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Everything posted by edger

  1. Yeah, but all of that definitely pales in comparison to the fact that he is one of those dirty, reckless, criminal pot-heads. They'll get ya, when you're least expecting it!
  2. Jeff Buckley Martin Sexton... Should be somewhere in the mix. They might not have the record sales, but they can certainly wail.
  3. edger


    In past experience, that website generally isn't too helpful (except for the last few weeks before the actual event). You will likely hear any breaking news on jambands first. I haven't heard anything yet.
  4. Hey MarcO, is this what you had in mind when we were talking about hippies aging gracefully the other night?
  5. Sounds like a whole lotta fun! NOt sure if I will be making it into k-dub this weekend though... If not, see you at your cd release party in the Hammer!
  6. Definitely some nights to look forward to in there! See you on the 22nd if not before!
  7. Thanks for the reminder Sarah. I'm one lucky lady...
  8. I'm tied up with the Environment Hamilton AGM the same night.... Maybe I'll head over after that's finished if I still have some life left in me.
  9. Ah, yes the infamous monsoon. That was one washed out weekend, and yet the party raged on... Yes, that was one of the shows I was talking about (san Clinton). What a night! I remember Jelena dancing on stage with them, only soon to be joined by many others. I also saw p-funk with George at Woodstock 99. Good times, although I do remember the crowd being a little dull. They performed on one of the quieter side stages. I think a good portion of the crowd was really there to see Korn and Limp Bizkit (sp?), and really didn't know what to make out of p-funk.
  10. My p-funk experiences have all been positive! Mind you, that's going back eight years ago or so.
  11. edger


    Safe travels to you M! And to my lovely hammertown ladies that will be hitting the road tomorrow I believe. Wish I was joining you's. I'm jealous and bored.
  12. I think that is a really overly simplistic way of looking at it. Just curious as to where you get your information from? This subject hits home hard for me.
  13. Yeah, Todd and I were thinking along similar lines at the last show. I can't see the visual effects being as powerful or comprehensive from that close up either.
  14. edger

    Work Pet Peeves

    I am truly sorry MarcO, because right now I am laughing hysterically at your expense...
  15. Integrity has got to start from somewhere
  16. Ollie, I had very similar seats at the Air Canada centre the last time this tour rolled around. Great seats indeed. THe sound just bounced off the front of me like you wouldn't believe!! My prediction is that you will be very pleased!
  17. Ouch! Hoping you have a quick recovery Deb! Be good to yourself!
  18. This claim sounds a little suspicious to me... (just a little sensationalist) but I guess anything's possible. Hard to know if you can trust those "British correspondents"
  19. Where would you be heading from misterh? By the sounds of the level of interest expressed on this thread, I think it's safe to say that there will likely be a good crew heading down. With a couple of carloads going down, I'm sure that something could be worked out.
  20. Over thirty years eh? Wow, that's a long time! I would have to concur. I think between the band, the venue, the promotion, the timing and the good people that I know will be in attendance (oh, and of course the opening band... wink, wink) that it will truly be a night to remember!
  21. Uh-oh. My apologies. Unfortunately I can't think of another sports song... now I've really gone and screwed things up. If someone can think of another to put in #1 by all means do so. If not, pick another thread theme I guess? MarcO, it's your call... In the meantime, I'll keep thinking.
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