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Everything posted by edger

  1. Checking these guys out for my first time tonight!
  2. Hmmm... I guess I can't argue much with what either p.p or shitidiot has said. And truthfully I don't know a thing about SOCAN, but I can't imagine how boring things would get if grass-roots level bands had to pay a fee, or their pay for the night was reduced in order to cover the bar owner's fee (however nominal) every time the band played a cover. Something about that just dampers my spirit. I am all for musicians being adequately compensated for sharing their art with the rest of us. But there is certainly a big difference between some band forking up a fee to cover a song at a large venue that makes them lots of money, and some poor bar band that has to divvy up a few hundred bucks (if they're lucky) amongst 3-6+ people...
  3. Sorry, heading up to the cottage that night. Hopefully there is a good turnout! Have fun!
  4. Oh, okay. My point is now moot. I will immediately dismount my high-horse!!
  5. edger

    North Korea

    Aaahh... serenity now...
  6. For a second I thought we were going to see Donald in some short shorts.... Must...think... happy thoughts, that's right happy thoughts!
  7. Just noticed your new avatar there Greg.... classy! (I will admit that this post was in part strategic...) Happy birthday Bobby!
  8. Benefit of not smoking: Not missing Eyes of the World due to an ill-advised smoke break
  9. Oh pretty please can I just have the DVDs Greg? I will put them to good use, I promise! Otherwise.... Come on lucky number eight?
  10. I wish. I can't do three shows in a row during the week though (especially after a wild weekend). And this just happened to be the last one that I heard about. Will I be seeing you at DBT tomorrow in Hamilton? And I know you're going to Paul Simon!!
  11. I'm assuming the organ no likey being jostled around in the back of the u-haul. Maybe next time a couple of the band members can ride back there, so that the organ gets the TLC that it rightly deserves (and no doubt has come to expect)
  12. I thought during the live performance, that Todd's vocals were a little... quiet... or something was off. I'd be interested to hear the recording... Unfortunately my rural connection is too slow to really download anything. Oh well. Nice job on keeping the recordings coming there Brad. One of these days I will live somewhere where I can access high-speed, and then I'll be having a hayday with the Archive.
  13. I'll second that! Glad to have partaken in some birthday doobage with you!
  14. This is absolutely fucking ridiculous! (In my subtle opinion anyways)....
  15. Good morning folks! Well we made it home in record time yesterday (Ottawa to Hamilton in 4 1/2 hours)... we were evidently on a mission. Had a blast during our visit, however brief it was. Thanks to Booche for your hospitality before the gig. It was great meeting you. I could tell right away when we entered your apartment, that clearly this was NOT a place where "hippy types" are welcome. That was reassuring! (Phew!) Thanks for burning me that disc too! Jodi, it was great to meet you as well. It was nice finally getting to put some faces to some names of my "cyber friends". Bouche, Ms. Huxtable, Hux, BradM, SugarMegs, Meggo, Del, Voodoolady, Ollie, Velvet (and I am most likely forgetting a few on this foggy Monday morning... my apologies...). CJ and DEM, always a pleasure. Sorry that we didn't get to spend more time together, but you know trying to coordinate a plan with a bunch of hippies is always an exercise in adaptation and resiliency! But yeah, y'all have a great community of folks out there, and it was a pleasure being amongst it. Thanks for creating a receptive environment for the boys... made for a good night. Thanks again to Bouche and everyone else who contributed to hooking Josh up with the Rhodes. Very thoughtful, and greatly appreciated! Oh, and thank-you MarcO for being just the bestest travelling companion. Your cynical humour warms my heart... oh thou kindred spirit! Well before this sounds any more like an acceptance speech at the Oscars, I'll conclude with one final thanks to all for fuelling my good time. Hope to see you all again soon!
  16. Who knows what they'll dig up... Shakedown is definitely within the realm of possibilities. Heckling is always a good strategy. Leaving in about 14-15 hours. See y'all soon!
  17. Hey StoneMtn, If you are looking for suggestions for great hiking opportunities in the GTA (okay, maybe west of the GTA), let me know and I'll pass some your way. Some may not quite meet the criteria for being labelled as "pristine", but still well worth taking in. Cheers!
  18. Sorry Mark. Not going to be able to make it to this one. However, I will be sure to "celebrate" in spirit!
  19. Snow in Waterloo today as well. Although I had heard that "they" are forecasting a relatively mild winter... we'll see I guess
  20. See other thread... it's much more interesting
  21. Jerry Douglas as opener!!! Oh please let it be true!!
  22. I'm all about the feel baby... I don't know if there's actually a formula for that...
  23. Good luck!! Are you going to introduce yourself as livingstoned or carrie? I guess that depends on who you're trying to impress eh? Be calm and confident!
  24. I'm with you Birdy. This will be my first time seeing him as well. It's great that the show is in a relatively small venue. Should make for a nice intimate evening. Some of my best fireside memories involve strumming and singing along to good ol' Paul. Sweet, sweet harmonies...
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