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Everything posted by edger

  1. Hey Willy, call is just a sneaking suspicion, but I have a feeling that it is the Fatties opening for NRPS (and not the other way around...)
  2. Go see Gilby and Storm Large!!
  3. Yeah, I kind of wish this gig was on a different night too... It will also be a great night no doubt.
  4. Ah yes, I want to see Pan's Labyrinth too... Todd and I tried to convince TimmyB to go one night... a night of dinner and playing pool was a good alternative however... and won out in the end. Is Pan's Labyrinth available for rental yet?
  5. Welcome Mickey. I've actually met you a couple of times now. Once at Burt's 10 year anniversary, and once at Burt at the Starlight. Nice to see you're on-board.
  6. Finally, a movie that I did not fall asleep during... Interesting premise.
  7. Congrats Jaydawg. Sounds like fun. Bring the Irie Band to Hamilton!!
  8. Right on Alexis... Congrats... throw us some details!
  9. I didn't catch on until now either (the Mr. Encyclopedia threw me off... I figured I didn't know this person)... Anyhow, best wishes to you Brad. Your consistent dedication to getting the music out to the masses is admirable! Cheers!
  10. We need to hear more about these kinds of stories. I'm glad to hear that your local news covered it. It's inspiring.
  11. I have always enjoyed crossing paths with you Mary! Happy Birthday! Here's to many more years of rockin in the free world!
  12. I heard Ricky Neu might be in the house...
  13. Oh, I don't know... I don't think I'll ever be able to hold the candle to his level of musical knowledge. But maybe this will entice him to get his ass back on this board a little more regularly!! nudge, nudge TimmyB....
  14. edger

    Where's Cully?

    Try asking Amy (phunkyb)
  15. My dad lost the top of his finger due to a very similar scenario to that of the one you described. He's lucky that was the only thing that happened to get "in the way" and squished. Crazy part is, they were able to reconstruct it. Initially he was just going to get the bone filed down, and have a shorter finger, but the doctor he was dealing with was a bit of an arrogant prick. So he went to someone else. They ended up opening up the finger beside the injured one, inserted the injured one into the other and sewed it up for a couple of months. He had this big boxing glove type cast.... Couple months later they cut the two fingers apart, and I guess the skin must have "grafted" (or whatever you call it) onto the injured one, and he literally had his finger back. The nail even grew back! Crazy shit!.... Somehow I don't think the procedure would go so smoothly for a leg however...
  16. Perhaps these "end of the line" sentiments were atleast part of the reason why it was called/marketed as "The Last Waltz" in the first place. I think it would have been strange, perhaps sad, if some sort of celebratory event hadn't of taken place. The DVD is still one of my favourite collector's items. But then again, if the show had never occured, we wouldn't have to debate whether it was a good idea or mistake to attend it in the first place (even if it had been the first opportunity one had of ever having the chance to see The Band). If then were now, I would be there in a second!!! Bloated, highkicks and all.
  17. Will do Ricky. Nice to know we'll see you on Saturday! (Nice surprise)
  18. I agree. But I don't think it is enitrely accurate when we try to draw arbitrary boundaries between physical, mental, and spiritual health. They are all interconnected.
  19. Sure livingstoned! Sounds like a little road trip (however brief) might be in order...
  20. Sweet. I'm hoping to make one of your ontario shows. I have yet to see you guys. I'll spread the word to some of my vancouver friends too. Safe travels Jeff, if I don't see you before hand!
  21. edger

    I'm Sorry

    Nothing to be sorry about there! Congrats Ms_Zimmy. Sounds like a great life change!
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