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Everything posted by mattm

  1. lol, I too am now silenced as I am migrating back to the book I'm reading, part 3 of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Now that is something truly dumb and incomprehensible that I can understand
  2. good stuff, it would be fun to talk with eugene, he's funny
  3. I agree with all that above (in yours truly's last post), it's not that the products have to be tested, it's that it takes away my choice and that is wrong and I don't care what anyone says otherwise. This bill means that only those that can afford to test will be able to test and only those that are chosen to be tested will be able to and if there's enough money to lobbyists (and the pharma's give lots and lots and lots), there is a huge potential for things to get squashed that shouldn't. I just read the entire bill and some of it makes perfect sense and I agree that there should be some sort of regulation but it goes too far and gives too much power to individuals and corps. to take away my power of choice. If this bill passes then I will be forced to put steroids on my baby's mouth and that will impact him in the long run much more than some natural herbs. Girls are hitting puberty and starting their menses around 9 years of age now and that has been linked to chemicals, some of which are provided by the big pharma's that care oh so much for our health. Some of the medications they provide help us greatly and for that they are good but most are un-needed (ritalin and other mind controlling substances en-lieu of better teaching or understanding practices). Leading a healthy life is much better than eating chemicals but every time I've been to the doctor they want to prescribe me some. I don't usually take them, like the cilins for colds and such, because you know what, with a positive outlook and some good food, the cold goes away all on it's own, just takes a day or two longer. What I want to see is a list of "substances", what things will be affected by this?. Will the biodegradable diapers that don't contain any bleaches and other nonsense be hit? The soaps that don't irritate the skin as they lack the strong chemical elements that poor little babies can't handle? It sucks because there will always be answers like ollies above. It's funny cause, yeah, it's true, as a society (perhaps not as individuals) we have become addicted to antibiotics to the point that they have lost a lot of potency. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/10/4/l_104_03.html http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/17/science/17puberty.html?pagewanted=print
  4. Regulations: Section 30.(1)(h)respecting(iv): the use of a substance as an ingredient in a food, therapeutic product or cosmetic; Section 30.(1)(k) respecting the manufacturing, collecting, processing, preparation, preserving, storing, conveying or testing of foods, therapeutic products or cosmetics; hmmmmm Also, the word that is being used, "dumb" is rather an insult. Something on the lines of "mal-informed" would be more appropriate or perhaps "exaggerated" or something on those lines. It doesn't feel good to be called dumb. I don't in any way trust the pharma companies and I don't care how many tests they've done, they want to feed us chemicals, so much so that we are addicted to them. They pay doctors to dish out their particular chemicals. You have kids in grade 3 being hopped up on ritalin and stuff because they are a bit hyperactive and teachers are too lazy to deal with it or administrations are too cheap to deal with it. Also, placebo, known to work wonders even though it's complete bs... It is very, definitely a fear of the machine and what power that machine has. That machine can delegate an "inspector" who can enter your home, release personal info without your permission, take lots of stuff, copy your info, use your computer, etc, etc (section 9) PS: my sections might be wrong as I am "dumb" Edit: I do agree, however, that any sort of medicine needs to be regulated, I'm just worried about home remedies and small things like that being hit.
  5. Someone tell me exactly what's happening with this thing - Edit: Please. From what it looks like, I see drug companies losing money to natural foods and paying doctors and government lobbyists to oust the "problem" (can we say electric car). How can I make a difference in this? If I don't even hear about something like this until now from a post on a website, how the hell am I supposed to know to get down to my whatever committee meeting they probably won't allow me into and I probably won't have a clue what they are talking about due to the not quite so dumbed down language used? Does this affect things like soaps and shampoos or just digested things? I hate drug companies and I hate that I have to consume their chemical shit if I get sick (actually I haven't used a prescription in years). Little Trey has a rash on his face. The doctor told us to get some cream that after reading the tube we find it's an anti-fungal cream for use on adult feet, just loaded with steroids and shit. Yeah, I want that on my little guys cheeks right by his mouth. So we got a cream from the local health food store downtown which doesn't contain steroids and shit and is made of nice natural ingredients. Not sure if it will work but man, it's better than the drug company shit. Also, he has very sensitive skin so we use more natural products on him to clean him and such to avoid other rashes and it would be terrible to force the rashes on him... So, will this bill stop me from being able to get things like this? Will I have to go to a doctor and get whatever the drug companies payed him to hawk to me even though it's full of crap? Sorry, read the bill or not I have a strong feeling that this will be the result and it angers me. Also, which bill c-51 is it? Do a search at the parliament website and you'll see there are several. Makes it easy as hell to find the info - NOT, hehehe, watched waynes world a while ago.
  6. On windows networks there is the option to do backups and offer a tab in the properties dialogue which contains these backups. In other words, you can go to the previous versions tab and you can select any date available there and see the folder on that particular date, copy the files out, etc. We have that setup here at Algonquin for students and staff. The backups are done at 2am every night and you can always right click your network drive and see the last month or so worth of backups. It's a great idea but requires your networking team to have set it up this way. I'd post a screenshot but some idiot found some movies on mattm.ca and got me shut down by posting the links in forums (got kicked off the hosting for copyright infringement, oops, put them in the wrong folder). That's for a file but you can have it setup for entire folders as well... The time of the Geek has come
  7. You're so right there and that sucks. The internet is good for so much more things like jambands.ca
  8. Problem with tmp files is that they usually aren't an actual copy of the file, at least with word and other MS products, most often they are a list of the changes that were made to the good file, this keeps the file size smaller. If you are looking for these, MS uses specific names for it's tmp files. For example, Word will make tmp files that resemble wrdxxxxx.tmp (where xxxxx is anything, it's the wrd representing word that's important). If you want to go this way, you'll have better luck getting the text back by opening the file in a program like notepad and looking for blocks of text, not fun. Everyone should listen to bouche, don't ever use a USB key as the only storage. Here's my trick: Start a gmail account. When you have things you need to keep a copy of, email them to your gmail account and they will be there. Also, save them on your USB and on your computer then you're good to go... Another thing I've seen with a found USB stick was a file on the stick in the mail folder that was called READ_ME_IF_LOST.txt and inside it had the email address of the person and a note saying there would be a $20 reward. I emailed them and they got their USB stick back (I didn't accept the reward). Most people probably wouldn't do that but I hate losing the stupid things so if I find one I will always try to figure out who it belonged to and at least get them their files back if possible (put them up for download or email if getting the stick back is not possible).
  9. most likely not. If you have used the computer since then there is even less of a chance unfortunately (and the initial chance is very slim). If you'd saved a copy to the hard drive then you could probably recover it but, well, poopy situation. I've lost 3 USB keys so far and they all hurt so I've learned never to use them. I guess that doesn't much help but don't get your hopes up. Even if you had saved them to the hard drive the chance to recover is slim unless you pay for it. Sorry
  10. mattm


    I have a small canadian flag on my right shoulder but I really want to get another one. I got mine for free because I drove a couple girls to get there's and instead of gas they bought me the flag. I wanted to get Made in Canada around it but when I got back from traveling europe (got the tat two days before leaving) and went to moslon park for a festival pretty much everyone had a flag with made in canada written on it. I got bummed out and never got the letters but realized a year or two later that they were fake tattoos and a promotion for molson canadian.
  11. it should be fixable, most things electric are but the question is: does it cost more to fix then to just get another one, or even, does it cost more to fix than is worth the trouble? http://cgi.ebay.ca/Casio-SK-1-sampling-keyboard-AS-IS_W0QQitemZ280224992026QQihZ018QQcategoryZ29552QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. Deep down type stuff, C/C++, linux kernel modifications, embedded C on microcontrollers, etc, etc. I have yet to learn C# or anything .NET though I could easily be Java certified if I had the cash to take the test. Thanks for mentioning it, though. I just got a job with PIKA Technologies where I get to play with a linux kernel on a nice motorolla chip, woo hooo, I'm a nerd but it's OK.
  13. I'm from penetang and it's pretty crazy to see the name anywhere, especially on the internet (other than the boat cruise once a year). Probably can't make it back for this though.
  14. you drive the 2? I have so much respect for you. That is something I could not do. Maybe the 156 but that's about it. Then again, I don't even have a car...
  15. I will submit my resume via a form on a potential employer's website or send it to them via email but not allow it to actually be hosted on the internet anywhere just in case some old copies come back sometime later (remember, sites like google often cache everything they can...) On those lines, if you are making a resume and you make it in Word 2007 be careful. If the resume is exactly 1 page and just adding a line will break it into two pages, there's a good chance that if it is opened in Word 2003 it will end up on 2 pages (you can save a document in 2007 as a 2003 file). The reason is the default fonts in 2007 are not in 2003 so if they are not on the computer, it will set them to the 2003 defaults which are bigger. I had the problem. I sent out some resumes but was already in the interview process with a company. During one of the interviews I noticed that my resume was 2 pages, the contact info on one and the rest on the other page (I used tables). Of course when the people I sent the resumes to saw that I couldn't even use Word, they obviously wouldn't hire me for a programming position. Funny thing is that I know word quite well but my computers have all the necessary fonts so I didn't notice the problem in Word 2003 (what most people had). That is all.
  16. Bullshit. My dad works hard in his factory, they play and I don't care what anyone says it is absolutely ridiculous that, as a society, we let these people become stinking rich. It's also horrible what they are doing to little suri, the next paris hilton. I like will smith, I think he's funny. Cruise overacts. It saddens me that he's going scientology but then with the amount of money the Cruises and Smiths and such have for doing nothing, they probably own the religion anyway.
  17. Well, there's a solution that I've always wanted to implement and that's to get as stinking rich as possible. Not sure how that's going to fix anything though. Just kidding, sorta. I would like to get rich and then try to lead by example. It's hard to get stinking rich and I probably won't be able to but then who knows. What I do know is that if I was rich, I sure wouldn't need all my money. If I can get myself stinking rich, I could perhaps start a sustainable company, or a very environmentally friendly one at least, maybe pay the employees a little more. Even better, I could travel the world and do good things. For $10000 you can feed an entire town or so in a third world country for an entire year, build them some wells, start up some schools, etc, etc. Think what could be done with a mere $100000. Now, the way to do it is to bypass the charity organizations that claim to give all sorts of donated money to the poor but somehow still pay their ceo's hundreds of thousands, etc. They may be trying to do a good thing but I have heard through the grapevine that organizations such as World Vision don't exactly do all that good of a job (maybe 1% of your donation will actually go to a kid, the rest to cover all the administrative costs, something on those lines). I could also buy up all sorts of ad space. Not only would this be able to get the word out but it would take the ad space away from the bad guys. I could also offer up my newly acquired ad space to good, sustainable, friendly companies for dirt cheap. I wouldn't be able to fight the illuminati or other clubs out there but with enough money I could try to heighten awareness of all sorts of fun things like the dying polar bears and the soon to be extinct frogs (gonna miss those guys if David Suzuki is right). To be honest, it's always been a plan of mine but since I haven't been able to get rich yet, it hasn't quite worked out. On top of that, the getting rich part might also be difficult to do in a very environmentally and world friendly fashion. Obviously there's much more that would need to be worked out but it would be a start. Also, I don't mean donate a bunch of money to a charity for a tax break, I mean actually make a difference. Here's another idea but this one might be dangerous. Get the word of how good we live here out to the slaves that make all our stuff, even give them a taste of the same wages we have here. Just think, if someone is making $1/day and you up that to even $100/day ($3000 or so per month) and say that we get that much, they might get mad enough to revolt against their great leaders (probably paid by our rich people to keep the slaves, slaves)... Someone will most likely tell me about the flaws in my little plans and that's cool, I haven't actually thought most of it out. I do know a lady that took $10000 to vietnam where she was from and was able to feed two villages for a year (rice), build each town two wells for cleaner water, setup a school of sorts in each town and a few other things and that's where it all stems from. $10000 ain't really all THAT much money for us north americans. That same $10000 donated to a world charity organization would probably have built a well but I doubt much more...
  18. I think I'm going to do some stuff, probably outside some of the time
  19. exactly. if they announce all the really good bands right off the bat, too many people will want to buy the cheaper tickets or something like that. lol, that is probably not true in the least but moe.down usually has a pretty good lineup so I think it will this year as well. To be honest, the pres's are kinda funny and I wouldn't mind seeing them again. Also haven't seen fishbone since roughly the same time as the last time I saw the pres's, back in the old lollapalooza days.
  20. Exactly, there are always deals on hard drives. The only hard part there is that you have to make sure the enclosure supports the size of the drive you buy. Best place to get things like this you ask? Why, it's your local computer store, the small little one that isn't a chain (or a large chain unless it's tigerdirect.ca). You can get an OEM hard drive (comes in a bag without all the environment killing packaging) for super cheap and they will also have way, way more selection for the drives and the enclosures... Here are some that deliver but if you're in ottawa you can just visit a store... http://www.tigerdirect.ca/ http://www.pccyber.com/ http://sprintcomputer.com/ Not sure about other cities but for computer stuff, try to avoid futureshop, bestbuy, etc, etc, etc, unless there is a sale on (which your local computer shop most likely won't be able to match). Also, if you go into your local computer store you will get someone that will help you and, gasp, actually know something about computers and not have his/her head filled with the amount of commission they will get.
  21. says no longer available when I try to view it via that link
  22. There's some storage areas around there too, I heard, with Transformers and everything but be careful as they are secretly trying to take over the world. On another note, I used to like conspiracies but then I realized that there isn't much I can do about them other than be depressed if they are true so I try to steer clear. I haven't seen this movie yet but I really want to. How scary/depressing is it?
  23. Disney is having a flower power concert series but this is actually shorefire media http://www.hippiefest.net/
  24. but guys, it's by flower power concerts, that must mean it's genuine hippie
  25. There should still be tickets left if you want to buy some, 300 level though (ottawa I'm talking). Some buddies of mine bought 3 yesterday. I'd love to go but can't afford it quite yet...
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