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Everything posted by edger

  1. Hard to argue with that dancingbear!
  2. Who is in the eggmen these days? I think I've only seen them once since the days that included Mike Daley. Randall Hill was involved... Although I think things may have changed again...
  3. This is a tough one... and definitely an equity issue. The market can't fix everything (well it can for some I guess)... What about pot smoke?
  4. Sweet indeed. It's been a while since they busted out that one! Hopefully we'll see you out Greg? Yeah Willy, I was thinking about that disc the next day as I was laying on the couch piecing the previous night together. Looking forward to giving it a listen! MarcO, you can always have a drink with my dad if you want... I think he might be making an appearance on Saturday.
  5. Me too. I'm hoping for some Little Wing.
  6. Hey SM, The base of a mountain sounds like a great place to take in a live show. I believe the Greyboy Allstars might be opening for that leg of Toot's tour? If that's the case, you should be in for a treat! Either way I am sure that you will be glad to amidst the mountains once again!
  7. And NewRider, you're probably not too far off on that one...
  8. Ooops. That would be one marathon of a show. I stand corrected. 10:00pm it is. Thanks Brad!
  9. Hey folks. Acoustic Fat Cats this Saturday at the Winchester Arms in Dundas (Hamilton). Just thought I'd let you know. Show generally starts at 10:00am and will go until 1:00-1:30ish. Hope to see some of you out! Cheers.
  10. You certainly seem to have a colourful work environment!
  11. Always enjoy your positive posts. Have a great day!
  12. Tis never a dull moment when you're around Deb. I am thankful to have gotten to know you a little over the past year or so. Look forward to crossing your path again soon. Hopefully for the cat and mouse gig in Kitchener? Best wishes!
  13. I too had a good night last night. Always enjoy a night on the town with the lovely ladies. As for the show itself, I enjoyed it, but was slightly underwhelmed at times. I think that my sporadic moments of disapointment were less directly related to the band’s performance itself, and more to do with the general vibe/ambiance of the crowd/venue. Not sure how to exactly describe my sentiments, as the crowd was definitely lively and enthusiastic, so on the surface of things I shouldn't complain. But it was extremely crowded and very whitewashed. Let’s just say I was expecting a more culturally diverse crowd, which was definitely not the case. I love to move to Reggae music, and it often moves me "spiritually" (for lack of a better word) and because it was so hot and crowded (and even a little smelly) it was hard to get into the “modeâ€. I think it is safe to say I prefer to listen to a reggae show outside, where the vibes are not hindered and one can dance freely (unless it’s a good ol’ raunchy dance-hall vibe, in which case a crowded club suits me just fine). But this was not the case last night. A lot of the tunes were more bluesy and poppy than what I would have originally anticipated. Not that this is inhererently a bad thing, just not what I had expected. This was my first time seeing Toots live. There were two prior occasions where I had tickets to their show, but those occasions were not mean to be due to circumstances beyond my control. By far, Toot's vocal performance is what impressed me the most. His voice is incredible. Fairly raw, beautiful range, and tone, rhythmically pleasing and highly energetic. He exudes a degree of kindness and genuine desire to connect with his audience. I don’t know his age, but for someone who has been around since atleast the early sixties, his enthusiasm was clearly infectious for the crowd, and never waned from start to finish. They played all of their hits, and I was reminded how many familiar and instrumental orginals they had. Low light was definitely the "I Ain’t Missing You at All" cover. Not sure what the hell that was all about, or why on earth that particular song would be chosen as a cover, but it certainly fulfilled the cheese factor that Cowboy was likely referring to. To be fair this song was performed at the beginning of their set by one of his back-up female vocalists before Toots even made it to the stage... but still I was happy to hear that particular song come to an end. All in all I had a great night, and would certainly go see Toots again. However I would prefer it to be at an outdoor venue I think. Something about the sun shining and having room to move just makes the whole experience much less contrived. As an aside, the opening band was Toubab Krewe. They were quite "interesting" and it was my first time seeing them as well. A fairly young looking band from North Carolina I believe. They played recently at Langarado. Anyhow, it was completely instrumental, with one of the musicians playing a variety of different African instruments. One being the cora (sp?) and another stringed instrument of which I was not familiar with. Pretty cool sound, although a little redundant at times. Their percussive section was also impressive. Their bass player was interesting to watch too, because he kind of moved/danced all smooth-like, almost like a reggae musician, but looked a little like Patterson from Drive By Truckers (interesting combo to say the least). Anyhow, that's my take.
  14. Sara, I had fun with you last night. Glad that you were able to make it after all. Hope you got some sleep! Cheers to all the memories past, and to all those that are sure to come!!
  15. Count me in! (for Pepperjacks that is). Looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of that new disc!
  16. Anyone else going? Sarahbelle, Wassink Wild Card!, RayRay, Evans, and myself will be there. Come say hello if you cross our paths. Looking forward to getting my reggae fix. It's been a long time comin!
  17. As far as I know, it is the "celebration" component that is being/will be emphasized. Just a night for friends to come together and have a good time, tip a couple back in Marcel's memory, and enjoy life (and music) as he did and would have liked the rest of his friends to do. (Atleast that is my understanding of it). Todd and I are very much looking forward to being a part of this special night!
  18. I'm sure Todd won't be too upset about this show not getting posted in its entirety. He wasn't too happy with himself with this one. Thanks anyways Kooky. Looking forward to seeing your band play again.
  19. Wow. Definitely a stellar line-up. Maybe Todd and I should think about a honeymoon in Chicago? Miss you TimmyB. Hope you are well.
  20. edger

    American Idol

    Lakisha would be my second choice for sure (based on pure-talent alone). Her first audition where she came out and her little daughter just held her and they cried together totally choked me up... I'm a sap.
  21. edger

    American Idol

    Doolittle by a long shot!! She is ten times better than any of the other singers. I have now publicly revealed my guilty pleasure that is American Idol.
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