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Everything posted by edger

  1. We've had numerous negative experiences as well, but it seems that we have limited alternatives living where we do. That company has absolutely no accountability!
  2. Love it, love it. Wore out my cassette tape of Vol 1. a LONG time ago. Wore out the CD a while back too. Seemed to have lost Vol. 3 somewhere along the way. I've been searching sporadically for copies of these in used cd shops, but have thus far come up with nothing. I always love it when a Wilbury's tune gets busted out at a Petty show. I'll be picking these up for sure!
  3. Having said all that I'm REALLY looking forward to this festival for a variety of other reasons.
  4. I appreciate the efforts of captainsunshine and her friends for trying to spread good cheer. But we can certainly all benefit from giving a second thought to the impacts of our habitual practices (whatever they may be). I think Ollie and Booche have raised great points (perhaps if some didn't "get the vibe" that their very character was also under attack then they may be more a little more receptive to your valid underlying message). I myself am not a fan of glowsticks. They distract me.
  5. I need a faster internet connection.... Downloading and streaming are basically futile exercises. BUt if you want to burn me a disc...(teehee)
  6. Todd and I were both thinking that it would be rather hard on the ears to endure an entire performance of his. However, I do appreciate the raw delivery (despite some extremely awkward and uncomfortable moments as represented in the film), and I did enjoy the film. And as Blane mentioned, some of the songs have great potential to be covered by others. I believe Wilco has also done some of his material?
  7. We watched this flick last night. A tragic and inspiring figure who wrote some great songs. Anyone else had a chance to see this yet? If not, check it out. http://www.sonyclassics.com/devilanddaniel/aboutthefilm.html: Now in his mid 40s, Daniel Johnston has grown into a prolific visual artist. His expressions have earned him worldwide recognition and critical praise, producing international exhibits where he continues to sell his vibrant and intimate sketches. He has recorded over ten full length albums, and his supporters have included Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain, who was often seen wearing a Daniel Johnston t shirt, Matt Groening, The Butthole Suffers, Sonic Youth, noted Minutemen/FIREHOSE bassist Mike Watt, David Bowie, Tom Waits, Beck, The Flaming Lips, and an ever-growing international cult audience. Daniel Johnston is a manic-depressive genius singer/songwriter/artist, revealed in this portrait of madness, creativity and love. The Devil and Daniel Johnston is a stunning portrait of a musical and artistic genius who nearly slipped away. Director Jeff Feuerzeig exquisitely depicts a perfect example of brilliance and madness going hand in hand with subject Daniel Johnston. As an artist suffering from manic depression with delusions of grandeur, Daniel Johnston's wild fluctuations, numerous downward spirals, and periodic respites are exposed in this deeply moving documentary. As a reclusive teenager growing up in New Cumberland, VA, Johnston began showing signs of unusual artistic ability at an early age. He religiously recorded his thoughts and stories onto cassette tapes, directed intuitive Super- 8 films starring himself in multiple roles ala Peter Sellers, and created expressive comic book-style drawings and animation in the basement of his family's home. However, in the eyes of his fundamentalist Christian family, Daniel simply wasn't contributing to society in a useful or productive way. After running off on a moped and joining a carnival, he landed in Austin, Texas, broke and alone. It was there he began to hone his musical career, recording folk songs on a series of homemade, lo-fi cassettes, which Daniel handed out free to fans, friends and journalists in the early 80s. With the help of a timely break and the thriving Austin music scene, Daniel managed to secure a brief spotlight on MTV making him a minor celebrity. But just as he was beginning to make a name for himself, his inner demons began to surface and Daniel's ongoing struggle with manic depression became more and more evident in his songs and drawings. "The Devil and Daniel Johnston" artfully melds current footage, vintage performances, home movies, and dozens of recorded audiotapes from Daniel's life. Testimony from supportive friends and a deeply committed family add a rich layer to his personal history, but it is Daniel's poetic songs interwoven throughout the film, that tell their own passionate, haunting, and truly unforgettable story.
  8. Basically the drummer from the Fat Cats is without wheels and usually carts his kit in from Toronto on the bus. Sometimes, in the past when there is more than one band on the bill Adam will share a kit (both for his own convenience and also to minimize tear-down/set-up time between bands). As far as I understand there was some communication back and forth with the manager of NRPS to see whether this type of set-up was going to be okay. By Friday afternoon he seemed to think that this was promising but it was made clear that there was no guaruntee that this was okay until he verified this with the drummer himself. Adam made the unfortunate assumption that all would be gravy, and hopped on the bus without his full kit and was notified while in transit that he would need to have his own kit there. He did not have enough time at this point to get back to Toronto, grab his drums, hop back on the bus and make it to Hamilton in time for the show. Efforts that had been previously made to ensure that there was a back-up plan also fell through. As I'm sure you can all appreciate members of the Fat Cats were dissapointed to let anyone down (namely the audience, Brian and Kenny), and had been very much looking forward to rockin it out and playing some new material for the first time. Anyhow they forged ahead and played without a drummer (which actually sounded better than I thought it would thanks to Dave stepping it up on the bass, and Todd being extra percussive with the guitar) Anyhow, after this unfortunate and embarassing circumstance the band would like to put this behind them, and look forward to getting back on the mark this upcoming weekend in Kitchener.
  9. I'm northbound the night of the Slip too. The water and the trees, latenight fires, boat rides, hikes, some hefty tasty eats on the bbq, and maybe a little rest and relaxation win out this time... Oh. And did someone say MarcO's birthday?
  10. I used to make fun of my mom for liking Gordon Lightfoot. Yet I have great respect, and admiration for him and his music now and have seen him live twice. Todd and I love throwing on a little Lightfoot at the cottage especially.
  11. I too had a great night all in all. Thanks to Marc and Laurie for having me over for a pre-drink and toot. I am glad that MarcO, Sarahbelle, Hippyrastachild and I survived the cab ride over. I felt like we were in some kind of police chase... psycho driver with something to prove...a little scary, but we made it nonetheless. I was a little dissapointed/shocked when we first arrived, (I'm sure some of you may know what I am referring to here, but I'd rather not dwell on that right now...) I then proceeded to go up to use the washroom, only to twist my ankle on the stairs on the way back down (i'm a knob). So my vibe initially took a bit of a downturn, because I hadn't exactly envisioned spending my night on the sidelines in pain. I wanted to boogie dammit!! Fortunately, it was a relatively minor sprain (old injury), and I had enough beer and smoke in me at the time to ignore my discomfort... enough to pull off a decent hobble shuffle anyways. Finally NRPS begins, and my excitement returns. After their first song finished Buddy Cage had a beer poured/dropped on him and his instrument from the balcony up above. What a welcoming bunch we are! But although he was clearly irritated he took it like a champ and forged along. I thought things were a little choppy for the first couple of songs, but as their set rolled on things just got better and better. Actually I was very much impressed. I was expecting a good show, but they even surpassed my expectations. Holy moly were they EVER in the pocket! So smooth! That slide guitar just made me melt. A great combo of tasty originals (minus one or two songs that I thought were a little lyrically cheesy) and a couple of super fun, sentimental covers. They played for a long time. I thought when they first decided to take a set break (which must have been pretty late into the night), that we would be lucky if they even got back on stage, or that we'd only get a short second set (due to the predictable 420 shennanigans), however they delivered second set, and kept me moving well into the wee hours of the morning. I wasn't surprised to hear that they ended after three. The crowd was awesome too. Many good folks pokin around. What a treat to get to see this band in my own backyard (and at the pepperjacks at that!!!) Thanks Bri, kc and anyone else who was involved in making this night a success. I am TOTALLY looking forward to seeing NRPS again. Hopefully next time I will be grooving under the sun, on the sand at Gratefulfest. Bring it on!
  12. Do you work in Dundas Baj? That's my original hometown, I think my heart will always be there. Actually you'd probably be surprised to know how many of us heads in this area are actually from Dundas... Which conservation area? LOts of good quality places to choose from in Dundas (most of which are all linked to the Bruce Trail)
  13. #219: Songs with the words "and" and "the" in the title 1. King Tubby - Dirty Harry and the Aggrovators 2. Travelling Wilburys - Tweeter and the Monkeyman 3. Grateful Dead - Monkey and the Engineer 4. Bob Dylan - Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts 5. Van Halen - And The Cradle Will Rock 6. Neil Young - Needle and the Damage Done 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  14. One day I'll learn to use the purple font.
  15. Uhhhh...huh? I don't get it.
  16. Not sure when I'll end up caving today... Should definitely get some work done first. But you're right Kev, that sunshine is calling me. Late afternoon 420 hike anyone?
  17. Sorry Evans. Doesn't look like I am heading into Waterloo today after all. Haven't heard anything from you, so hopefully you found a ride. Looking forward to seeing you tonight. Sorry to the rest of you as well, as I just realized that I probably should have made this a private message by now...
  18. Indeed. Hope you boys do it up right tonight there Mark. I know you will. Once of those moments where I wish I could be in two places at once.
  19. Congrats NewRider. A good day to celebrate indeed. Hope the new job goes well for you.
  20. You should send briguy or kc a private message. I'm not sure what the ticket situation is. Probably still some left to get at the door.
  21. Have fun tonight! I still have to check you out on the steel... last time I showed up just as you were putting it away.
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