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Everything posted by edger

  1. that is a beautiful picture of Janis kanada-kev! my vote would go to her. but palaceprincess raises a good point. you don't hear much of janis these days...
  2. THanks for the update/clarification guys (& gal). On this chilly windy morning I could certainly go for some dancing on the beach. Sink my toes into some warm sand, and giddy up!
  3. edger


    I don't know, I'd be puking or passed out long before any of that other stuff happened. Okay, so maybe the dog incident is a remote possibility... but sometimes you just have to know when to call it a night.
  4. edger


    Scratching yourself until you bleed, pissing and/or shitting yourself, being scared, a dog eating the puke off of your face... I'm all for mind expanding/altering experiences but I think I'll pass.
  5. Hamilton is also part of the internationally recognized Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve. Let me know if you're curious, I could tell you much more than you ever wanted to know...
  6. Hoping that your grandpa takes comfort through the family that surrounds him.
  7. I do the dishes that I have been putting off for much too long, crank up some Grateful Dead and dance around my kitchen. Flaky but it works. Music in general can lift my spirits, but if I really need a pick-up the Dead and Marley seem to be the right antidote. Some good old fashion lovins can certainly put me in the right spot. A good run always clears my mind, if I can motivate myself to the point of going for one. My little nephew can break me out of any dark mood, all he has to do is say my name or smile. This thread is a breath of fresh air. Thank you Ms_Zimmy.
  8. So does that mean there are no advance tickets?
  9. Sorry Willy, I don't think you can put pot and "e" in the same ballpark (but then again I am clearly biased on this one). This does not mean that I judge those who choose otherwise. But the potential negatives are vastly different. Then again, so are the receptors.
  10. Here's to a healthy year for Phil!
  11. Uh woah. Is that even in the same town?
  12. I don't know about Dundas, but I think the Pepperjacks in Hamilton has open jam nights... kc? paisley? any details for this new dundasian?
  13. I haven't been to Collingwood since the good ol' Mountainview days. What's this new bar like?
  14. Hey Rev, what time do you think your band will hit the stage? I'd like to check you guys out for the first time. Oh, and bump.
  15. Yeah, I think we're supposed to get snow on Friday? Could be wrong. But yes, this officially the start of spring fever for me... Love this time of year! Watch out for the sauce!
  16. so far i've avoided msn, and myspace and facebook. This site takes up more than enough of my time. I would never put the computer down otherwise... But Sarah, if I ever change my mind, you will be the first person that I tell.
  17. edger


    Congrats popo! You must be very excited.
  18. I know my sister plans on checking out the Hamilton show. I'd be there too if I didn't already have plans.
  19. True. But I'd rather catch that ball with a sense of satisfaction than have it hit me square in the face. The outcome must in part depend upon how I throw the ball in the first place.
  20. All I have to say is: Life for me is a riverboat fantasy Watchin' the sun go down A rock and roll band With a reefer in my hand Now look at that wheel go around Cocaine kisses and moonshine Misses That's the life for me I'm sailing away from my heartache On a riverboat fantasy
  21. I won't ask how that "accidentally" happened...
  22. Cool. Thanks Jeff. I'll keep my eyes peeled for these gusy. You're going to Austin? Safe travels!
  23. Too bad she has to leave by Saturday. Saturday night will be a good party in Hamilton for sure. The Achievers, Slowcoaster, and THe Fat Cats are all playing that night at the casbah. Should be a messy night... Twist her arm captainsunshine!
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