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Everything posted by edger

  1. Congrats Hart! Encouraging news. I don't know you, but the little pieces you disclose on here sure shows you have a well-rounded vibrant life. Soak it up!
  2. When they're still advertising the sale of the product at a higher price?
  3. Ha, yes, and in that spirit I hear the boys have been working on their burlesque routines
  4. I don't think they can cancel once an order has been placed, if it was a pricing error on their part. I think they would just take the hit no?
  5. And I believe he is the one that reportedly had no interest in this project. I don't think that's a coincidence.
  6. Well I almost didn't make it. Even had the pjs on, and then rallied to give myself a swift kick in the butt as I have missed these guys too many times. What beautiful music. Really great. I can't wait to give their newest album another listen. The bass players harmonies were simply angelic.
  7. I just figure given their lineage if they were worth listening to we all would be by now. Somehow it seems a little pathetic. If they were all smokin' musicians with their own chops and experience and thought they'd do this as a one off for fun, and as a tribute that's one thing. But without knowing much about any of them its not the vibe I sense offhand.
  8. I thought there was something eery about it too. I actually thought it was photoshopped when I first opened the link. I'm not entirely convinced about your last statement though... Not exactly sure why it doesn't sit right. But on the other hand, why the hell not?
  9. It must have been the Point Break that set the right mood
  10. Glue a deck of cards spread out face down on a piece of bristol board. People pay two bucks to sign their name to the back of a card. Whoever lands on the joker wins $50. If you're lucky they'll donate that back too
  11. Fat Cats connection! Nice work Joel.
  12. Ha. I think you two stallions will be very happy together
  13. Happy belated Brad. All the best to you.
  14. May the force be with you phorbesie !! Perhaps we'd finally meet!
  15. Ha. I probably shouldn't be the one to chime in here... But I'll give my two cents nonetheless. That particular single has never been one of my favourites out of their extensive catalogue. Just a preference thing. Not a bad song, but by no means a favourite. My favourite part of that song is probably the lyrics. Their latest disc is great. And unfortunately (for some reason or other) while it is not the version of the track posted on reverb nation, the version of Child on the Water on the new album is so damn good. Between the overlaid acoustic guitar, and the eerie keys, the vocals. That was never one of my favourite songs by them until that album was released and I saw the song in a whole new light. Song for St. Jude is actually a song from the old school days that kind of snuck back into circulation during their live shows in more recent years and made it onto the album. Has always been one of my favourites. Mayor McCheese (which I believe is up on reverb) is a goody as well. And some staple favourites. They just need to get these tracks up on the web (in addition to the disc itself). I don't know the status on that. I tend to try and keep my Yoko tendencies to a dull roar and not pester. But yup. When they're in the pocket and I'd say by and large they have been lately, they are seriously one of my favourite live bands ever. I love being reminded of that (all biases put aside). Todd has continued to write some really great songs in recent months and I very much look forward to the rest of the band getting a hold of them and taking them where they do. Anyways, fwiw.
  16. Line up now posted. Not bad at all. Will be lots of fun for sure. But given my commitment to All Good couple weeks prior, highly doubtful to be in the cards for me.
  17. Holy batman, I can't afford not to jump on this deal
  18. Well the devil worked its magic!! Was very happy to see them confirmed! Dark Star Orchestra as well. Along with Larry Keel and Natural Bridge and a slew of others I know nothing about.
  19. Wow. I didn't realize he was "quite" that old. That's a good haul. The only time I've ever seen him was six years ago, and he blew my socks off. Tip of the hat...
  20. edger


    This looks great.
  21. Indeed it does not. Thanks!
  22. Don't think this was posted. Will be great times as always. Also celebrate ms. livingstoned (I believe she still lurks around these parts now and then) Fat Cats On Hazelglen 101 Hazelglen Dr, Kitchener And Fat Cats is a bar, not the band.
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