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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002LMOCCC?ie=UTF8&tag=eaglrockent05-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B002LMOCCC%22%3ESkin Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] I forgot this was out already. Same recording as the 'Rockpalast Live' DVD that was released in 2000, but this has the 30 extra minute soundcheck and audio upgrade instead of the 'Cold, Cold, Cold' bonus track from Pink Pop fest 76, plus it's a Feat release. Also, recorded only a week previous to the seven nights used to make 'Waiting For Columbus', so you know the band was tight and rockin. Thanks for the reminder NW.
  2. Esau.

    yayyyyyy God

  3. Mountain - Theme For An Imaginary Western - Woodstock 1969.
  4. Just keeping with the theme of the topic. I had Massive Attack as well. But when I thought about it, I only play two tracks by them from a mix I have of their music (Nature of Threat & Angel) so I left them off the list.
  5. That was a great show, I had floors/gen admin tickets for that one. Looking at the ticket now - $38 for that show.(tried to take a pic but my camera sucks and its blurry) Those were the days..lol
  6. Man, great job guys. I'm loving the energy on this album. Going try to make the Mohawk show since it's just down the street from me. Any idea what time that one gets rolling? I have a family christmas deal in St. Catherines that day.
  7. I'm a free user. Not much help I know. I tend to hit a lot of blogs for my pre-war and out of print/not on CD recordings that use rapidshare and have been considering spending the money for a year subscription.
  8. Its easier to keep track of who gets the invites when a PM is sent, that way there isn't two different people sending invites to the same person. Also, your invites don't come right away, mine took a good four hours (maybe longer) to arrive, some can take a day I've read. This is the message I have with my invites:
  9. Esau.

    RIP Mininova

    No big loss to me, between the adware/spyware & miscellaneous viruses that sometimes pop up at that site, or the mislabeled torrents (eg: not english, not the whole show, not the show at all etc.) I stayed clear of it for the last few years. I'll watch shows hosted online, through websites like tvshack or I'll download torrents from places like EZTV.
  10. I listen to whatever music strikes me while I am enjoying my non-alcohol vices, now-a-days that pretty much consists of only herbals or derivatives of.. Here's a few I've been known to enjoy, although not all instrumental: Drums & Tuba Ali Farka Toure Tabla Beat Science Portishead Single Cell Orchestra Nihilist Spasm Band
  11. I haven't sent any out yet, let me know when your out bouche. Since invites take a bit to get to people I didn't want to double up and send to someone who already had one coming. Who has invites on the way?
  12. http://wave.google.com/help/wave/about.html I've got 8 invites as well.
  13. I could use a place for my annual '31 days of drunkenness'. Let me know so I can cancel my standing reservation at the City Motor Inn before the keep my deposit. [edit to add] Also, I don't suck, but I can shoulder punch pretty hard.
  14. Not sure if this is what your looking for, but it's on the light side I suppose. Bill Evans - Alone (1968) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E45Y1V88
  15. It wasn't an attempt to convince you of anything actually. But, it could easily be said that it's more profitable for Horowitz and the like to say otherwise as well. As far as I am concerned, saying doctors and the medical community purposely keep people sick to make more money is like saying undertakers cause a certain percentage of all deaths so they stay in business. Short of living in a glove and mask, sterile, hepa-filtered, germ free bio-dome people are always going to get sick and need medical attention. I'll admit I don't know enough to give any educated statements about the vaccine, its effects, pros or cons, even after reading so much about it. Since I have no schooling in any medical field I can only hope the sources and reference material I read are being presented legitimately and fairly from either side. Honestly though, after looking at the fluscam website, all I see is fear mongering much like the way the media/gov't has portrayed H1N1, but just from the opposite angle. Personally, when I need medical information I'll look to an MD, not a dentist with a degree in health studies who thinks aids and ebola are gov't made bio-weapons.
  16. I don't believe that, but the same could easily be said about the natural health product market. No offense, but what gave you the impression I haven't read what you have already posted? This sorta backs up my earlier point about the average listening ability to be honest.
  17. I got you covered. Great song. It's mp3. http://www.sendspace.com/file/y75vwh
  18. Very cool. I was curious about what things he used as well, but couldn't find any specifics. From looking at his website, he's a producer, editor, motion graphics artist and photographer who owns a production company called The Loft Productions (http://www.theloftproductions.com/) and is working as an editor for marketing agency called Ignited USA (http://www.ignitedusa.com). So I imagine he's got access to some really high end gear.
  19. I haven't had a flu shot in over ten years, to me it's a personal choice. I don't feel that our gov't is trying to kill us, but I don't feel I need it. Yet last night I had two people go on and on about how I shouldn't get get it. This is the gist of one the conversations: [color:red]Me: So, did you get the flu shot? Friend: No, and I hope you haven't decided to infect yourself with it. [color:red]Me: nah, I haven't a flu shot in years Friend: Well, let me tell you why you shouldn't get it [color:red]Me: That's ok, I've done a bunch of reading, and it doesn't matter I haven't and won't get it. Friend: No seriously, listen to this <5 or so minutes of telling me things I've already read> [color:red]Me: Like I said, I won't be getting it Friend: But, really man, if you educate yourself you'll understand why its not a good idea to get it [color:red]Me: I understand, it's bad, got it Friend: Its your choice man, if you want to kill yourself <more about why it will hurt me> This seems to be the average listening ability of many people when it comes to this stuff. I think the thing I'm sick of the most about this whole H1N1 deal is the people who have this uncontrollable need to be the experts or convince others of their opinions. I mean, ok, thanks for the links, the email or reading material but honestly both sides can provide equal amounts of so called "proof" why we should or shouldn't get the shot. A lot seems to have some merit (conspiracy b.s excluded), like the girl who got the shot and is now messed up or the boy who died from H1N1, both cases are sad and scary but at the same time they are not the majority. The best advice I got before starting my cancer ordeal years ago was, educate yourself, know and understand your current state of health, your and your family health history, talk to your doctor, know the risks (both sides), get a second opinion if you need/want and make your decision. I feel this applies to everything when in comes to our health.
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