a copy of it, I mean buy a copy of it. Do you have the iMac (the computer that's built into the monitor) or one with a box like a PC? If you have the iMac monitor one, how is it for things like heating? Can you upgrade the hard drive or other components? I'm assuming the insides are like any computer, made by other companies and standard parts...
  11. Add: Levon Helm U-Melt The Bridge Swampadelica To the list
  12. Tell me, 100% honest, how many of you use p2p for legal purposes and how you use 60gigs or so per month of it? Ok, there might be some folks on here that use bt.etree.org and actually download that much (I have). And maybe, just maybe, there are some people that are using it to download countless linux images. Something tells me that most of the p2p use will be for things you should be paying for... Now, if people get their way and the throttling must stop, don't you think Bell and Rogers and such will use already implemented technology, deep packet inspection, to see the illegal activity and just shut you down? That's what I see happening. They can do it now but instead they ignore it and just slow it down but why back a giant monster against the wall... Just go with another provider. Fun Info: We just implemented a traffic shaper here at algonquin to limit the bandwidth used by p2p applications as they were hogging all the bandwidth and it was getting too expensive. And yup, it was because of the few people that just leave their torrents running all day slowing down the network for everyone else the might actually want to do research and stuff...
  13. Dork: 1. Slang A stupid, inept, or foolish person 2. Vulgar Slang The penis. hehehehehe hehehehehe hehehehehe, any guys out there that aren't gay should definitely get a PC if it will net them a virgin Lol, it's soooo funny reading mac fanboy posts. I could cut up the entire post, mostly because it isn't thought out and involves way too much emotion, not to mention doesn't make all that much sense, but I won't (if you want, I will but the post will be long). Now, onto seriousness, don't switch to leopard if you don't have to. If you want to run osx on a pc then switch but otherwise you won't really gain much in the way of performance (might actually lose some) and leopard has many more bugs than tiger. On the other hand, there are a tonne of new features in leopard that might be attractive but it's also been given Unix03 status which is very good, means it is a for real derivative of Unix and that's pretty powerful (and somewhat contradicts the whole bugs thing as Unix is a fairly stable environment). Comparisson (oct 2007): http://www.barefeats.com/leopard.html
  14. People talking on them is annoying and I don't understand why you'd pay for a concert to just sit there on your cell but I like taking pictures, though I use a camera, not a phone, and try not to take too many.
  15. video streams do hog a lot of bandwidth but you have to go right down to the packet to really see why BT is a huge hog (and other p2p applications). The way they work is that when you send a packet to someone via routers you have to first ask if they exist, get a response, then send the packet and then confirm that you sent it. This happens through each hop. When you stream video there is one source which means one handshake (it will re-handshake a few times but not every packet, it's not needed). After that it's pure downstream. With BT's and other p2p there are many clients involved and they are constantly changing, the client is constantly re-handshaking with them. This means that lets say you have a video stream at 300kbps and a torrent running at 300kpbs. That's what the application tells you. What it doesn't tell you is that there's probably another 200kbps involved in torrent handshakes since it has to constantly make sure the other computer is there, still in the same location, etc. This causes a lot of overhead and it's why most large networks will throttle BT and other p2p apps. On top of this, the handshakes go in both directions so not only is there more downstream overhead, the downloading also has upstream overhead involved (and that's not counting the upload you're actually doing with the torrent which also needs to do handshakes, also consuming more up/down bandwidth). What's bad is that they don't say this when you get the package. In other words, they should mention that you will get great speeds, yes, but only through protocols such as http. If you need to do things like BT, then you need to have an ISP that doesn't throttle this. There have been a couple lawsuits to this nature (false advertising or promoting something that isn't entirely true) in the states but I don't think there have been any in canada. The fact that they won't tell you about it when you call is pure bullshit and that's what makes me mad. The other thing that's bad, if they do it, is to favor their own stuff. A voip call using rogers should have the same priority as a voip call through anything else on the network, they should not throttle those things, that's unfair.
  16. no one. I don't know, I'm not a doctor. Who says you shouldn't take pharmaceuticals? If I have cancer, pump me full of the shit. To be honest, I think there's lots of weird shit in those stores that I wouldn't touch but I don't think it's dangerous. I'm more talking vitamins. We have a couple creams we use and they don't have din's which means they aren't technically approved by canada but work (and that's on a baby so there's no placebo value there as he's not old enough to be able to be cured based on the idea that he's using something that works). Also, I just read that question and answer thing and you have to actually look at the product. See, it changes the act to cover "Therapeutic Products" and that's what many of the products we use are, they aren't Natural Health Products. NHP's have a din or dim number or something on those lines and have Natural Health Product on them somewhere. These are covered by a different act and that won't change (vitamin c and stuff like that).
  17. On a more serious note, may I ask, since I am in a mac loving topic, what is it about the mac that you guys like so much? Now that mac os runs on pc I've been thinking about dual booting (or tri booting) mac with my windows and linux to see what all the hype is about. I've only been able to use mac os a few times due to lack of supporting hardware but now it's possible with some slight mods to the os... When you have a mac user, you most often have a mac lover who will defend it to the core and I've always been curious as to why? What is it about the mac that makes people (you guys in this case) love it so much?
  18. lol, I was kidding although I am firmly of that opinion, it just means I wouldn't buy one but if anyone else wants to waste their money. FYI, though, I do actually run Vista and I have had no problems whatsoever and don't understand why others do. On a fun note, I got tiger running through vmware. Though it was mad slow it was pretty neat since osx is one of the only os's that won't run in vmware (odd since it's unix based and linux/unix run just fine). I wanted to see what the difference was between the Adobe stuff on a Mac and on a PC. Nothing, actually, since osx now runs on pc's, adobe has finally been able to make a more standardized version of it's various apps. Acer sucks too though.
  19. Just finished watching it, pretty good, I liked it. It's funny seeing les play that character. That festeroo lineup looked pretty damn sweet. http://www.festeroo.com/ Try out the links, they're kinda funny
  20. http://easynews.com/ $10/month for 20 gigs download, you can use port 81 (never throttled) or port 80 or the nntp port if you go through that (I just use the web-based version and port 81. It sucks what the big companies are doing and it's wrong. They make soooooooooooooooooooo much money, it's a crime as far as I'm concerned but then we live in a capitalist society. You do whatever the hell you can to make money and fuck anyone that gets in your way. This is in regards to overselling of the bandwidth, hijacking of pages, etc, not traffic shaping. Also, 60gigs/month (my plan) is plenty, who needs to download more than that anyway and I'm a nerd. That's not to say I don't think what they are doing is wrong but I mean most torrent traffic is illegal and downloading more than the limit of illegal stuff, I can see how they might want that bandwidth back. I have rogers and really, I don't want my bandwidth to be sucked away by the guy beside me who's too cheap to pay for cable to watch his favorite shows. I pay for an HD PVR, I record my shows and sorry but fuck those that are too cheap to do this (and yes, I'm looking at all of you). Once in a while it's ok to download movies and such if you can't afford them, they aren't out yet, etc, etc, but man, people are obsessed with downloading all the tv they missed and until we have networks that can handle the traffic, I want my fair share. Borrow the dvd's or rent and burn them if you want entire seasons of shows. Now, it sucks about music and sites like bt.etree.org but what about the archive, it's straight download, http and ftp. Unfortunately, BT just isn't the best way to go... Best thing: Make sure to work for a company that has mad bandwidth and doesn't mind you using it for personal, maybe not so legal endeavors and you're good PS: This may hurt but you guys need to read this blog -> http://mattroberts.com/2007/04/13/lets-ask-ourselves-what-is-net-neutrality-really/
  21. Get a real computer -> PC, MAC sucks
  22. mattm


    I'm going to grab a rotisserie, buffalo roast oh yeah. For cleaning I do it right after I finish cooking while it's still hot. I have iron grills so just go to town with the wire brush but that is all. Oil the grills eh? I never thought of that but it's a marvelous idea, hmmmmmm, gonna have to try that out. Also, the wood chips or blocks must be above the flames and should be evenly spread out. If you have good blocks you don't need anything between them and the flames, they won't burn. My bbq doesn't have a bottom grill or holder so I can't use chips or bricks but I am strongly thinking of grabbing some. Now, what about burgers? Anyone else like me and trying to perfect the art of burger making? I've been experimenting with different concoctions and so far I like: -2 lbs beef -Green and Red pepper chopped finely -onion chopped finely -Mushy's chopped finely -Tonnes of Worcestershire sauce (who knows if that's how you spell it, lee and perrin's I think) -Dianna's -One egg -Little bit of beer -At least 2 garlic cloves, minced and mushed -Ground black pepper -Quite a bit of salt (yup, you can put tonnes and it won't be salty but too much will dry out the meat) -Couple shakes of mustard powder -Pinch of chili pepper. mmmmmmmmmm
  23. lol, yup, I probably shouldn't laugh either and I'm kinda sorry but that's funny as hell.
  24. I try to value people not dying or getting sick as much as I can over size, power or anything else so I take the bus. Besides, it's the biggest car on the road
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