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Everything posted by edger

  1. I really wanted to see this show. I keep missing them... Damn work... obligations... looming deadlines...guilt-induced sense of responsibility... grrr....
  2. I've never purchased a Dell before, but that doesn't seem much cheaper than the price of a brand new laptop. However, technical wizard I am not.
  3. If I had to give up one of them, I think I'd prefer to keep my breasts. If only beer enlarged the breasts instead of the gut...
  4. I wish I was going again too. Wasn't in the cards for me this time round. Hope all you crazy cats enjoy yourselves. It would be pretty hard not to with this year's lineup! Cheers!
  5. A great night indeed. What a relief. One never really knows how these things will go down. I'm still coming down from the adrenalin/anticipation/organization buzz. What an AMAZING circle of friends and family that we have. I feel so blessed. I'm really glad that everyone was showed such a great time (thanks to our musical friends and all of the hard work of those slinging boose, food, and good cheer). I really hope that I was able to express my appreciation to each and everyone of you who were in attendance (either physically or through sentiment). Just thanks.
  6. Happy birthday. Have fun at ween!
  7. Hoping to make it out on the 12th! Hugh's room is a pretty cool gig to land. I love those dinner and a show combos!
  8. Really glad to hear that you enjoyed the show Booche! Last year Water's was one of my ultimate highlights, and you're bang on about the sound. For the show that I attended I was three-quarters of the way back on the floor, centre. I've never experienced sound hitting me that hard before. I truly was blown away. I remember that the comments regarding his lip-singing didn't being to circulate until after I had seen the show last year, and I remember being surprised by them, as I had had no indication of that being the case during the live show. I remember thinking at the time that even if that had been the case, the experience had still been ultimately entertaining! No regrets. Your post has dug up my memories and perceptions of last year's show, and I will say that you are making me regret the fact that I passed on tickets this time round. (Only because the show is a week before our wedding, and the mula is a little sparse).... Maybe I should have bit the bullet anyhow.
  9. Hope the sun is shining for you.
  10. So what exactly does "late night" refer to on the second stage? Does this mean after DSO is finished on the main stage? Or is there overlap? Just curious.
  11. Yeah, without a medical plan those expenses can be a little hard to swallow!
  12. I think he may have been better off just riding that one out
  13. Thanks for all the well-wishes folks! Baj and Captain I hope the parents mesh well. And Gary, are you for real about the "near future" comment? If possible, be a little more specific, or PM me with details... maybe you could time a visit with our wedding? And yeah... one day we will get out to the Yukon... it's still near the top of my list of things to do!
  14. I wonder if Toronto will sell out in advance... I REALLY want to go to this show, but I don't know if it is feasible for me at this time... Time will tell I suppose.
  15. You too Jeffrey! Give Rich (and Heather, although I don't think I've met her yet) our best wishes. Wish we were heading out west again this year so we could catch Slammin' Jack at Bonfire!! That will be awesome!
  16. I don't know Paisley and Willy. This sounds good, but I think you should be hitting up our stag & doe instead...
  17. Short notice, and unfortunately I won't be able to make it, but I just received this from Dan Mangan and thought some of y'all might be interested: Hello - you Ontarian you, In typical short notice, I wanted to let you know I'll be in your neck of the woods, specifically Toronto, playing at the North By North-East festival this weekend! Show details: Friday, June 8th The Hideout (484 Queen St. West) 12am - Midnight I'm not sure what the door charge is, but alternatively there are festival wristbands you can buy to check out anybody you'd like throughough the festival.. http://www.nxne.com/ I'll be doing a more extensive bout through eastern canada in September as well - more details as the arrive.. Just in case you're curious - here's some of the stuff I've been up to this year: - two USA tours in March and April, shows at Austin's South By South-West, LA's The Viper Room and Roxy Theatre -UK tour in May, played "The Great Escape" festival in Brighton, song "Journal Of A Narcoleptic" was on the covermount CD of NME magazine for the week of May 15th w/ a blurb inside - Postcards and Daydreaming will be available in stores across Canada on July 10th, USA and UK release dates later this year - I'll be headed to Australia in October for a festival in Brisbane and some touring down under It's been an exciting year so far and I can't wait to get back in the studio and get working on the next album.. Keep well, Dan "This folk singer may only be 23, but he sings with the soul of Woody Guthrie - if Guthrie had listened to Godspeed (You Black Emperor)" ~NME "Dan's music is what you'd expect from a love child of Harry Nilsson or Tom Waits" ~The Fly "The deliciously downbeat Postcards and Daydreaming is a good sulky-day companion to anyone who had already invested in the collected works of Hayden or Crooked Fingers" ~Georgia Strait
  18. Peter Elkas Band is playing in Hamilton on tuesday the 12th. I'm hoping to poke my head into that. It would be great to see you Jeffrey!! Cheers, sara
  19. That was a fun night. I wish we had gotten there earlier. I was hoping to catch some reggae. Discobar were super lively. Great energy. It was an awesome way to end off a wicked stagette night. (Thanks to all my lady friends!! Especially Laurie for organizing the party train).
  20. Happy birthday Greg! Always enjoy crossing your path. All the best.
  21. I can sympathize Sharon. I don't have much in the way of advice. But best wishes to you and Bouche! Exciting times for sure! And I think I recall you mentioning something about Belize? Now that's something to look forward to!!
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