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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Something to consider about thread view counts, this forum is viewable by anyone not just registered members, and not just by folks interested in music. So a person searching out articles, blogs or forum discussions on topics about Haiti and/or Leno vs Conan could easily stumble across those specific threads here at this site, add to that indexing bots that search out key "hot topic" words could also add to the higher number of view counts. For example, there isn't many days I actually check the "online" viewers, but whenever I have, I pretty much always see at least one (at times, 20+) anonymous viewer/bot reading the "Niagara Falls Frozen Over - 1911" thread here, and it was created back in 2006. 200 views which your thread has had at the time I wrote this, seems to be around (even a bit above) average for most topics posted here around the same time. Maybe the name should be: isntthisatinybubble.com
  2. I read something similar to this not long ago. It's true if you type "Islam is" nothing comes up as a suggestion, but if you add "in", "or" instead of "is" you'll get results. Same goes if you just type Islam. I would think if google was actually censoring Islam then you wouldn't get results for any. I obviously can't say for sure, but it sort of has the whole "google is evil" vibe that was all the craze when things like gmail started up and next thing you knew folks were claiming google abuses internet privacy so stick to yahoo, hotmail or any numerous other alternatives to google.
  3. I'm no proctologist, but Jay Leno is a complete asshole.
  4. No reason to apologize. I know exactly what your talking about there. I've worked in (not for) a couple car plants over the years (Ford - Toronto, Honda - Alliston) and seen that shit first hand, as well know folks who work at them and have told me the same stories. I can understand peoples frustration, especially with so many plants are laying off, producing out of country or outright shutting down. Sorry for the hijack DEM.
  5. http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi14943257/
  6. Shitty. Jay core audience, I assume anyway, is older then Conan's and I wonder how that's going to effect the show at a later time slot. Not including the folks who won't watch simply because of this bullshit. I know I won't be watching.
  7. I hear what your saying Birdy, and of course there are many differences in the types of unions out there. For example, a North American trade union vs an industry union (like Stelco was). In my trade I've never heard of bullying for votes, even from my father who was a union man for 35 years, so I grew up with the strikes & politics (of mine anyway), but I've heard of it happening in places like Steel mills. As mentioned above, my union voted to have a permanent arbitrator back in the 1991, and have done so every year since. It just came down to the fact guys would rather be working then striking, but at the same time wanted fair benefits, pay/hours for the work, risk/stress & cost of living at the current time. I think a lot of distaste for unions comes from their history when they were quite different then they are now (for the most part), and with that all of them get painted the same. I wouldn't say they are all good and play fair, but at the same time I don't always understand the resentment from people who have never worked in one but yet say, in so many words, they don't have the luxury of striking, demanding more money or a safer work environment from their employers, but would if they could.
  8. Teatro is such a great album. Currently listening to...
  9. I have many friends who say the exact same thing Birdy, but what gets me is they will (sometimes within the same breath) slam and put down unions, saying they would never allow themselves to be part of one citing many reason why they are bad. No offense meant, I know that wasn't what you were doing, just your comment reminded me of all that and it's something I've never understood. I guess it's kinda off-topic though.
  10. You know, I've always wondered why they don't have a labour arbitrator. My union (IBEW L.U 105) has one (since 1991 anyway) and while my workers bitch and moan about contracts and what not, it's obvious we would rather have the work, especially in these times. Every couple years we [union] have a vote to keep or do away with the arbitrator. So far, our last strike was 1990, before then we pretty much striked every contract. Anyway, as a union member, I support them.
  11. I got the email from Scene a couple days ago saying I won tix for GnR in Hamilton. A buddy and myself are using them though, if I hear of anyone else not using them I'll diret em your way.
  12. Watched some Conan last night, first time in quite a long time actually. Not always my favourite host, but he is pretty funny at times though. It's a shame all this shit is happening and I give credit to Conan for standing his ground. I hope he gets what he wants. What made me stop to watch was seeing Tom Brokaw was on. I must say that guy is probably one of my favourite late night guests. Just an all around interesting guy.
  13. I had the same experience after watching Taxi Driver.
  14. I can send you an invite so you can try again, if you want. I know when people pass the invites along via PM on this board that the code sometimes gets a gap in it for some reason and if you cut and paste the code it won't work. One thing I've been wondering about since demonoid came back is, why I don't have to log in to the site to be able to see and download the torrents. My cache has definatley been cleared since I have clean installed win 7 twice now on my system, so I know thats not why I can access the site without logging in...anyone else experiencing this? May want to see if you can hit it up BR.
  15. Happy birthday Dave. Hope you have a great one. Nostrovia!
  16. Its a compressed HD file. If you burn to DVD it'll degrade even more once it gets converted to a format playable on CD/DVD. But, if your patient the folks at Teamhood are going be releasing the DVDs, that's where this ("leaked" rough edit) video came from.
  17. As cool as this sounds, I don't watch enough television to justify spending money on stuff like that. I'm quite happy with my 21" SDTV. As for piracy, I agree with boiler rat I doubt file size will make much difference, especially when you consider that folks are downloading HDtv shows exceeding 16GB. Hell, in one of the torrent groups I belong to someone passed along a video torrent file to a 2008 NIN show in Portland recorded in HDV2 (I believe it's called) that totals over 167GB. If folks are willing to download files like that I don't imagine it'll stop anyone downloading the 3D-HDTV shows, if they can.
  18. I don't have any pics to post, but my little brother lives in the northern most part of Scotland and was saying it's the most snow he's seen there in about a decade.
  19. Cheers Baj, when you get a chance pick me up a bottle or two of rockin rye.
  20. The 1930 Lew Ayers version or the 1979 TV adaptation starring Richard "John Boy" Thomas? Actually' date=' the TV version is pretty good, but the original is fucking incredible. [/quote'] I never knew there was a TV version.
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