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Everything posted by edger

  1. I REALLY wish I could have been there!!
  2. Its become a staple in the live music scene, particularly for "jambanders" (loosely defined) since the closing of the beloved Pepperjacks. Its got a bit of a seedy vibe to it that I find quite comforting, in the sense that its a bit gungy. I've always been treated well there. Gets a little congested in there for busy shows, which can amount to some heat and air circulation issues, but I haven't seen anyone collapse mid-boogie yet. I give it a thumbs up for sure. Great staff in my experience.
  3. I appreciate all that and they definitely play a role, but there's a whole lot of environmental factors, consumer products, contaminants everywhere impacting us inter-generationally that are a part of a system that runs far deeper than individual lifestyle choices. Many, MANY "healthy" people still get cancer, and all kinds of other nasty neurological, cardiovascular, reproductive and behavioural diseases and illnesses.
  4. I wish he was in Hamilton tonight! Then I could actually make it. Sounds wicked.
  5. Haha! Nice thinking Mark. At this rate I should just inform the powers that be that I'll be checked out for most of July.
  6. That's a sweet double bill. The Sunday of all good though so no dice for me
  7. The "unnamed" wasn't a "real" blues festival anyways
  8. Admittedly I'm not so sure I'm a huge fan of that track upon first listen...maybe it will grow on me.
  9. At a first quick glance Blitzen Trapper, Deep Dark Woods and Norah Jones stood out to me. I've still never made it to Blues Fest and the past two years' lineups made it hurt to miss. This year doesn't hurt at all. But enjoy folks!
  10. This is where I get old and cranky and shake my fist, while trying to keep an open mind.
  11. I'm still trying to figure out what pron is
  12. These guys were great the last time I saw them.
  13. That's what I like to hear. I am SOOO stoked to see these guys again. Soon...
  14. Well...damn. It is somewhat comforting to know that the final stages of his struggle were seemingly short and hopefully as comfortable and comforting as possible. A major loss. And an incredible imprint. We're all in the same boat ready to float off the edge of the world.... Life is a carnival folks...take another look.
  15. Ha. Now that's the kind of rigorous routine I can get into.
  16. edger


    Sweet!!! Jealous!! Have an amazing time
  17. Maybe he or they wanted him to see some of that reaction. He seemed to be fairly engaged on the net for an old boy. He's shared so much of himself, and has been actively playing right up til now. I suppose it may also have been odd not to share such big news... But yes, it reminds me of that uncomfortable stage of limbo of struggling with whether or how to mourn the loss of someone while they are still here, yet nevertheless slipping away. I obviously don't have a direct connection in this case. But I always found the limbo stage particularly challenging. Much love to him and all around him as they go through this part of the journey. Its so bittersweet to get the chance to say goodbye.
  18. Ha! That's great. Best of luck to you both. Even when I was in the best shape of my life I always found stair-climbing particularly challenging. Thems a lot of stairs!
  19. Oh wow. That hit me hard. Not a surprise I guess. But what a life force
  20. Man. But those are some serious abs...
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