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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. I have friends that noodle - they're from Arkansas. While on youtube checking out noodling, also check out "jugging".
  2. Esau.

    Windows 7

    "MS party line" Did you mean the one comment about not having errors? A lot of reports out there from people having the same issues Ollie. Especially random reboots, lock-ups and loads of critical errors in event log regarding "sidebyside" errors, kernel level errors and DNS errors I believe. It's M$ I expect no less. All I've experienced has been two complete lock ups - but remedied that easily enough with removing the incompatible programs and updating my drivers. Disabling all IPv6 stuff also seemed to help as it isn't really mainstream here yet from my understanding. But really though, windows 7 is exactly the same as vista but with a few tweaks, trims and new options. Vista was such a mess for the first year or so that M$ offered (for free) people the option of downgrading back to XP.
  3. Esau.

    dog farts

    Thanks ReDD & Bouche, I've done both those as well already. The vet recommended not putting anything in his bowl though and suggested getting a kidney shaped type bowl. His bowls have been off the floor since he became part of the family, he's got one of those two bowl adjustable stands for his food & water. I personally think one of the main causes of the gas is him taking in a lot of air - what I mean is, Silas does not go anywhere without something in his mouth, ever. Either his kong, basketball (yep, that's his ball) or 3ft pull rope, it doesn't matter he'll search the house for one of those before even greeting me or anyone who walks through the door. Even just wandering around he'll grab one of those. ps. ReDD - I swear Silas does the same thing, right in my face. I can't laugh though as I'm usually gagging..lol
  4. Esau.

    dog farts

    Thankfully my 23 month old black lab doesn't fart much. He does however burp, (loudly at times) and it can make you move in a second. I've been successful in reducing the frequency of the burps by changing foods, altering his eating times & amounts. He eats and drinks just way too fast according to the vet, most likely due to being part of an 18 pup litter. Well, it was actually two nine pup litters (same father) born within a half hour of each other and the mothers just shared duties.
  5. Esau.


    Young's double chocolate stout is one I've been enjoying over then last few months. Although, I couldn't drink more then three at any given time. I love it as my starter beer on poker night. Definitely a good one. Anyone else into this brew?
  6. Esau.

    Windows 7

    I've been using win 7 ultimate for the last few months now, I finally made the switch (sorta) from xp. It runs quick and smoothly that's for sure. I like it enough that I may even go buy a legit copy. I like chrome, but still find it rather clunky when it comes to organization. I tend to use it mostly when using google wave. I am however looking forward to trying out the OS google is developing, looks pretty interesting.
  7. Oh man. Your brother was a great guy Eric, I'm really sorry to hear this. Much love and thoughts to you & your family.
  8. Frank Fairfield, without a doubt my favourite. I'm absolutely floored by this guys music, I love it. He also has a radio show dedicated to old-time music, and spins pretty much only 78s. http://www.myspace.com/frankfairfield OIKofblJMqE dWnAW_rwwtw
  9. Yep, saw it in the theaters when it came out. I re-watched it a few months ago following Kubrick's 2001. Watching it now-a-days, I'm not sure how this film was as big as it was back then. It's a lot easier on the brain then 2001 that's for sure, although I really don't understand why hollywood felt there needed to be answers to Kubrick's film. Part of the magic and allure (for me anyway) of 2001 was the "what the fuck feeling" you are left with after watching it.
  10. I've spoke with my attorney, and the matter will be considered more carefully.
  11. Congrats Margret, west ave north (north of cannon) is where I am every friday, playing poker, drinking and generally causing some trouble - in fact I just got back from drinking there and watching the Canada junior game earlier tonight. Perhaps we'll cross paths.
  12. Cheers & Happy Birthday Velvet, hope you have a great one.
  13. Why would you archive them? I used to burn them to CDs and I could still play them in FLAC with my home stereo (PC > stereo), but once they started making 300GB+ HDDs more affordable I went with a couple of those since for me, buying the blanks was the pain, not storing CDs - I had a cabinet-maker buddy make me an awesome CD self. I haven't FLAC'd my CD collection, only my live music collection which pretty much comes in FLAC already. I still trade music quite a bit via snail mail or by private trackerless torrents so making them mp3 wouldn't do me much good. Not too mention I don't own an ipod. Not on topic anyway, sorry to derail your thread skelter.
  14. I don't know much about ipods as I've never owned one, but I have all of my shows in FLAC and I can't say I have ever seen one show exceed 2gb let alone 160gb. Looking at my Dylan HDD it seems the average 2 disc shows takes up anywhere from 500-700mb in FLAC.
  15. A friend of mine uses Rockbox for playing FLAC on his ipod. He does have an older model so make sure about compatibility. http://www.rockbox.org/
  17. I'm letting the liquor do the thinking.
  18. Tell you guys what, I'll continue drinking...
  19. All good man, just a little jab after reading the hippie jail thread thing.
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